
... iblie ~IOUGLAS JERRIOLD'S SHILLING MIAGA- ZINE-APRIL. ,Bravely is thle promise to make every article in this Magazine ''breathevvith at purpose fulfilled by thle editor and his clever assistant contributors. 'Thereo is not a solitary page of this publication that -does net fully redeeni thle pledges given in the pro- j aSpectus, and realise all the expectations which wereI entertained by ...


... cl, -- 1?1 ?? - gx-?\ Z: k I INA11-:1 I., 20 (b MI UP Tj ?y 0RIGINAL AND SELECTED. TIlE P:EMALE AUCTIOE'UER (FrOln, the North Britisih AdveeiSclr.) W lHO'LL buy a heart? sweet Mary cries, Mary, the Wlobninig and tllt&air, Whose lovely form and dovelikio ?? Can banish grief and soothe desl'air Como, bid I my headt is up for aler lill no ono bid ? Pray, She, consder! 'Tis sound, and kind, ...

The Feast of the Poets

... at r aot of tbe VoWtt. PART II. ?? feast of neetar'd sweets, Where no crude surfeit reigns ! lt is a rule with us, that whenever an Opportunity ffers of making known to our readers any new pro- *uetl * o the children of genius, we embrace that ,Pctltu itstoimpart thatknowledge; andwhenever ouscientiously award praise to an author, we ast~e to pay our unpurchased homage. It is not eftn tat ...


... St. JAMBS'S THEA TRE.-M. PHILLTPPJ?. This arch magician commenced the series of his soines mysterieuses last night at the St. James's Theatre. We were duly in attendance, and we certainly have risen from the exhibition as completely mystified as anybody need be, and fully determined henceforth to pin our faith-so far- as conijuring goes-to the powers, whether derived froml black or white, of M ...


... I -1 ?? * ' 6 '04 Our Rant. They lie in valies buried deep, They stud the barren hills, They're mirror'd where proud rivers swee, And by the humbler rills. A blessing on each holy fane, Wherever they may stand, With open door, for rich and poor, The Churches of ourland! Ye boast of England's palaces, Her cities and her towers- Of mansions, where her sons, at ease, Dwell 'midst her greenwood ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEWSgNTS. SADLEtS, WELL.S TflMATILE. 'Under the Direction of Mirs. Warner &ad Mr. Phelps. Last Foor Nicltst at the Season. FO..MORROW, Tusteday, Slid Wednesday, the Perfbcomartes -ill T. colunlecec with THE IRON CHEST. Sirl Edward Moe- tkse, Mr. Phelps%; Flttear,1teg. Mr. It. Mantroe; Oscro, Mr. G. Bennett; VIilford, Mr. J. Webster; Ads. Whiatet6s, My.liegee Sasuno, Mer. Formoan; ...


... I OUR CARPET BAC. NEVER DESPAIR. Never despair,-tho' the thick clouds of sorrow Fling o'er thy brow their dark shadows to-day; Gaily joy's sun may be shining to-morrowS Brigbt'ning all round with its beautiful ray. Never despair.-tho' storms round-thee gather, Darkly tho'winters' sky over thee low re; Look on in hope for the JOYOUS spring weather Coming to greet thee with sunshine and flow'ra. ...

Published: Sunday 13 April 1845
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1427 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I A Fragment on the Irish Roman Catholic Church. By the late Rev. Sydney Smith. Longman and Co. What Sydney Smith said of Mackintosh is now to be said of Sydney Smith. W hen I turn from living spectacles of stupidity, ignorance, and malice, and wish to think better of the world, I remember my great and benevolent friend Mackintosh. . . . If he had been arr6- gant and grasping; if he had been ...


... I f4#/u.NABLR INTBLLiGENCLE. Tilh Queen ba. a dinner party on Thursday at Bucking- i 'i T a.ce Ts e company included her Rloyal lighlness the F leof Rent, the Duches3a of Sutherland, thle Duke of fjliegtoen the Earl of Clarendon, and Lord and Lady John ig''o~ell al Higbess Prince Albert piresidiel on Friday lls D~0Iatoetiog of tile comnmission for promoting nnd sji dC atile filnealrt ilil le ...


... I FASHIONABLE iNTELLIGENCB. So Tler Majesjty wiil hold a drawving-rooma at St. James', Pulace on Thursday, the 10th of April next, Colonel Arhbthnot has relieved Colonei the Hon. Charles Grey in the duties of equerry in waitiug to her Majesty. 'Ihe Earl of Jersey, Viscount ?? Jocelyn, Lord George Lennox, and Captain Francis Seymour, had the hronor of dining with her Majesty on Wednesday at ...


... :otrL12 A CASE AT SESSIONS. yesterday, at the Sessions held in Buckingham , The Rev. Simon Shutvwood, famed for tucking ham And capon into his appointed man, Gravely discuss'd a deadly breach of law, And then cornmittell to the county jail (After apatient hearing) William Flail: For that lie, Flail, one day last week, Was seen maliciously to sneak A d bend his body by the fence of his own ...


... - ?? Rrbicbm THE ILLUMINATED MAGAZINE-APRIL, The contents of this month's number are varied andl entertaining. Travel and Talk, by Liua ROD}e:S, contains a severe castigation Of the homoeopa- thie (Iuacks. The Past, the Present, and the l'ossilcle, is cleverly written. The Adventures of a Scamnp, if we correctly understand the writer, bppear to he likely to be brought to an abrupt, ...