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... I TE RATURR. LS OF THE PROIPAGAT[ON-OF THE t ANSNA FAITH-No. XLIV. .he new nuinber of tbis interesting and edifying miscel. Coniatais ?? communications relating to the l5nV afl p t.i'(tt' of the Catholic missions in the Levant, and in laterrn Oceania. All of them describe ,1si~llC55 ili'sinury devotednleSs, patience in suffering. i h , lent to the faith, which remind one of the zeal no l ...

Selected Poetry

... ,5ructo vottrv. THE VIOLET'S WELCOME.. Tur, world hath a %welcome yet for thee, Thou earliest born of flowers!- Though many a golden hope was gone, And droam that lighted her rosy dawn, Ere the toil of these latter days camc on; Arid her weary children' stcps have strayed From their first green dwelling, in the shado Of Eden's blessed bowers, Too far to find on our earth a track That vet might ...

Selected Poetry

... C?Qcirctrz; vortry. GO FORITH INTO TIHE COUNTRY. Bly TlE T.ATE 'IRS. JAMES GRAY. ;o fThrtl! bite tile country, Froi a,, orld of care and guile; Go firth to the untainted air, Anid the suishine's open snmile. It shall clear thy clouded brow- It shall loose the worldly coil That binds thyv heart too closely up, Thlou mal; of care and toil! Go forth illtO the country, I'Xhere gilsdsolne sights ...


... Iuiiie-liose, wOw, wNow,. IN davs of vore, to make a tour, ve jumped into the mnil, siir, 13it nowV, to get alonig ill style therc's notliig like the rail, sir IFrom I ivecrpool to ltali, ighlrm we nused to go in olow lime, iX bite now-ar-dayshowv Q1iriogeri thle case l- we seem to go in n1o tiltto. Chorltl-Rail, rail, rail ! All the world is craszex for tho rail, rail, rail. A volinker I II-s ...


... K iASHI.NtA~ I ?? ?? MA!JESTY 8 ?? ISIT TO THE I Irer ~ljajesty ai'd hits R~yal itirj se Pr, ~ IG~ by the Ionr, lady, and equerry inWaiti'ting. ive' 4theraei'I' O'clock to-day (Saturday), by special train, fron F [iteVI on their wvay to Ostiornie~ihose, vehicti GMer' chased for a mafrine reej'iec T hejou er aj 2t'ibo' liar. onle hour sid as halc rf. O11 raightirn,' fromt tfie sltate riiiI ...


... £ SHioNABLE INTBLLIGENCE. I 9TSL or WIGHT, TTESDAYv.-Hef Majesty CO' rAlbert, and the Princess Royal, took their depar. snid Fymcethe i lanid this afternoon. rfr A dari this oelock ater n aJesty, Prince Albert, and the AttbaR ye1. embarked on board the royal barge from the p opposite te tb edina Hotel. and wers conveyed on enan'nl cii, vhich in a few minutes proceeded on her oear' thi,' er ...


... I LrTEP.iA URR. I THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. (Dublin: Curry). r The University A.faqzine for April abounds in excellent articles, but by far the most interesting among them is that on Mr. Petric's great work on the Round Towers of Ireland-a work which can he only paralleled by the labours of the great Niebuhr, and which, as a single piublica. 3 otnl, is the most complete and nationally ...


... NEWEST LONDON AND PARIS FASHIONS FO1R APRIL, 1844. (Exaroctedfrofm the 1 iorld of Fashion M lfonth ly Miagz2ine (ccljle Couris ?? aud Paris.) CArs, for half dresq, are principally composed of tlle or crepe lisse, tiose inl tulle being trimmed with a lonig pieco of lace, ortmincg, lacppets ol eauch side, wv here it is raised vit h a bunche of very petit roses, either puck or yei- low and wiilte ...


... I COWES, ISLE OF WICHT, MoNDAS'.-Her Majesty's sojourn here will terminate to-morrow, as the royal yacht is under orders to proceed hitticr from Portsmouth harbour, in the morning, for the purpose of conveying the Queen, aud Prince Albert to Gosport. Sir Robert Peel remained ns ille. guest of her 'Majesty until thjis morn inag. wlenl tie took his departuric. Silce tier Mi1jetty's arrival here ...


... I *I . . . LITERATURB. I 'FRASER'S MAGAZINE. (London: Nickisson. Dublin: Grant and Bolton.) The papers which compose this month's Fraser, slthongli interesting are not such as claim much particular attention. That on Sir Robert Peel as an orator takes pretty much the same view of the Tory premier's logic and elo- quence as the world has already generally adopted; but ill the political article ...

The Court and Fashion

... taut Coutrt anD 4JadiFiln. TiRE QuiN, _.-The 'Windsorcorrespondent of the 3forn- ing Post stys-_* The various reports which bave been eirculated for some time past, calculated to lead the nation shortly to expect an increase in the royal family are totally without foundation. It is confidently rumoured, in the Court circles that Hoer Majesty contemplates giving a magnificentfete at Buck- ...


... THE NEWEST LONDON ANn PARIS FASffromX FOR APRIL 1845. fP,._ #Z, a ?? ?? . . _ _ Courts of L'oiidon awid lPqri.-) CAPS, for half dress, are prificipaltv c. rins-I of tuile or crepe lihse, those in tulle heiag trmarntl ?? a 1o01 piece of lace, forming lappets on eaoh side. where it is raised with a bunch of very petit roses, ?? pi:l or yellow and white. BONNEI S are mostly to ble seen comcoal of ...