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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Forthcoming Meetings

... fjortbronmng orttifl~qg. ?? TWO1R IIA-LETE-2I1' P. MGiathl 1vill lecture at the Whllite-horse, St. AlMay-street, Whlitec-Ibpel, on Smuday evening nset, at h1alrf-past seven o'clock pI'Qcisci3. ?? mont1hly meetibng of thc General (leuncillors, residin g in thc rowcr Ilanilets, wiill be Iheld at the White lorsc, St. Mary-strcet, White- chapel, oa Sunday evelin1g, at six o'eloek. llETIIX.4L(R1R ...

Forthcoming Meetings

... ,Jortflrjomng e ttfiqev. MR. O'CONO'IS TOURI. Mn . O'Co-xson announces, that in compliance with n umnerous requestE, lie will be able to attenrd iicet. ings at the following places, on the fol'owvingd.ays: Sheffiell ?? ?? Monday, Angust 4. Barnsley ?? ?? 'I'ue.da.y August 5. Lceds ?? ?? Wednesday, Aug. 6. Iludifield crf ?? T'1hursday, August 7. Bradford .. . Friday, August S. hlalifax ?? ...

Trades' Movements

... pra~e~_gftbfleflito4- - ~ ?? I.. NJi WBAYvERS.-On Saturday last a W5UAN 1AND-t. m weavers of this town took strike of the handlPt- innianm, uacurerl in place, against Mir. In- 1'giv eavers' wjgea consequence of his having tc thi. day a deInutats- (id. percut. On the morning - to wait on'him, in was appointed by the committe. - a' the weavers' order that he might be duly inibriaeL. n tmil wo ...

Trades' Movements

... c ;rabc 1 MobMclto; ?? ?? , ?? ?? ?? 1,1 JOAN HAND-LOOM W.1 VaRS.-OD Saturday las a itrike of the hand-loom weavers Of this town took place, against Mr. W. Ingiram, mranufarcturer, in corrat-quence of his having reduced his weavers' wvages lidper cut. Onithiemor-ninigof tha~t dary deputation- wa pointed by the coil)ittee to wait on him, in or'.der ;lthat he might be duly inlformeui cf tire ...


... THE NORTHERN STAR. SATURDAY, JANUARY a, 1815. | TRRnE is a time to build up and a time to pull as down, saith the proverb. There is also a time for fr( activity and a time for slumber. There is a philoso- ha phy in idleness, and wisdom in doing nothing. From te3 the time that the busy bustle of the Parliamentary wl session is over, until the law-makers again meet, ra there is little to ...

Forthcoming Meetings

... afort rttnllillo -rethltp. CllAR'TIST CO-OPl'UiATIVE LAND SOCIETY. Meetings for tht purposc of enrolling members and transacting other besioess connected therewith are iheld every week oe the followling lays and places:- , sUINDAT X:V XNJX( Seiith Ieondlv Chartist !ell, l l5, 13lackfiriars-road. at half-part six ?? ('Char tiist iU, I, ''urn- again-lane, at six o'clock.- aecusjser : at the Par- ...

Market Intelligence

... '41arurt 111taitylla. Loxmoo CoRn EXCHANGE, MONDAY, Ocr. 20-11e i past week's arrivals of English wheat forour market, s coastwise. were on a moderately extensive scale, but very middling quality, especially as relates to the I parcels of new received from Cambridgeshire. Of i other grain ot hole produce, except peas, the receipts 4 were limited. The imports of foreigin wheat and oats %were on ...


... NATIONAL TRADES' CONFER ENCE. III ay ;IMONDAY, JULY 28. lie The Trade, pursuant to public notice, held thcir as second Conference to consitler and determine on two es plans of orgauisation, drawni up and prepared by the at Provisional Central (onrnmittsc-thc one for the n, more olliciont regulation of strikes, or turn-outs; and o. tle otther tbr empioving surplus labour in agriculture on andl ...

Bankrupts, &c

... 3iankrupto,, &,r. BANKRUPTS. -(Fr2om Tuesday's Gazette, April 22.) Thomas Holyland Williams and William Clachar a Chelnasford, ?? Phillips and Th bo' Pearson, South-place, Finsbury, silk-dressers-T110 Homewood, Hillingdon, Middlesex, licensed vi 10m4i Henry Thomas Prebble, Thanet-street, Burtonctrescer ?? Morris and William Wlodvsesn Bursiemn, Staffordshire, ?? Arnold, Shr ed' bury, veterinary ...


... LONDON CoRN EXCHANGE, MONDAY, JAN. 27.-The arrivals of wheat and barley from the east coast were again large during the past week, but of English oats the receipts were very small. The supplies of malt and flour were rather plentiful, and of beans and peas quite an average quantity camne to hand. From Scotland the receipts consisted ofa few hundred qrs. of barley, and about 4000 qrs. oats, ...


... (From the J'anrk Lone ELpress.) The reports received from the northern parts of the kingdom speak in a very desponding tone of the probable effvets of the extremely wet and boisterous weather experienced during the week on that por- tion of the crops still outstanding. That injury, to an extent diff cult to be remedied at this advanced period et the yearjias been done is greatly to be feared ...


... UNITED TRADES' ASSOCIATION FOR TIHE E- I PLOY2IENT OF SURPLUS LABOUR IN AGlAICUL- TURE AND MANUFACTURES. rere solutE. Trie inefficacy of the methods lreretofore adopted by the industrious classes for tie proteetioln alrd maintenance of their interests, and tire improvetrent of their condition, has inrtuceI deep anrld widlc-spreatl iutqriry into the causes of the failtute of tie plans hitherto ...