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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... A public meeting of the inhabitants of Aylesbury and its vicinity was held in the County-hall in this town on Monday evening, for the purpose of adopt- ing a petition to Parliament in favour of a repeal of the Game Laws. The meeting was both numerously and respectably attended. Dr. LEE (of Hartwell-house) presided, and opened the business of the evening by stating that the present meeting had ...

Foreign Intelligence

... 'ford-vil flittiligtart. ?? ?? ?? Twor Itailirn.a were arrsted by thre police onl Friday week last in P'aris, and aill their Papers auti privalte letters tere s- eiied( and carried awrsv. 'Tre C'rr~tkr. Tinierrr nisset-eti that this act Was ini einreeqllunecf of the recent inmurrection at Rtimini ;but Itire Muetitcnlr -denies the Thet., and says that thle ?? hail noe refe- rence to the nalirir ...

Foreign Intelligence

... $oripn *nteItigenic. FiANCE. Two Italians were arrested by the police on Friday week last in Paris, and all their papers and private letters were seized and carried away. The tvnsetitu- giesonn asserted that this act was in consequence of the recent insurrection at Rimini; but the 3loniteur denies the fact, and says that the arrest had no refe- rence to the affairs of Italy. The Paris papers ...


... [Aeting on the good old English principle of fair planV fo c sId, we gave, last wrele, a letter from a Ielfasteorrespocdecct, (lefrnttgtecus hc tire Executive Of the Odd Vollosw's Institution have taken in roferences to thue matters of cornpltaint urged agins it b thousands of the members. This wekiegive another, letter. of the same character, to which the writer has had the manilins to piut ...


... MEDICAL TREUATMENT OF TIlE POOR IN I TIlE NORTH AYLESFOILD UNION. - . - ~ thL tic ne Onl Ienea weeah a tiriclunalie, of the notles ot us Jliii Ttwkws li, died at Northlitest, In theprish of. Nort- di fleet, and it Ihaving beett atlegod i y Ihe0 overseers Of thle parish as well so Uie 1.llstiitautEt, that his death wyas urea- es sioned by negtect onl the 1,art of the mnedical end relieving o ...


... GREAT CHARTIST MEETING AT ASHTON., On Friday night the spaolous Obarlestown Chapel was crowded in every part wherestanding room could be obtained; to hear an address from Mr. O'Connor. Shortlyaftereight o'clock that gentleman entered the chapel and was received with thunders of ap- plause. The veteran, James Taylor, delegate to the Land Conference was elected to the chair, and after a few ...


... GRE AT MEETING AT WIGAN. When the conference had closed its sitting on Thursday night Mr. O'Connor proceeded to Wigan to deliver a public address. The large room at the Clarence Hotel was the place appointed, and was filled. M1r. Nicholas Canning was elected as chair- man, and after reading the bill, he introduced Mr. O'Connor, who was received with the most rapturous applause. The news of thl ...

Tit Bits

... cit 00t0 Riisoase OF THE BAR.-We are ha~yto tt R ~ hap vy aste th e the barristers of the Oxford Cirduit ave. at le resolved to vindicate the.dignity of the Bar, an t1v show a bright example to the whole of their Silver- tongued and unsophisticated brethren. They have come to an expressed resolution that it is beneath the character of any of them to report law proceedinp for'the press. And ...

Chartist Intelligence

... catiot *t1tela. BLACKBURN. I''rE LAND-1On Tuesday evening a society was tbrmcd here, in conneoxin wvith the Chartist tCo- operative Land Society, when a number oi muemo ers enrollcd their names an]d paid their ontrance money. Another meeting wil be held at Mr. -Newton's Tcm- perance Ilotel, Whatley Bonlks, Kting-street, Blac- burn, on Tuesday, tbc 10th instant, when all who arc desirous of ...

Imperial Parliament

... Imerial Paliaintflt1 HOUSE OF LORDS', TuESDAY, Jusl; 3. The Lord CHamJELormt took his seat on the woolsack p at five o'clock. q On the motion of Lord BponosHAM, the Small Debts C' Bill went through committeezfp'o forrnf. a * ?? BILL. ])i The adjourned debate on the second reading of the Of Maynooth. College bill was resumed by the so Earl of HAIDWICKOI who admitted that a strong q feeling had ...


... THE NORTHERN STAR. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1845 THIE ROYAL PROLOGUE. THE introductory sketch by which the sessional s performance for 184S has been presented to us in the t parliamentary text of her.Majesty, is, to say the least s of it, the eleverest, if not the most satisfactory, pro- 8 duction of the kind that has come under notice since royal speeches occupied any portion of our attention. ...


... THE LAST FREE TRADE DODGE. DISOnACEFUL CONDUCT OF WV. LOYETT AND H IS SQUAD OF SAFRON-MILL DBRUISMi5 The parliamentary campaign has opened, and vith it another.attempt on the part of the cheap-bread low-wage crew, to force themselves on public atten. tion, and achieve a semblance of popularity. Driven from every ' open'' meeting they have essayed ticketted places of As refuges ...