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Liverpool Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... ,n I-i-AUkBY UIVE No 11CE, tbat the STEAM to IL ELiGINI4 Ifoilersi. Punipa. Ptip~e, rievies aind oilher ,d Wheel-s, r'baiting Pullikrs. ?slti-livarivig. Pirdesals I Ptixige,,atud ve ~hcr Fitr*,u Moobinery attached 'tlnto and-coenne-oted jilereit f.r te Driving eind Wiorksing of Cotton, ;and other Machffe, Aparausand linpleientat to rand conatoted wltb Ck ibe Mlill in Albimnstreet,. GayibOCIL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WrAEST LANCASHIRE RAILWAY. L X xII s UBREBY GIVEN. That application is in- Ci % tdi,be made to Parliamnent ino the ensuing Session, for leave, to bring in a Bill or Bills for making and maintaining u a R1AILWAY'. to commence either at or near the Exchange, P in the borough of Liverpool, to the parish of Liverpo, . Lor a by a juntijon or Junctions with the, Liverpool and Bury Buil- ' vay in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RIWAY INTELLIGENCE. ohii 58 ADVR VZ.5MIRUNT.] POO ss aiCNRAL SARDiNIAN RAILWAir COMPANY. hat st 0 issWiie-~'~,London-Iridge, July 80, 1845, ped ir h ?? ante di Moritefellto, President. -The the ?? ?? Montefeltro having summoned afo 50 ?? morning, stated, that in consequence mie en fa fiiliterview he had yesterday with the Count tIIC to de Revel, (who, in the absence from London of his Ex- ear ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANIETR AND LEED RILAY MORTGAGE LOANS, pi M ar preredto RECEIVE TENDERS, for, aS The D,~Ol00 L Mor age, in lieu of secrid e f i I limte i~sus o at less than H140tI0each, and fo Ueridof yrs JOHN 3ELM~IORSE. goeoretary. re ,rdf 8Mac, 1845. I MANCHESTER AND LEEDS RAILWAY. To BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. The Directors Of the Manchester and Leeds Rainwy Company ?? wil be tte Ofitoes, alatine-buildicge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -mte steamer BRTNR Xble EMBE B[PAlSSfAGaE .MOrNE~r need OnIT GiNeef ona ththJu, ilb ilT 6ffA £lfeward's Fe BRITISH ND NORTrH_ AM~ERICAN OA MAIL STEAM SHIPS. For Of 1500 tons, and 440-horee' power each. Wa Applinted by the AdinalatYtosai between ster LIVERPOOL and BOSTON, - C,11isot at HALIFAX to land and receive - passengers andher Majesty's Mails. 0 C L PON ?? Captain EDWARD G. LOTT-. - ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Toeskrgiiwstea Nronnnsna-Z'-tns lts'AD n la ps 'ea ?? * srti-. as M B the letters a' OS tte Boded . but no Bad- ?? Anpts fttlratielc cterk rmid Cslterplt 'orgQf f1h Grea Mr. Jacet si A Vvlte, for. J arolm anS A V uri andbur gad Lowtr ?? cii CEatee*portei1Tiiet51 laid in In Wii tO s poa. Jnoe A. C.-..AtO w le Birt qolitinfl. If tbe patia officers do not Inttitere, thee0 as :ocOaluO D e stir; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No EN04.GED Ft7tRIUT PRR TilW BdE TAKEN AlTER THIS DAY, ('ii5, h 01 ¢ The CABIN PASS9GR NlONE'Y Tr Steaer 3)ONIA. on tor 4ft Arstim, will be TITlY GIYOREA, 000eGuincaStew;ad'sFiit l. (LAIIl; BRITISHt AND. NO Th AERICAN 'ROYAL PATR MAiL STEVAMSHIPS,~ch -;z or Wilt tons, suit 441:r-be rGOVE 7-t trisall betwee Appainted ho thc Ain tItIA' HAIIRISON. - 1. IIALII'A I eIoSTON, I4AI Cal~if3.z at ifI ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF the 21 THE i hiLiA SteveIN TH PACKFTS. TStitewon 8fi Oiti7g on the 8th o'f cvry nonti, Uis. BRIT AA'tUR50w9 tors. 8thJue MONONGA:l:.wu'Stons8t July ESUSQUEUIA~0j ~ 8(ectE KitoutI. 8th ug HOMAS P. , ?? tone, 8thSept. New Ship SAnAA n t to dsehes of shipper, the Proprietors of thd Inodrto dmeeth,,'lphine IAoOf Packet hv CeAmie Liverpool andj ofhiae p.139peto upon 5oreductian o ieS l g e ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W~AHEREAS a Petition of JAMES O'SULLI- - Limric, . formerly of No. 10, Clare-ht~reet, in the city of Lmrcthen of Fitzwilliamn-91stuabo in the city of Dublin, to IrelSaid. afterwards inlodginglin] orfolk-street,thealnfilodglngs IS at15. Howardstre. .then atthe Eungerford Hotel, Hunger!ord Bs Market, all in the Strand, Lin the county of Middlesex, then in a- lodgings at Douglae. isle of Man, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =0 aIba? top fl . RETSOUTHERN AND WESTERN 0( GRE T RAILWAY (IBELANID.) EXTENSIONS TO LIMERICK AND CORK. Tw, FIRST1 CALL-£& FEB SHARE. conne GIVNtha i preulae f ?? NOTIE ISJ~lIEBYWe,t areaulsriot t rcevesae 0 reenatonof the Ltier of alsoI Acco~rding to the provisions5 of the Act of Inoorporation, interest Sbih. at the rate of '.per cant. per annum, payable haif-yearly, will the 0 be allowed on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOOLLEN CLOTHS. LINEN DRAPERY, &o. BY MR. T. BRANCH, On Tuesday next, the 22nd instantt at Eleven o'clock, at the Hanover Roome, . A OUT 40 Ends and Half-Ends of BROAD and PLAIN CLOTHS, of fashionable colours, FANCY TROU. SElISNGS of various kinds, and a quantity of LINEN DRA- PERY. CLOA1S, MANTLES, dm. The DrnperY ltriD~lP~llY onusists of Sundries left uncleared at formaer Saea, and will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ultiflba''p g p t IR K E N H E A D, MANCHESTER, AND CHEStHIRE JUNCTION RAILWAY. The PROVISIONAL COM1MITTBS regret to have to inform the Sbareholders that, owing to the unexpected decision of the Select Committee on the Standing Orders of the House of Corn. mona. they are unable to proceed this session with the measure brought before Parliament. As the line of Railway they Prorosed has received ...