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Morning Chronicle


... 1i TER A TURR. 3fcrrsiNI of' t7r Lady IIester Staonhopre as relaiselir by /'ooalf i4' Consrlr'estfOa1 s h'fvk /re' P/rysieian, 07mpr'isiq her Oio'niorrs osri OdAnecdotes qf some of t/re 7ii0St 1i- rr'rh/r Pr r'swrs fyq]'/rsr' tin,'. :3 vols. [Lordon: Hen1ryv Colburn. ! 'Thrse are extrtinrly arousing', il not v'ry instrucltire vloluh s. Tire l i lijevt or tile unrinoirn was ai persor of ...


... FIYE ARTS. LUHRAND 1115s AnumiitEs V H ITO SIFrlErPS. X9li, A ISA73R S T TIMr LlETO | detonlrti0!3 fiai'er, e; .argaret-street--After tib conl- Luther ly the Diet of lVonus, be rmillned t C . e prttectiou of Frederick of Saxonty from 15i1 to 1 1d253 wlten rtederieks brother and successorJohn, 'l'he CoiSlaut, promulgated througlih his territoriesthe Litulgy nod instructions fbr the lergyt ...


... DftURY-LANB THEATRE. Drury-lane Theeatre opened for the season on Saturday evenlng. The greatest of the English theatres has become, to all intents and purposes, a regular Opera-house; tra- gedy and comedy are excluded, and the place they once held is wholly occupied by music and dancing. We are rnot incined to reg-ret that this is the case. The errors in I the conduct of our theatres has been ...


... DAURY .LAAIE 2'ffEAT.1S. Madame ANNA TIULLON being sufficiently recovered from her severe indisposition to warrant her re-appearance, BALFE's lew opera of the Enchantress was given for the second time on Monday night, and was received with as great applause as on its first production, and from quite as crowded a house. There was not even standing, room to spare in the slips, when the opera ...


... jBNTERTAIL-1E --a - ON~( RN I ENTlBRTAINAIEN'oI'ofthe SO)NS of BURNS. i * ~ ~ ~ -. . . I Wve noticed last week the arrival in Inverness of l eloni tind 1ejon BurBissowis of the Scottish Poet, and their Iriend r.31)iaruilid of tile J)ee1 on'ics Courier'. At a meeting Of tile T'owil Council on Monday the 4th t itan uninialously re soveed to present them with the ireedo m of tile town. The ...


... New pieces are as frequent and as successful at this theatre now as they for a long time were few and unsuccess- ful. Under the KEELEY dynasty, this house, whirh was formerly a mere deadweight, has become popular and pro- fitable to both visitors and lessees. The pieces whichl have been produced lately, however light and trifling they may have seemed, have always had a good moral tendency, as ...


... MAGAZINES FOR Taie MO'NTH. SECOND NOTICE. .Blackn'ood contains a calm and ?? paper on Railways, well calculated to allay the recent irritation of the public mind upon the subjectof those investments. The writer states- That, as yet we cla see no grounds for believing that tile nominal amount of capital invested in the railways which have obtained the sanction of Parliament, is be- yond, or ...


... IIVSTITUTE 01 B lif'B IS'.l A 11TIS7S. A very numaerously a it-fned meeting' of this society was held on Satulday evening, at the Adelphi, in the ?? room of the Society fbr the Encouragement of Arts,Viscount Palmerston in the chair. ViooenIiut PAIMEniSTON said lhe felt niuch ?? at tfhe high honour a hihi then society hond done him in elifling upon him to preside at their ineting, on that occa- ...


... ROMEO AND JULlIBT, WVITH; I NEW READINGS. EMereutio ?? Farewell, ancient lady:.tarrwell, lady, lely lady. Nurse (ierald): Marry, farowelll-I pray you, Sir, what ssw7 merchant was t0ri, that was so full othis ropery t Romeo (TInpattira Looker-on): A gentleman, nulrs, that loven to hear timselr talk; and will speak more in a Minute than he aj1 stand to St a ?? and Juiet, Aot 2, Setn) 4.] (Time ...


... L (TERATURE. fibA Three Lectures on Natiornal Education, by GEORGE WADDINGTON, D.D., Dean of Durham. [Longman. ?vggestions on CLhureh Extension and National Educea- tion, by the Rev. Jolu BnowN, Vicar of St. Mary's, Leicester. Printedfor p2avate cis'culation. J [Crossley, Leicester. These two publications (if we may be permitted to call Mr. Brown's pamphlet a publication) are proofs of the ...


... THEt ITALIAN OPRlEHA . La Sonnacibula was performed on Saturday evening-, with Maadame CASTELL5AN in the part of Am/ita. IIn this character she was triumphantly successfu]. To render it effective, u smaller amount of'di-~matie power is demanded thlr that )thicli is requisite fur Lueia t di Lass ierynceor, While the' ge:,t supleriority of BELLIi a S metlodies ?? t'o.!e of DouIz:-n'i evhjbits ...