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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Science and Art

... cientcet a1l r art. IMPROvEMENT IN TEE ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY.-M. tI Hallette, an experienced engineer and maker of fi steam-engines, at Arras, near Calais, in France, has fi patented an invention, which he regards as an im- ei portant improvement on the Atmosphere Railway is of Messrs. Glegg and Samuda, and likely so far to fI perfect that principle of railway construction as to a give it an ...


... LABOUR PLEADING ITS OWN CAUSE. THE EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYED. A 'ADILIX DIALOOUE.-FART V. old Robin and Richard Jaeckon visit Shoddy Ball bV special invitation, and are received by Ni. Smith in )lsaecedy. toseyut Smith.-Well, Robin, I am glad to see you at Shoddy Hal. it down, Ion seem tied. I would Sh-ngiHhalles~it ?? How do you do, willingly have sent the gig for yeou. w ?? Jackson? Sit down. e' ...


... 0ob1 E~tftion WITH SATURDAY'S NEWS, POLICE, LEGAL AND GENERAL. MANSION HOUSE. SATUnDAY. - STEAuING CsoAae.-John Allen was brought up by policeman No. 436, charged with attempt- iug to steal some cigars from a case in the shop of Mr. Catlin, tobacconist, of Huggin-lane. As Mr. Tisomas Williams, shoemaker, was passing down Huggini-lane last night, lie saw four lads stand whispering to. gether. ...

Foreign Intelligence

... ig--g =g Abert iot Ideflite. -- ?? FRANCE. A letter from Marseilles, of the 27th, states that the Elerculaneum has disembarked in that city 34 individuals implicated in the last troubles in Ro- magna. The whole number that had arrived there was, the letter states, 00. t ' ' SPAIN. The following is from the correspondent of the Times : MADRID, OCT. 2G.-I mentioned some time since the ...


... rdelaa*. THE SANGUINARY CONFLICT AT BALLIN- IIASSIG. F(RTHER'.PARTUFS& ,W0 MORE D5kTES. It appears froro the dork ConsWation that the number of lives' lost now nmounts to ten; twomoreof the country people having died of their wounds since the previous accounts. ANOTHER VERSION OF THE CONFLICT. In strict justice to the police, who are stated to have submitted to the very utmost provocation ...

Imperial Parliament

... nimptrial Parliamnent. HOUSE OF LORDS, MONDAT, JULY 7. ar The second 'eadiog of tlhe Criminal Jurisdiction Bill Iled to some discussion amongst the lav lords, but it was evelltulully agreed to. A bill for giving effect to the recent treaty with Brazil. for tbe more effectuail suppression of ?? slave trade, was e tilso read a second time, on the motion of the Earl of Aberdeen. A great. number ...

The Potatoe Murrain

... ?? g ~ -furthreport M o athp ?? ixqdour-attention on the preses'f5- V 035 jivo Action of turf, and in orfstrepr gaesse.ail dfrectionls fir ?? ?? tm have'io: oar1 ecived aecculltq Of its'decissiv'u'tilitY in niany cases.cs ,We had also obtained verydistliict evidesice that 'in that west bog land the disease was us reality nsildhr oand less corn -exesiive than in dryer and snore fertile ...

General Intelligence

... Senral itdtdigeairt. C-umosis 6IFrr TO ROBErT Beans.-A highly re- T spectable gentleman has handed us a curious relid of Robert: Burns. It consists of a small round silier J box, of about. two inches in diameter, on the lid! of i which the following characters are inscribed around D a representation of Charles I. on horseback, bearing b' a sword.:- Carolvs: D : Magn: Brit: Fran: et: Bib: Rex. ...


... THE SPA.FIELDS BURIAL GROUND. (Before Lesor Denman and a Special Jury.) THlE QUEEN, AT THE PROSECUTION OF WiLLIAM CHARLES BIRD, TOM SMITH, FRANCIS GREEN, AND OTHERS. The Solicitor-General appeared ns counsel on behalf of the Crown, and J. B. Wakeling, Esq., of St. John's-square, as solicitor; Mr. Jarvis, Q C., appeared for the defendants. The Court was crowded to excess, and the greatest in. ...


... THE GRAHAM SETTLEMENTS SETTLED! ABANDONMENT OF THE RIL. Tim opinion we expressed last week, that in all probability the Graham Settlement Bill, for .up- trooting the existing landmarks of parishes, and to substitute in their stead great big thundering UNIONS, would not be persevered in, at least this session, has received speedy eonfirmation: for on Monday.:- In answer to a question from ...

Chartist Intelligence

... abartiot intellvfinc. pher - - - - - - - thier TO TIE CIIARTIST BODY. ome Friends,-I last week gave you an outline of my hose proceedings during the preceding week, and shall now very proceed to narrate to you the course of my subsequent hes, conduct:- con. MSACCLESFIrLD. West On Tuesday the 10th inst., at half-past seven in irget the evening, 1 attended a publicmeeting in this place, tter, on ...


... A Sl',AN*SII EXECUTI'ION. IC- MADaID, JULY 6.-Baldonscro Mendoza, an old ng soldier of Cabrera's army, who assassinatedl tile Na. dll tional Guard, Sanchez, somec weeks ago in tile Plaz, of lel ]: Cebada, was executed yesterday in yaroto it ix outside the gate of' Toledo. The only eircnrnstallce 'ed that rendered the execution of the unhappy (oinlfa a mattcr of some interest, was the ?? that ...