... FASHIONS PonR A3?R!L. (From the Werd ol Fcefclsn. 5 ! 'MIoSwtsNa rowr Furer, DRIcse-.The mnost fashion- able way of trimming alment every description of dress, particularly thle chirtsc is a pyramide-that i,. tritmmed round with a collsiderable naumber of rnvs of n*siments, placed at certain distanceS., the whole of different edticos, Ith loser circle being considerablv wider than t?,c top one ...


... LITr,10.Ast. Tayx LIDi7RAT Lsc TRAVEL. Edited by W. K KELLY, Rsq., with llustrations. Egypt and Nub-a Pant VI. By J. A. St. Jorn. Chapman ania H.9tc.-There are _O many capital scenes described in this number, that we are puzzled to know which to allude to. Mr. St. Jobh is RoW rapidly ascending the Nile, pausing as be goes, to examine whatever of curious is to be seen on the banks of the ...


... I Past and Present Policy of England towards Ireland. Moxon. This is a remarkably moderate, able, and well- informed book. It is a rapid historical survey of the treatment of Ireland by England since Henry the Second's conquest; in proof that from Strong- bow to O'Connell the English policy has been a false one ; evil, partial, and inconsistent. The course the writer takes to exhibit this, is ...


... THE COCK AND ANCHOR-A CHRIONICLE 0O' OLD DUJBLIN CITY. 3 VOL$. DUBLIN, CURRY & CO. 1845. This is one of thle best novels we have read- for a lengthened period. The tatle is exceedingly interesting; and it is written with unusual power and originality. Tihe characters are all admirably conceived and sustain- ed ; thle many and varied incidents are vividly depicted ; and like this April weather ...


... 1:' -Ili L] Y. STANi ZAS _ ?? Ailien! llreirliance no miore olla I v o kinlt thinse stiiit so tekl, tl 3.31 Vti IiitU ?? ii mill either I-e tl \1:41 d!iiutlll-d OCr raLi1L glowing checli i; Tie Stlltiv' tral---tieC stlBOS blUrn, Al e ?? 'C 1encild 1l11 o lln mind, A:n! tho' af-ir thlou wivatlidi Ist 110W ^ wtrvS t :'ttnill'r'v still is Ileft bellil.d liv C 1111¼V; s lvillidiil stlt.!atl le ...


... The Mlfedical Thrnes. Nos. 280 to 283 inclusive-Office, Essex Street, Strand. The most intcresting articles to tho general reader (it) these tuimbers) are the conclusiou of the series of Papeors 17i Magic and Mesmerism. To Medical mhenr, the work throughout affords abundance of highly valuable ruatter, The Mysteries oJ l'aris. Part I-Chapman & Hall. The jiresent part is also entirely devoted ...


... That Norma is al excellent opera ib abundantly proved by its never-ceasinv attractivenes,. For ten years it has been perfoirmed ill London, season atter season, and night after night, not only. in its original form, and by the ex- (uisiti articts ol' the Italiatn Operra, bmt in various versions, and hy purbrifo ers of varions grudes, and, il all its ditterent . hapes, has never failed to ...

Science and Art

... I 5ibence ant Dot. I Tstn LIONS oF LONDON.-In anticipation Of the season, the fountains in Trafalgar-square hive been set hilfull play. They might be seen, in the pour- img rain of Thuisday, sending up their muddy-looking showers-helping to make the humid atmosphere more humid-and to increase, as a breath of wind swept the water over the square, the quantity of London mud. The fountains, or ...


... - Ansefno, waren wir Nichlt Freunde, che der tnsel go Zwilespalt die jungen wilden Rerzen tronte? XoaN a o .Friend of my heart, adieu ! Cod keep thee in his care ! Receive this parting sigh; Believe this parting pray'r; And do not quite forget the few Bright hopes we've known. Adieun! adieu I Remember vanished hours,- Let memory softly dwell On one who thinks of thee With thoughts too deep to ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELL)GENCE. I HER MAJESTY'S LEVEE. Her Majesty held a levee at St. James's Palace on Wednesday, which was most numerously attended. The fineness of the weather and the interest exhibited to witness the brilliant spec- tacle, caused many thousands ofi her Majesty'a loyal subjects to assemble in the Park at an early hour. Shortly before two o'clock the Queen and Prince Albert, at ...

Literary Notices

... illucuarp ?Iotifco. T/lie life , rd 11iP, GX., I. late (ComIt ta lnder t 0ft/,c l rees. By thle Ilev. ?? Sidniey, .M. I a rra v. c LI'I I to o1r I,itri lIII il tIL il st Iiotis coi pan io : ort hie c Il Ilel of Iii gtuu, atid his successor Is i Ctoll na1(iler-itl-(.llii ,ft II fle iitish Forces, is one of ti 0' 'vIes wthicI , fromi tiek. suilt ect, tire suir, ti) Coner itoi the literature of ...


... LITFRATIURE. j anL nod other Fragmesnts in Verse. L LonodnO John Alurray-, Alheraurle icor S hrrto.Oliver B oYdl, and Fraser & Co. $0ott' nitel ectallerablo attootion both in the T ehu od fohoa;iel worl. It onesists, of detached lirs p Lioeeyll iog rh distingorished aothor's inn- o1temo 1eirrol sceoeasetited hy hdm duo- cr0 ?? These fragments, wriltton at 0O~ clne heo~eC ranpresenrt, Andl ...