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Advertisements & Notices

... H } E A T R E - A O Y A L, AS MDDBIRL ARENA OV ATS, VILLIAMSVON-ARK R. XZl'D8.4AMRICAtI CIRCUS. T*D BT PATRONKA °F MY BI4OTBERS AND EVERYBODY. THIS EVENING. (FRID)AY.) tue 31st Istittant. is tile FAREWELL BENEFIT or JOE PENTLAND, THE YANKEE CLOWN, .Asd positively Ahi Lost Appeds-anee but On# precfow to hi$ depariurefsor America *n wrhie occason be ulodilee himel to bringt forward mucth ma Ory ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNIVSRSITy PRESS, OXFORD. THUID EDITION. 3 Vols. 8vo. Price ] 1ll0s. in Sheets. T O(KER'S E3CC LESIASTICAL PY(LITY, and H.i. other Works, with his Life by Walton, and additions, arranged by thoe Rlv. JOIN I(RmR, M.A. S 2 Vets. Svo. Price lOs. in Sheets. HOOKER'S WORKS, (without Kebla's Note9.i IV A NEw EDITION. I Vols. Sm. Price XI 8s. in Shetsi A PARAPHRASE AND ANNOTATIONS upni Rli Books of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. TLHE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE for TFEBRUcARY contains, among othier interesting articles- I. The Olos Singers, a Tale of thle Thirteenth Century. 2. Walk's abou t Town. 2. W~ild Revenge; or the Legend of Lookbrary. 4. Tales of a Tourist-Thto Mothier's Vow. 25. The Danioselta Tale. 6. Life, aud Adiventures of a Schoolboy. 7. Thoughts on Visionary Speculations. 8. Poelry-Reviensva ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - r - Tesoi enlay Sessio Is now romln oand ?? t metnS ildmand muh of our spac and a ~tteto, that our nowresil'indents1 toast abstain from addressing any uetn tou owo obnwers can be obtained from intiget eih- r bours, biooks of refterencte, or at the pablic boards or institutions a to which thoy relate. MESSRS 14ILIVEs'S GREAT CusiaNav..-A Reafdent on fthe west side ~Rsnfl.ur~e5Oy-As our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UPIIOLSTERY, CABINET, AND CARPETT WARE- IlOUSE, 16, MARKET- PLACE. EORGOIVA WALTON, late of the firm of WOOLLATT T and ALToV UN UPHIIOLSTEIRERS and CABINEl 1A KEliS, begsto inform the Nohility, Gentry, and the Public, that lie intends to COMMIENCE BUSINESS oI his OWVN ACCOUNT early in February next, on the Premises in the -Market-place, lately occupied by Mr. DIentrose. G. XW. begs to add. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s* The CABIN PASSAGiE MONEY per GIEe CA 3MLNIA on the 4TIT APRIL. Will be TillyIU G AS, 5 One Guinea Stevard's Fee. : R ]BRITISH AND NORTH AMEICNROA MAIL STEAM SHIPS, Of lep00 tons. and 44i11OieS' pover eaoh. App~oifltsdb the,,ila,,raat5,tosatiibetween 7VEPOOL and BOSTON, Ie P IjIred at HALIFAX to land and receive Passiongeis and her Illjeaty's Mails. NIOS NIA , ?? ALoteANDu RAriS. ?? CHAS. HI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRANKS'S SPECIFIC SOLUTION OF COPAIBA. H1 efficaCY of this invaluable ?? is at- Ill GRsEENs Esq., ?? one of the Coun- 'rli ~Ies College of Surgeons; surgeon to S.Toa' Ci 0ic d professor of surgery in Hing's College. London. 051'P 'de trial Of MrI1 FRerOjS'S Soletion Of copuibia, at St. boiiimphl -t, in avariety-ofecases of diocharges in tie male 0Ollm' t i t lthe results varrant illy stating ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YNEW POLICE: BILLS. I I. EL GLASGOW POLICE BOARD deem it right to ay i r Tbefore the Public the followving Correspondence:- Ato. BuntRNt, Co.ERrj O POLICE, To PeaovosT HoruoSIVarTH al OF AriDERSTON. John Houldsivorthb Esq., Provost of Anderston. ,2, EHtchesoan Street. Glasgow. 5th Noctember, 1844 i Sir,-lanl.iinistrietedbv ?? to -eonl as Chief oa iratre at 'nerstn. that the: harve learned with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R .IMOVAL., J OIIN l Yl''LE respectfully bfrn his nltrferous e Friends and Customers, thatkW ilas this Day RE- MOVED to his now and Commodiout Premises, No. 1, NORTH-STREET, and has non on hands a large and well assorted Stock of GROCERIES, Sweet Seville and Lisbon ORANGES, Messin annd Palermo ORANGES and L E Al 0 N S, WALNUTS, CHESNITTS, PLUMS, CURRANTS, Mnscatel and Valencia RAISINS, Jordan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;uoineo Alrzo. 1' NORTH OF ENGLAND COAL DEPOT. ISHOP & WRIGHT, SOLE AGENTS for the OLD ETHERLE Y and TEES WALLS WHARFS, 60 & 63, WINCOLMLEE. DEALERS IN LATH AND FIREWOOD. / fipping Notitcro FOR QUEBEC, (To SAIL ABOUT TEE 25TsI OF MARCHI, OR WITH THE F:asT SHIPS,) The remarkably Fine and Fast-sailing Ship 1SbC A N T I) N) 700 Tons Burthen, Classed A. 1 per the Liverpool Book; JOHN P. ToNso, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHARITABLE BEQUESTS ACT. TIIE PETI TION OF Till UNDERRSIGNEl) l'PIESI'S OF TIIE ARCIHDIOCESE 01' lDJBLIN, To the .'niqhlts, Citizents, iund Burgesses, in dle United Parliamnent of Great Britain-cand Ireland assemfflrd, JIUMBLI. SrOYWrrTss, HA 1' Petitioners had implored your Honourable TL Houio. on occasion of the passing of the Emancipa- tion Act, to ?? the Religious Orders, in Great Britain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MIlt. i3REAREY. SALE TIIIS DAY, ALTON HA LL. ERY Saperior DAIr-Y of~hort-tiorned INC ALVED V COWS and HEIFERS. Fresh BARREN COWS and STIRKS, Yearling Cow Calves, and two well-bred Yearling Ball Calves, high-bred I ulainhed Leicester Ewes and Shearling Ram, Strong Waggon Horses and Mares, anu excellent Strong Galloway or Cob, inpig'd Sow and Gilts, Store and Fat Pigs, upwards of Fifty Tons ...