Advertisements & Notices

... ANIETR AND LEED RILAY MORTGAGE LOANS, pi M ar preredto RECEIVE TENDERS, for, aS The D,~Ol00 L Mor age, in lieu of secrid e f i I limte i~sus o at less than H140tI0each, and fo Ueridof yrs JOHN 3ELM~IORSE. goeoretary. re ,rdf 8Mac, 1845. I MANCHESTER AND LEEDS RAILWAY. To BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. The Directors Of the Manchester and Leeds Rainwy Company ?? wil be tte Ofitoes, alatine-buildicge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Toeskrgiiwstea Nronnnsna-Z'-tns lts'AD n la ps 'ea ?? * srti-. as M B the letters a' OS tte Boded . but no Bad- ?? Anpts fttlratielc cterk rmid Cslterplt 'orgQf f1h Grea Mr. Jacet si A Vvlte, for. J arolm anS A V uri andbur gad Lowtr ?? cii CEatee*portei1Tiiet51 laid in In Wii tO s poa. Jnoe A. C.-..AtO w le Birt qolitinfl. If tbe patia officers do not Inttitere, thee0 as :ocOaluO D e stir; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 3 1f i Sxr;sII, ?? t:I tA 2i Ilk !; litI 1 , li. E2 Ig ro BE Stl.D) BY 1iUBLIC oP. ?? nt1 t~ii'nS~ Ifs i a ic s ;uni. Na. Geotrg Shr'et, Edin- Iy LIN M W It Ii ?? I- . the 7it 1li ?? Mla Ii 14.5. ?? te i. Ar:ilclilioti /11 i'l tle if luotu c etotliourcl iii Bauid 'l a it/it D: >e i t il t ALL rit ?? !.:It ill i le'i of. ?? of ISLA-XND o * ?? ?? ' .!;NNlltA'. iii I tuttrited o fo IM!L/e ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i HEATREY.R O YA L, D UBL biV. First AptI .aran0 01 Air. MALONE RAYMOIND E Ig~- Itrlayinynarher, and P, oprietor of the F- * ,, Charch *sreo', Liv rpool, who is eng5ged far Five VN:5 1th g' The THREE G.rCIrMAN DWARFS! h ?? EJI)'r T AM 'A1TY, are a'so engaged, and T ,ill make their First Appearance. 'ims;l - EVNI !G (Tursday). April 81i, 1845, wi'l le Pc f. rmednen Cinedv, in three acts, of I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TJIL',I 7IE.R 0 YA L, A, UBLl'. ?? Alarrane hbut ONE of Mi-. LEONARD. r EVkENING (Saturday), April the 5th, |Ilh orfortniaces will commence with the Comedy, o Tat of int' 7'° 1 IRISH AMBASSADOR. r pril O( Plenipo, ?? AIr. Leonard; the .Ii. ('ooke; Prince odolh, Air. King 0' iler'e ir. Ilarrett: l~siella. ?? Chalm~rs. i re,. A hickl the Comic nI terlotidpof A D)AY AFTER 'I'llE WEDD)ING (IPf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sake Of an Etenuie Stock of Paper 'lloagings, of a rery superior 11,snlifaetrre. Mr. -ALEXANDER Bcgs to inforia the Public that he -:wiz r V I t ?r A tr C 21 Z O .X, At his Spaefous Rooms. No. 49, BROAD-STREET, Bristol, on W EDNELSDAY and THURSDAY, April 9th and loth, Vwithout the least reserve, ABOUT FIVE THOUSAND PIECES > A OF PAPER HANGINGS, Of the beet and nsost fashioriable description, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13RINTS PUBLISHED BY EDWARD -PUCK LE, ~Late COLNAGHI ~and PucklE), I.. PRITNTSELLER and PUBLISHER, 23 COCKSPUR-ST.REEI CHARING CROSS, LONDON.- Printsellor to Her ?? the Queen, HerMajosty &1 Queen Dowager, Hier lloysi Highness the Dluchess of Kent, &c. &c. S UBJE CT, ROYAL PORTRAITS. HER MAJESTYr TlIi QUEEN (Head) ; from a Miniature in the jlosse~sailn of his Rovyal Highnese Prinac Albert. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tull KItNGS' 1,0tO2t1. j' R. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to M anLounce, the Kings' Rooms are now open for the Summer Season. fl The SOIREES, which will take place on slon. day Evenings, will commence at an early period of the Season. The First Grand BA LL, Tuesday, May 27, 1845. PARISIAN MILLINERY & FANCY DRESS ROOM S, 93, ligohSreet, Portsmouth (Corner of Church.Lane). M ISS MAYELL begs to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION- NORTON'S CAMIOM'ILE PILLS A RE confidently recommended as a simple ?? bet ertuaind toremedy, so all who suffer from Indigestion, FORD'S P:E;CTORAL 13ALSAM t)F HORE- HOUND,Z For the RIelief and Cure of Coughs, Influenzay , Asthmdas, and all Diseerses of the Chest and b atI. Cd.,and its. cin every ow hich has ever ?? surythne to asichor N 'it s for its.sanlid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUST OPENED. MESSRS. MILLER AND JONES, TAILORS ANVD WOOLLEN DRAPERS, 158, OXFORD-STREET, CORNER OF MARY- LEBONE-LANE. N Extensive Assortment of the Best Goods, made and A unmade, always on hand. Bought for ready cash at the cheapest and best markets. To be sold for ready cash only, 0D THAT THE DISAGREEADLE NECESSITY OF CHARGINO HEAVY PROFITS TO COVER BAD DEBTS MAY BE3 AVOIDED. Single Garments ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. HIER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-TnIS EVEN- Itri, Saturday, Apvil 12, will be performed Donizetti'a Opera, entitled DON PASQUALE. Norina, Madame Grisl; Dr, Alatatesta, Signor Fornasari; Ernesto, Signor Mario; and Don Pansquale, Signor Lablaache. After the flrst act of the opera, the celebrated Spanish danseuse, Dliona Manuela Peres, known as La Nena, will appear tn the Spanish dance, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F OR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH.- J' Price 4. Gld.-Fatronised by her Majeety, his Royal Highness Prilnce Albert, and bar Royal Highness the D~uchees of Kent.-Mr. THOMAA'S SUCCEDANEUM, forstopping decayed teeth, however large the cavity. it is plared in the tooth in a soft elate, without anY Pressure or pain, and will remain firm In the tooth for many ,TOM, rendering extraction unnsceseary, ...