Literary Notices

... ulterarp JAottCro. The Irnprvisatore; or Lif¢ in Italy. From thc DIIIsIL of HANS CHiatSTIAN ANDjLisLN. Trail- slated by MAR.ny luewi'r'. Two v'ols. Bentley. 1815. ViESUVIUS IN A SUND.Y IlNIiOU1tr. WE au re not to asecid VsOuvius till evening, ?? tha glowing lava and :moonlight would have krcat eflect. We took asses from IRecifla, .ad rode upI tic monlitili ; thle road lay through vineyards ...

Selected Poetry

... ,5ructo vottrv. THE VIOLET'S WELCOME.. Tur, world hath a %welcome yet for thee, Thou earliest born of flowers!- Though many a golden hope was gone, And droam that lighted her rosy dawn, Ere the toil of these latter days camc on; Arid her weary children' stcps have strayed From their first green dwelling, in the shado Of Eden's blessed bowers, Too far to find on our earth a track That vet might ...


... SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART. 1;Y tSiIS. J .itilSoN'. The Trcire ApaostlLs. Among thesubjects on the walls of the Brani- caeci (2hlqpcl, already alluded to, the filest of all is that iu which St. Peter and St. Paul ale aie- cused betore Iero of despising the idols ; a mag- nilicent cominposition. Oil the right, the Emiuper-or is seated on his throne , oil cacI sidehis council. 1lis alnd c ...


... - ' O P UNPU tBLISHIED l'OEMI OF CASMPBELL.. 51 ho fullowirrg poemn, said to be tile composition of (I tire Inc I IronaMs Campbell, wvas fouild by -Mr. Wal- C lace t1110otg thle apers of llentiellasset, accompriranied h% thC' latl gerltlrrllalrl's ?? m1us11ic. It has tevter btee pu I blisri a in ihis court1try, so far as we believc, rid -lis oilly appeatdci, wtlhin a shiutt tilme, in a New t Y ...


... A ARHYMING REVIEW o, .111t. IKNEAL'SNEW WORI| BRALLAGHIAN, OR TW1E DEIPNOSOPIIISTS. They may talk till thevy're dumb Of t the Duke, and Tuni Thiiumb, And Picton, the bloody and famled Faugh.abballaghi man But give lip. the boy For Greek, humour, and joy, The Prince of all pipers, renowned Barney Brallaghall, The stout Duke of York, And the member bor Cork, The portly, the lusty, and ...


... 10J. T R Y. ADGOFlONX Ml;'ItD. ' (LORD BYRlON.) O! na bawn otto Illentyni r11yld, \'ii tr go cx1 fy opt' diwv; ?? ?? yil o tor 3 gwylltet buliud, NXcl rlccI% ?? ar S' l)l iillv ! 1Ixaicllrldi 1i3y';yiiz oil Ilid rri, J`0 ricl )ddid gel 1,digol n1-- A * ir v g ?? ri, iith i flycr, Ai Iuiaig lie ciwlny'i* doll ddihun. Tyri-lieIfeni ! dwv- y tiroecd MRnitt, Ar enw Iton )II ol, a' fii: C;'S gcir3 ...


... PI'DETRY Il r1E STUDENT. cxV burl-i th'- laip' so late, my friend, into tih kit'llio'd; It burneti si?) late to shn: t he gate That bids to MWiS-lOUms 'vaxT As a 'er drt! it s lim, on li seul of inmil, Ti ) uid mlUe nitl iiS 1'\ Dear rioe lholti Moherl suitmher's ptuiee IS e zils Ku'. a. t\le lidis of 'mae:: Prond - v a t aalone. I mouni't mi thin ron. For I ctnnitaaeewz- li theln Tbe * rcat ...


... K iASHI.NtA~ I ?? ?? MA!JESTY 8 ?? ISIT TO THE I Irer ~ljajesty ai'd hits R~yal itirj se Pr, ~ IG~ by the Ionr, lady, and equerry inWaiti'ting. ive' 4theraei'I' O'clock to-day (Saturday), by special train, fron F [iteVI on their wvay to Ostiornie~ihose, vehicti GMer' chased for a mafrine reej'iec T hejou er aj 2t'ibo' liar. onle hour sid as halc rf. O11 raightirn,' fromt tfie sltate riiiI ...


... I LrTEP.iA URR. I THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. (Dublin: Curry). r The University A.faqzine for April abounds in excellent articles, but by far the most interesting among them is that on Mr. Petric's great work on the Round Towers of Ireland-a work which can he only paralleled by the labours of the great Niebuhr, and which, as a single piublica. 3 otnl, is the most complete and nationally ...


... Lucia di Lamninermoor wras performed last night, with Madllnle CASTaLL.AN for the heroine. This lady wans pre- viously known to the public as al excellent concert singer, but this was her first appearance on any opera stage. Iler success wals triumpilihiant- a perfect firore. The applause be- stowed on her throupl-iout the eveningu ras unremitting and she was; ealled before the curtain not ...


... LITER AT U RE. Lec'hres to Irn-ers. oL Agriesltolarl Chsia. By, Pg'rzioti.D'C. Londou: Taylor& Walton. TnsEsa lectflres are intended as ' popuhlar hitroducition to the works of Liebig. and other expounidecs of the important science . Agricultutral Chemistry. to ilieh so miu.el attenltion has of late vewne been devoted. it is matter of frequent complaint wvith jrynerms. that. beilng umar ...


... p , ,,, ,, in,,o,;nvt * is f (By the author of R Itural Soani ;' Alonginub ) I Cathedral 13elt;- and other tragedies.) To srRlIo. Exhilirating time through young and old pouring sensatiofli of new life adjoy; Rtestoring pleasures, never known to cloy: In thee, With 0xultation, we beod A rapid resurrection, and display Of poWer, all freno'aiint to cloth thle earth To robe tile trees, and ...