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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED CARPEN- TERS' SOCIETIES OF LONDON. This grand annual banquet came off on Monday, I May 12, at the Ilighbury Barn Tavern, Islington. About 400 persons, amidst whom was a good sprink- I ling of the fair sex, sat down to a sumptuous repast, com prising most of the delicacies of the season. Mr. Jonas Wartnaby, a member of the King's I Arms Society, Marylebone-street, was ...

Foreign Movements

... 4frorti2 0obemento. ,,And I will war, at least in vords, ,Afd-should noy chance so happen-deeds), wital all who war with Thought ! r I think I hear a little bird, who sings The people by and by will be the stronger.-BrinoN YOOUNG AMERICA! MOOVt5~ENTS OF THE AMSRICAN ARTISANJS.-PROORESS s' rtIE NATIONAL REFOaM5Els.-ANTI-RENT WAR. 'C thlis weekpresent our readers with the latest counts which ...

Chartist Intelligence

... - obartiot *itielhleare. LONDON. CITY CHAraSr HIIALL-Mr. Cooper's concluding lecture of his first series, last Sunday evening, was, as usual, well attended, though a considerable num- ber of his customary hearers left the hall, a few minutes before eight, to listen to the eloquent Mr. Fox, who was lecturing in the National Hall Rol- born on The Purgatory of Suicides. Mr. auffhy as esirman, ...

Foreign Movements

... ,fjoreif obtmnnng. AAndI will war, at le-stind ,rda, (And-should my chtance so happendeeds,) With all who war with Thought I if I thinlt I hear a little bird, who silngs it T he people by and by will be the Btronger.-BfiaONt i - ?? ITALY, AUSTRIA, AND THE POPE. tt Since ,we last addressed -ur readers on the af sirs of Italy, another ?? has been ado to obtain some amelioration of existing ...

Foreign Movements

... . ip fflobtineto. 11 war, at least in words, ?? my chance so happen-deeds,) WKith 05n wise wa ?? I think I bear a littlo bird, who sings The teeple by and by will be the stronger.-BYaorO ITALY, AUSTRIA, AND THlE POPE. it e last addressed our readers on the affairs Since unfortunate effort has been made Of Italy anme tr lioration of existing evils, but to obtain 8 leavittv failed, will for the ...

Foreign Movements

... yaordeo oobtrnMet¢ And I 'will scar, at least in words, (And-should my chance so isappen-desdas), With all who war wvith Thought i ,I think I heat, a little bird, who singe The people by acid by will be the stronger.~-Braoesi. ITALY, AUSTRIA, AND THlE POPE. INO. In. Press of matter last w-eek prevented us continuing 'Ar. MsIAZmNI'S revelations of the state of Italy : we now return to thle ...


... -OPENING.- op TIM E C LJAND CONFERENCE. ,ARPENTERS HALL, MANCHESTER, MONDAY, D190. 8, 18M. ting of delegates held in the above Hall, at r the Sth of December 1845, it was moved en d )JBSY and scended by'iUr. Dixon, that Mr, V tan b appointed the chairman of the' con. ?? Mr HHbsonftmoved as an amendment, that ?? appointed chairman. This proposi. (rJ As objeted to on the ground that Mr. M'Grath, ...

Cit Bits

... Oft 3itt , CAasRD.-''he Jhighest Roman Catholic dicnity next to the Pope. T'ie sord is derived front cato'o, a hinge, because the Cardinals will turn either way, and open thie door for anything. When the Pope makes a Cardinal, lie gives bin, a red hat; and it is supposed that CardilnDal Wolsey patronised the Old ?? Red Cap, at Camden Town, when lie and Hlenry the Eighth went out on some of ...

Foreign Intelligence

... ,fl)ref-qll KiltrIligrarr. ?? ?? I FRANCE. . MENCEMILNT OF TIlE WAR iN ALeEItrA.-TIhc *oof Tuesdaty annnce that the Minister ar r eceived twro dspatches from Marshal *caud, doted the 9th and 10th inst. In the first, l01t , hd aunoulcs his arrival in the Ouarensenis, lasrepxratev mooveients. In the second, he - l account of' two affirays on the 13th, between ?? guard of a colvoy and about 500 ...

Agriculture and Horticulture

... ogrfrilturt atb IorttidltUrt+ FIELD-GARDEN OPERATIONiS. For the lieik eommesoaing IModay, July 8th, 1844. ?? from a Duatvr of Actual Operations on five small farms on the estate6 of Mrs. Davies Gilbert, near Eastbourne, in Sussex; and on several model farns on the estates of the Earl of Dartmouth Rt Slaithwaito, in yorkishire, published by Mr. Nowell, of Farnley 'fyas, near Hidelerslidel, in ...

Science and Art

... sicitrle anti art. NIANUF.kCTURE OF IRISII PEAT INTo FurL.-The only point, says the London Atla.i, on which all d opinions on Ireland are heartily agreed is, that its d first and grcatest want, the sine qua non, the thing h needful for the employment of its population-the I improvement of its resources, and the increase of its g wealth and its happiness, in capital-the introduction . 6 or the ...


... LABOUR PLEADING ITS OWN CAUSE. THE EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYED. A FRMILXW rnALOGUE.-PABIT V. Old Robin sad Richard Jakeosn visit Shoddy Hall by imdal invitation, and are received by fr. Smith is his seedy. a Smith.-WeDll, Robin, I am glad to see you at Shody Hll.Sit down, you seem tired. ee lwould Shoddyl Hhall. SitthwjggOryOumLo oyou do, willingly have sent the gig for you. How do!o d Jackson ? Sit ...