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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Imperial Parliament

... *mptoria! Ilurament. HOUSE OF LORDS, FRIDAY, MARCHi 14. The; Jewish Disabilities Bill, and the Stamp Acts Assimilation (Ireland) Bill, were severally read a third time and passed. HOUSE. OF COMMONS, TUEsDAY, MARCH 11. Sir R. PEEL gave notice that he would move, on a -future days that the House should adjourn for the ?? r e6s onThiursday, the 22d, and meet again on Mondaly the 31st inst. NEW ...

Tit Bits

... I - - it -tt0 - GRAAMs's PARLIAMENTARY MisTAiiE.-Sir James Graham has brought one good bill into the House- vnamely, the bill to abolish the payment of fees to clerks of the peace and magistrates' clerks. This bill is the one white spot in Graham's official life ! and, like one white hair in a black cat, spoils what would otherwise be all of one colour.-Ponch. FOUNDATION OF TME LOtu DarATEs. ...


... ELrrtWpan'bOMCC He~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? TO THE EDITOa OF Tr1E NORTHEIN STAs. to ?? me to say a few words on the subject of tl the Ten fours' Bill, under the hope that I may induce ch some of my fellow-workmen to bestir themselves thereon at this most favourable moment. There is no subject which can at present be mooted of greater benefit to the labouring community, nor is there one to be found more ...

Science and Art

... - aufe ab IR tt # NonRTIĀ£itN Erzmtitoce._It is now definitivelyar- ranged that a Northern expedient 'shall be fitted out, to sail about the 1st of May. Sir J. Frauklin will have the command'; and we are informed that the Erebuts and Terror will be provided with the most ap- proved Archimedian screw propellers, Foss1. REMAINS-CROMERR.-The late high tides have partly uncovered the lignite beds ...


... THE CASE OF THIE LONDON COMPOSITORS AND I THEI1R KIND EMPLOYERS. - TO THE EDITOR OF vuE NORTHERN STAR. it I Sir,-In thanking you for the manly article which ap- F peared in your last Northern Star, I hope you will excuse my c6rrhbting due 'mistake you have made, and allow me sS to-lay before you the real facts of the case, hoping that r they wiU assist you in another article upon the s dbjdcc ...


... ovllvrpoxbettr+ THIE SCOTTISH POOR LAW SYSTEM. - SHAMELESS TYRANNY AND INJUSTICE AT DUNDEE. TO THiE sIT5OT OF THE NORTHELIN STAR. ?? your columns have ever been open to expose every injustice or oppression inflicted upon the working classes, I trust that yon will give aplace (in what is so em. pliatically and so truly termed Labour's Journal) to the fol- l) wing statement of I new and most ...


... IN last week's Star we made some comments on a struggle then pending between a number of Master Printers and their hands; and we were sufficiently confident in the honqour, the organiation, and reso. lution of the men, to venture a prediction that the mere exhibition of those necessary elements of Union would bring the haughty capitalists to their senses. This week it is our pride to state ...

Foreign Movements

... ,fortig:11 OJOUMMO. ?? ?? And I will war, at least int words, (And-should my chance so happen-deeds), With al who war Eith Thoughnt I think I bear a little bird, who sings The people by and by will be the stronger.-BYreo. SWITZERLAND-THIE JESUITS-THE IJIOLY ALLIANCE. \otNVithst;nding the immense aids and appliances withl which the despotisuis of Europe are surrounded notwithstanding the ...

Foreign Movements

... ,fortgn fobrtflifto. And I wtill sar, at least in words, (And-shouid My chance so happen-deeds), With all WVO 5v5ar with Thought! I think I hear a little bird, who sings The people by and by will be the stronger,'-Byaoe, TilE HOLY COAT AT TREVES.-THE NEW REFORMATION, We gave in our last an account of the shameless fraud iignilied with the title of the Holy Tunic, now exhibiting at Treves. ...


... GLORIOUS TRIUMPH OF THE LONDON COMPOSITORS, IN last week's Star we made some comments on a struggle then pending between a number of Master Printers and their hands; and we were sufficiently confident in the honour, the organisation, and reso- lution of the men, to venture a prediction that the mere exhibition of those necessary elements of Union would bring the haughty capitalists to their ...

Imperial Parliament

... a mlper4ia, hialnuelt. HOUSE OF LORDS, MONDAY, MARCH 17. A great many bills were forwarded a stage towards maturity, but with very little debate. Some sparring between Lord FIlenborough and Lord Campbell alone - diversified the routine, of which the occasion, course, and termination were as follows-i On thre motion of Lord Campbell, the House scent into committee on the Deodands Abolition Bill ...


... THE BMPLOYER AND EMPLOYED. BEMLOW will be found the terms of agreement between one JoHN HARGREAVES, of Broad Oak Within New Accrington, in the county of Lancaster, Calico Printer, and his co-partners, on the one part, and the slaves whom they condescend to em- ploy on the other part. Let every worldng man in England read the terms on which these ruffians propose to allow their SLAVES to ...