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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

To Readers and Correspondents

... LO Ucabero ant K Correopvnubnto LEACH AND M'DotALL.-JUst no we were going to pres on Friday morning, we received the decision of t4 Manchester Council in the above case, ?? with a report, together with a balarrce'sheet measuriq four feet four inches in length, closely written in drenD. columns, with a request to insert all this wtetl, whitl we would gladly do if at all in our power, but which ...


... A public meeting of the inhabitants of Aylesbury and its vicinity was held in the County-hall in this town on Monday evening, for the purpose of adopt- ing a petition to Parliament in favour of a repeal of the Game Laws. The meeting was both numerously and respectably attended. Dr. LEE (of Hartwell-house) presided, and opened the business of the evening by stating that the present meeting had ...


... THE NORTHERN STAR. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1845 THIE ROYAL PROLOGUE. THE introductory sketch by which the sessional s performance for 184S has been presented to us in the t parliamentary text of her.Majesty, is, to say the least s of it, the eleverest, if not the most satisfactory, pro- 8 duction of the kind that has come under notice since royal speeches occupied any portion of our attention. ...


... THE LAST FREE TRADE DODGE. DISOnACEFUL CONDUCT OF WV. LOYETT AND H IS SQUAD OF SAFRON-MILL DBRUISMi5 The parliamentary campaign has opened, and vith it another.attempt on the part of the cheap-bread low-wage crew, to force themselves on public atten. tion, and achieve a semblance of popularity. Driven from every ' open'' meeting they have essayed ticketted places of As refuges ...

Foreign Intelligence

... fortieft Intetligenre, FRANCE. ?? OF THE PRIESTS.-A fresh topic of gitatifon has arisen; which promises to throw addi- tioa interest into the approaching debate upon the Secret Service-money Bill. The Archbishop of Lyons is been summoned before the Privy Council for abuse of authority. 0 T'le Archlbishop assuming a pswer, the existence of which will certainly never be reconised in France, to ...

Imperial Parliament

... Imperial varliament., TuEsDAY, FED. 4TH, 1W. OPENING OF THE SESSION. 'rh opeilng of Parliamenlt by her Majesty in per. 1-an event which usually attracts a large col- Fols , (fher Majesty's loyal subjects to witness cotOllO I-cewe as it wends its fway rom the Falace the Ro0yal of 'o9 the Jouseof Lords, and on this occasion the fine- te of tile veatier gave al additional impulse to the (e03of ...


... GRAND .$OIREE IN IHONOUR OF THEa PEOPLE'S REPRESENTATIVE, T. S. DUNCOMBE, ESQ. 'lTs demonstration, the anticipation of which bas *.cjited eowsidecablehiterest ''eaie oif'' at tile lyhbite Conduit House Tavern, on Monday evening, Feb. ird. At the hour nnmounced a higelv respect- able and nuaseroljs patrty sat down to ic'o inthe, splendid assenibly roon. At the cop tabl e h D T. S. Ibusco ...

Tit Bits

... (Tit I3sit0. CURIOUS EPITAPHS. EPTAPr 11; ST. MICHAEL'S CiIUDC15-TARD, CROOSED- LANE. ?? liethi, w rapt in clay, The body of William Wray. I havc no more to say. ON A0 GOOD W1FF. Here lies ,,,y poor wife, much lamented; slie's hlappy, and I'm contented. IN WAfDDIINTON CllUliCM-YARlD), XORKS1t51. When I was like you, For years ?? a few, On the ocanu I have toil'd. (In the line I hasvebroil'd. ...

To Readers and Correspondents

... go scaevere anta CoiTeponlriu A BONE Foa CHAUBERS TO PicK.-The followiag covi, sation recently took place between Mr. O'Connorazor-', Irish labourer, who had been reared up under hisfar. -Mr. O'Connor: Well, Nicholas, have eu thepoc vi week yet I Nicholas: Wisha, I haven't this le to i -Mr. O'Connor: How did you lose it 6ichelaa your honour, a fellow that I knew in Leeds, e here looking for ...

Science and Art

... sc.trtce ali art. EDUCATION IN T1HE EAST INDIEs--At a late meet- ing of the Statistical Society, Colonel Sykes, ?? Vice President, in the chair, the chairman read a paper respecting the statistics of the Educational :11stitutions of the East India Company in India. The institutions date from comparatively so recent a period that the llindoo College at Calcutta, the most ancient amongst theni, ...


... 'JTHE ROYAL LOYAL A-l IlOv.A . . RtEPEALERS. NVLa have Oftcn had to advert to, aud 'ilsaatise tr disgusting, fawning sycopbazncy andslavering 1: loyailty that has dlisgraeed most of thc proeettL;, of the Royal Loyal Naeton-al eteicra of It gives us delight to be able to record tte ft on this point, the oatios at Icait-tie organ c ?? Royal Loyals-ss cowing to its sen.Fes. Tlhe fo Idwing ...

Foreign Intelligence

... fortisn 3Ignete. . .!f FRANCE. Trhere is a complete dearth of political news, in the absenoe of'whichwe may statethat the French Govcrn- enct are engaged in ferreting out the hordes of miereants, murderers, and thieves with w*hich Paris is notoriously overrun. On Saturday last a eon- siderable military force, placed under the direction of three commissaries of'poliee, surrounded two public ...