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Advertisements & Notices

... it.t* _ oft ut (lit it. __ __ __dec t HE LIVERPOOL FIRE AND LIFE TI INSURANCE COMPANY. Emowyeered tby .pecial Act oif arliament. No it, TRUSTEES. ,of Sir T. Braucker; Adam Hodgeon,Resq.; William Potter, Esq. 13OtDIRECTORS. )ta, Thomas Booth., REq., Chairman. Ok Richard Edwards. , . and George Halt, Esq., Frie ~hO pt Cairmen. Job Thomas Brocklean.Es. Andrew Low. Esq. Pro onl William Brown Es. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IXNTENSIVE SALE OF1 PAWNHROKERS' STOCKi, On By m11. T. BRANCH, thr loth ingtant, at Eleven o'clock precisely, This DiY. (Friday. ait tile Hanover roomns, . 11E third and last day's SALE of the above. A T ilentioocil important and valioablo IST(CK, loclodog I N trev rt jf Gold and silver Watches, Jewducy,51 latv, ! and other valuable Effoete, Of Which Cattalogilea may' bes- bad. fl VA AE NAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTABLISHED Pol THE LAEw FIMEEN 1 MAR' gO JFBSoR WEDOUUR'S IHYGEI I N p { TERB PhLL, & e oelebrated CORDIAL RAIN st^e Wish es cbox Of P5orinoCS Sd eto'lyein Herb Flue, -re s S. gd,. sad di ad, per iox, is given extiracts frmi the Sret- jaetrn eontai3ng obsoevtles ani hinbts of umutsn uU Io those F~heH o fraU tho irluedotteSU 5555d Moccury , *u,&o The ocelbr5.ld OODRDLL BALM OF 3MRCCA is a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pB5I5ON~nz~sssaD.PURSUAN TO AIM 11 STE CHAP. I10 ROSPECrUS Ot~ BELFAST aned ENNIS. P KILLS?' RAILWAY, bY DUNGANNION, with a BRANCH ToLOUGH ERNE. CAPITAL £ 20.00 Shares of £25 each. Be DEPOSI £2 109, per Share. BRC NoShareholder liable bcerftid the aouent of his Susi'cription. IN PioITNLCOMMIeTnRr. it I The inight flonourable Lord Viscount Northland Ins Sir James Emereon Trennant, Tempo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rDIRRCTINO LErrERS.-Arne Jane. The ceusty should never be named In a direction the Taname of the p Wst town to all that is required in tho flirt Sorting, except, of course. whee ther e more than one town of the samo name, Ind writers of letters render a ser ice to the public bg ,bserring this rule. When the counly luist be namod, it .heat[Ild be in the saes liue with the namse of the town :-. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3b~fI? Eiwmprnit#. i GLASGOW, DUMIFRIES, AND CARLISLE I | ;##X RAILWAY. LÆI¢ ewty Th OMThio AAG b~ a o nomteir 9t;=h bAehh. the -PLANS SECM'TIONS, and BOOKS2 of t, ut h bean duly %ld at the Beard of Trade and with the les ^boft te h eim -tosn Ato otrdane wih the t0 p Cent. hnto will a Wearliany Dt T eudt te signed, and that they 'flets, y ?? ct o 800a5 Parl~amenit ~ie~su. ~ WILIAM LOIESeeretry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 110INGANAND MANCHESTER Rtem of tit Dl rIC 1t AlLWVA Y.-W rovisionally Registered.) , -Capital, £00,000, in, 45,000) ShMAres, of £20 each.- theI Depo-il,:112 2s. ?? Share.II 'The Han. Cecil Lawless, Lynbarth, Kildare, and St. ?? James'5s-treet. SC Sir Love Parry Jones Parry, Major-General, K. H., and Madryn, Carnarvonahire, director of the Leicester, tth.. Bedifurd,aidoef ?? & ?? Junction ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BETTS'S PATENT BRANDY. DISTILLERY, 7, SMITHFIELD BARS, LONDON. B ETTS7S PATENT BRANDY, atEIGtI1 - TEEN 9HtL~LNGS PER GALLON, in Stono Jars * or at FORT Y SHILLINGS PESR DOZEN in Glass Bottles, ?? included, and protectedby the Patent Metallic Capsules, may be obtained of the following Wino and Spirit Mer- ebants:- :Blackburn-W. Sam- Bolton -J. B. HoldnO; f s et Burnley -John Lee, Bll Inn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. ),AIIIE'S AND ST. JOHN THlE BAPTIST'S, I PLEASINGTON PRIORY. T IE P Iblie are respectfully informed, that on SUNDAY, T Arc-,uts'T 24, 1845, (St. Bartholomew's Day,) a SOLrE.MN MASS will bo celebrated, and TWO SER- 1,10NS I'reacbed; one in tho Morning by thea Rev. H. ?? tonhurst College, and another in the Even. ~ b th lis'.~V.CAICTr tS, Catholic Pastor of Sanlesbury. ~ore~g erv~e Ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, PRESTON. N SI!NDAY, the 27th in9t., a solemn PONTIFICAL 0 \ 'MSS vsill be celebrated by the Right Rov. Bishop ;lM.N. In tih Evening, the same Right Rov. Prelate Nill 0;twoia at Vesperq, arid Grand Benediction. There 'vitl he TWO SE1RM10NS for the Debts on the Church nid Schlool. Tihe Right Rev. Bishop MURDOCHi, of Gsasgov, 'silt prreach in the Morning. and tile Rtight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IVERPOOL, MANCH-ESTE R, AND) ~EWAST1.~1OTYNE JUNCTION R~AILWAY. NIOTICE JS HlEUI'BY GIVEGN. 1'IAT ttjpplieitltit-1 is tintondttd to be msadet to Parliamlellt illitbe L'usultug secsion, for au Act or Acts to a ithoritit ?? ?? miftfl intr, of 019 Rtailway and.11rantih. RN Ia- *`0t~i'tftLr mntnionutd, or conic Oft thew, or Somie upit I IltOtf CTspct'ivel'Y, Wtith all proper works, ,odikit tt i~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flUITE A NEW DISCOVERY.-NO MORE SUFFENING FROM CORNS or I1UNIONS. JONES'S PHILOSOPHICAL REMEDY, for the Relief and Cure of Corns, Bunions, &c. is offered to the Public as quite original, and totally differentfrom all others that have baen hitherto advertised. It ?? odfindivanediate relief; and, by attention to the directions, ?? ultimnately cure the worst corn or bunion that ever tortured ...