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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... RICHARDSON, MANUFACTURING CUTLER, ESTABLISHED 1805, Near the Church, K'enisington. ARDENERS' Prutiing, Grafting, and Buddingl Kives G inl Sheath, Iseld. each; shut ditto, it.s each. These knivs are made of the best materials; I al- ways use ?? the late Win. Cobbett in his ELg. -gb Girdsener. Rakes, Hloc, and Gardening Tools of every descrip- tion. Best made Razors, Black Handles, es. the case ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EREWASH ALLY EXTENSION, Wil -IOCIIIDALE, BLACKBURN, AND EAST LAN- CASIJRt E JULNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY. jai [ROVISIONALiy IIEOI5TED.r lapitol £1,750,000, in 87,500 SlIiiros of £20 each. I Deposit, £2 2-j. perShr.H PROVISI0ONAL COMM5ITSTR. (. U. Ianderson, Esq., Upper Clapton, Director of 1 the South Midland Railway Company. ChalesDicsonArehibald, Esq., ?? ?? yarkter~rackUegeft' t park, ssid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -on ' .IL1,LiN I LollIL Now 1,!: t ?? d ia i oilU Ltt. CI:l. Itt wp 't AND AlA-'' E tE a 5 IuT e :. a. _a tietitI ?? slttchiict, ieS rend' ;!;e ICitii tI130..o', htr'eet, tact bi'st I, niti war'. eQ~~C to tito ' Ict0li Potts I atil ., 1ott one ii ?? t' ii 'cclv till 0!~r ietSiino, itc0lr ~iigsictiC i't ` ?? ,!ir.l of the eoinjilote wetor.. ci S. Tesllci Eu Pa'* Itrts 1 to 7 til ttiD' pl`t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n ,tii- lq.R. GRAXDIlSON'S 'NERVOUS PILIA. 11EtOoMENDggiEn , MiYtBtiT PHYSICIANL Itjli i,1 perseverancein rtd oiuilar remedy, the trentltuingi k And miy leee.otsady the weak heart r4oog,' obe nssdhstrvous irtiiabilhgisy(ao ofler. the preeursor of iruaity), I ;ir b al srrcte4., It ?? sleep (oseut~ ?? lcosotaicng one particle of.9pi*'k.) to those who hawe lbeen j bliir6 i that blessing for ywr;, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HiING By POPULAR W RS OWPBLS TGB W. DUGDAL, TH L W L.TET STRAND. E\V WORt BY EGENEN s OHA Olt THS CORT VOURWOSPIRATOR, in penny mumbers and fouruPenfyparts. The first part and num- ber seven are Published this day. Translated expressly for this edition, and nothing omitted. T TNERING~h~l{ JEW, No. 3 S, and Part 8, is out, an d is expe d to be completed in forryy-two numbers. H E : M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEETHLan. ASTICATION and Articulation Improved and M[ Guarallteed _Messrs DAVIS, Stirgeon-Denltist3, 123, Fll.ll, opposite the Haymarlet, and 1, New Bridge-street, corner of Fleet-street, Coutinue to supply teeth, guaraltecd noever to discolour, break, or decay, atd daed without springs or wires, without extracting the old stumps, or giving any pain, A single tooth, Ds,; at! set, £5. Loose ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEETH. k f AS'TICATION and Articulation Improved and M Guarauieed.-Messri. DAVIS, Surgeon-Dentists, 123, Pall-mall, opposite the lHayniariet, ald 1, New Dridge-stredt, corner of Pleet-street, continue to suppIy teeth, guaranteed never to discolour, hreah, ordecsy, aS d fixed without springs or wires, without etrmeting the old vtumps,. or giving any pain. A single tooth, 5s.; n set, f . Loose ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP, Esi ?? N'1 aPiD £XiED1I'OUS I OMITJMiTT ,, of EMibthiott-, Coner-t- SIJrooms, f . *w~ ~ ocitics. a public bodies generally, I' it - d i t - Vo !tii atldviltrgx to give their o-eirs ' t, I , II t cod 4. Cliurclirluv, 3Liethnniel~ree .1ti Ci.ii, 1I. per ?? Hand.- bills, by itihi cl I t ?? I, ?? Pce il-oitstid Poet. ing-bill:, 5s. i allsItdri. (rd t-c, trout tlte eOuttly, contaiillitng a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIGHT, VENTILATING, FLEXIBLE VELVET HATS, 13s. iJERRING'S Patent Ventilating, Flexible Hlats may be Ir obtained in Beaver, Silk, and Velvet, from Ss, Gd. to 2ts. in upwvards of one hundred different shapes, to suit n vOutour. Alsothe best Lirery Hats at li.; Youths' and Gentlenlen's hlats and Caps of every deseription.-CECIL HOUSE, 81, Strand, and 251, Regent-street. * CR Copy the address, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMRCNEMIGRATfION OFFICE, 96, Waterloo-rotid, Liverpool. rnii Subscribers continue to deepatch first-elase T Peelcts to NEW YORK, BOSTON. QUEBEC, jiON.TitECAL, PIIILADELPHIlA, NEW ORLEANS, and ST. JOHIN'S, N.B. They are also Agents for the New Line of New York Padkets, coneprisilig thle following inegnifleent ships,. Toeee To Sail. lloTTItNGUC ?? ?? September. LIVERPOOL ?? ?? October. Who have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POPULAR WORKS NOW PUBLISHING BY W. DUGDALE, 37, HOLYWELL-STREET, STRAND. HE WANDERING JEW-No, 23, price One Penny- T is published this day, and is the best, the'cheapest, and the mlost correct translation of this celebrated wrork. F No other edition in English will be less than twice its r price. It is printed in foolscap octavo, and will form a v handsome volume, fit for the pocket or the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ftE NORTHERN STAR, AND NA'IIONAL TRADES' JOURNAL, STARTAI91ED In Leeds in 1837, and since then the JE'J lea , soviflcial Journal in the Kingdom, is now published at No. 340, Strand, Loudons. The object.Of the proprietorin ?? e ° , ranila a fearless and faithful organ for the ,pr was t of thI Labouring Classes, whose interests from time ineniemorial have been shamelessly neglected. The removal ...