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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

To Readers & Correspondents

... Io 3eaberg & Correrpotibuitots IMPORTANT NOTICE. Henceforth all commanications for the Ni~Orhers Star must be addressed-simply thus:- To the Editor, Northernt Star Offlee, 16, Great Windmill.street, London. I request particular attention to the above notice. F]aaoOs O'Co0rton. Oan AoGENS will please observe, that it is only com. munications for the paper that are to be addressed to the Editor. ...


... WINDSOR ELECtION- ; , : , ~ won MILITARY RIOT-INPA3MOUS 0U-t~AA0 faih And The eleetion for the return of a member for Wm wr borough, took place on Saturday. *16etto the cor. ther ruption ansd inthitiidationi exetcisede th6 Part of the and miskisterial candidate, Mr. Walter liad retired, hui Mr. on Saturday morning, anl address a ~rdfo 'awa; R.. Kettle, Barrister, announcing hwaetrin so to take ...


... GREAT CHARTIST MEETING AT MANCLIESTER. It being announced that Mr. O'Connor would ad- dres3 the people at the Carpenteis' Hiall on Sunday last, at ?? o'elock in the evening, long before that Ihour the spai'ous building was crammed in every ~. par.. Mr. Sutton was called to the chair; and, after briefly referring to the object of the meetinc, introduced Mr. Doyle, who sooke at considerable ...


... UltRRAH! FOR THE CHARTER! s0nvward we conquer-backward, and we fall. TO THE IMPERIAL CHARTISTS. | i BELOVED FRIENDS,-This is, btnoholiday for me. However, the work that I love to perform is of so cheering a nature, that I consider it is a valuable Christmas-box-more valu- able than anything you could have conferred upon We. It isthe work of praising you to yourselves. In the ...

Cit Bits

... git dZto. Tin OLD DucE.-The national admiration for the a- old duke has led the public to have almost as many Ye nortraits of hitn as of Field-Marshal Prince Albert. When a people adores a man, a set of astute pub- lishers maturally go to work to re-produce the beloved i image, and all Mr. Moon's shop would not contain the Wellington picture gallery. We have had him e in all ?? Duke before ...


... TO TIlE WORKING MEN. . 11 r MY DEAR FIErNDs,-I presume reports will be sent of the splendid meetings we have had at Manchester, Stocipout, Ashton, and Oldham, on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, andl ?? such as I never saw surpassed for number and enthusiaism, not even in 1839 or 1842. When I tell you that the immense Carpenters' flall was crammed on a Sundcy in June, as early as five O'clock, to hear ...

Foreign Movements

... f?.- 'fortign ?Robcmfllts;. And I will war, at least in words, (Anld-.should my chance so lhappen-desds), With anl who war with Thought ! ,,I think I hear a little bird, who siugs lI, people by and by will be the stronger.-BfltoNz. MONTE VIDEO AND BUENOS AYRES. n Plr. Goat OUSELEV appears to be very tard v in his %i 1ements; at tile laitest accounts from Biazil he jlid been at Rio, from ...

Foreign Intelligence

... fovrrigil III trtigart FRANCE. TIYRANNY OF Louis PmILIPPE AND HIS INFAMOUS GoYEcNMENT.-The carpenters still persisting in their strihe for wages, we gather from the Debats that Go- vernment eave resolved upon permitting soldiers to be employed in their place. We need hardly remind Our readers that, according to the conscription, men of all trades are to be found in the Freuch arimy. The Debats ...


... THhE MINISTERIAL CRISIS. [From the Globe of Thursday evening, Dec. 18th.] We regret that we are not yet able to relieve the public anxiety with respect to the one great question which now fills every mind and occupies every tongue. Lord John Russell and the Marquis of Lansdowne i arrived in town from Windsor about two o'clock, and were shortly afterwards joined by several of the leadins ...

Chartist Intelligence

... Cbartiot btelligrart. LONDON. h¢ TuIE CuAi.TIST CO-OPEiIATIVE LAND SOCIETS.-- A numerous, respectable, and highly intelligent cit meeting was held in the Hall, 1, Turnagain-lane, on Monday evening, July 21st, to hear an addres ioml Fc'argus O'Conn~or on thc subject of thc Land, at halt-past eight. Mr. T. Cooper, lato of Leiccster,_ was unanlimously called to the chair. 'Thoi issetin wvas ...

Foreign Intelligence

... afortign ?? re. FRANCE. t FituNcH ATROCiTiEs ix ALorutIA.- The Aklsbds' of' Algiers of the 5th has the following from Orleans- Ville ?? There has just occurred in the Dahara. one of those terrible events which deepily afflictithose who . witness them, even when convincedt of their frightful necessity, and when they are justibied in declearing that every thing possible was done to prevent~ the- ...

Agriculture and Horticulture

... rindtut e Ian Iortitu u, . . FIELD-GARDEN OPERATIONS. For the Week comnnencing Jfonday, May 13th, 1844. d [Extracted from a Duny of Actual Operations on si five smallfarms on the estates of Mrs. Davies Gilbert es near Eastbourne, in Sussex; and on several m odel0 farms on the estates of the Earl of Dartmouth at j, Slaithwaite, in Yorkshire, published by Mr. Nowell, p of Faruley Tyas, near ...