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The Court and Fashion

... Of3c ecurt timbf gaofjjoll. ITEM MAJESTY S LEVEE.-The Queen held a Levee on Wednesdlay afternoon at St. James's Palace. Her Ma- josty and Prince Albert, attended by the Royal suite, ar. rived from Backingbam Palace at two o'clock, and were received by the Lord Steward, the Lord Chamberlain, the Master of the Hor be, and the Groom of thle Stole to Prince Albert. The fo'lowir.g noblemen and ...


... THE COCK AND ANCHOR-A CHRIONICLE 0O' OLD DUJBLIN CITY. 3 VOL$. DUBLIN, CURRY & CO. 1845. This is one of thle best novels we have read- for a lengthened period. The tatle is exceedingly interesting; and it is written with unusual power and originality. Tihe characters are all admirably conceived and sustain- ed ; thle many and varied incidents are vividly depicted ; and like this April weather ...

Selected Poetry

... ,5ructo vottrv. THE VIOLET'S WELCOME.. Tur, world hath a %welcome yet for thee, Thou earliest born of flowers!- Though many a golden hope was gone, And droam that lighted her rosy dawn, Ere the toil of these latter days camc on; Arid her weary children' stcps have strayed From their first green dwelling, in the shado Of Eden's blessed bowers, Too far to find on our earth a track That vet might ...

Selected Poetry

... C?Qcirctrz; vortry. GO FORITH INTO TIHE COUNTRY. Bly TlE T.ATE 'IRS. JAMES GRAY. ;o fThrtl! bite tile country, Froi a,, orld of care and guile; Go firth to the untainted air, Anid the suishine's open snmile. It shall clear thy clouded brow- It shall loose the worldly coil That binds thyv heart too closely up, Thlou mal; of care and toil! Go forth illtO the country, I'Xhere gilsdsolne sights ...


... Iuiiie-liose, wOw, wNow,. IN davs of vore, to make a tour, ve jumped into the mnil, siir, 13it nowV, to get alonig ill style therc's notliig like the rail, sir IFrom I ivecrpool to ltali, ighlrm we nused to go in olow lime, iX bite now-ar-dayshowv Q1iriogeri thle case l- we seem to go in n1o tiltto. Chorltl-Rail, rail, rail ! All the world is craszex for tho rail, rail, rail. A volinker I II-s ...

The Court and Fashion

... ,Lrfjc Court alM S'loyWoll. The London Ti'forneisg Post of Thursday contains the announcement which we now cepy in the hope that the intelligenee may be correct :- THtE QIEEN'9 VISIT To IFlELAND .-W IhavP great satisfaction in announcing that the anticipated visit of her maijesty and his Royal Highness Prince Albert to the sister island is definitively fixed to taxe piace during the ensuing ...


... THIE O'DONO(:}lll-NO. IV. Thies is a good number of this popular tale. Some of its pages sparklle. Now characters are introduced ; and, as the tale proceeds, teie increased interest of the reader is excited. We arc mistahen if tile O Donoglhie do not prove to be one of Mr Lever's most popular works. The ilinstrations this month are admirable. We extract the last chapter. Sir Mlarmadulre ...


... NEWEST LONDON AND PARIS FASHIONS FO1R APRIL, 1844. (Exaroctedfrofm the 1 iorld of Fashion M lfonth ly Miagz2ine (ccljle Couris cfLondon aud Paris.) CArs, for half dresq, are principally composed of tlle or crepe lisse, tiose inl tulle being trimmed with a lonig pieco of lace, ortmincg, lacppets ol eauch side, wv here it is raised vit h a bunche of very petit roses, either puck or yei- low and ...


... In the pages of the Dublin University Magazine appeared, pcome time ago, tbe folloving Tribute to this greatly lamnei- ted nobleian. We' now transcribe it into our columns:- Seris ia Ca'lals redeas, diuque Solus iotersis Populo. JDOWNXSh5J1RE-A TRIB~UTZE. I wanderd where the favored land Proclaimed a benefictor's lend, Contentment laughed from every spot- Extended farm, or biumbler cot. ...


... LItecrature. SELECTED POETRY. LOST FEELINGS. BY 3IRS. ORAY. RETV RN again ! ye that have left my heart To londlin5ess and pain; l e that of all m!, gladness made a part, Return agai a! Oh ! treasures of my bosom, mure and kind,. Thlt rceonwiled me to my eart1ly lot, flow I have fliteg you on tbe chilly wind That heeds you niot. Rceurn againr! Fromn whence ? From the deep sca Of ileath, where ...

The Court and Fashion

... ilic eo anu Jaa0gotfo.. INTESDED VrIST OF THE QUEEN TO LVEnrPOOL,- Lord Stanley has brought the gratifying intelligence to his father, the Earl of Derby, that it is her Majesty's intention to pass through Liverpool, on her way to Ire- lan(d, about July next. Preparations are rvinkinig at Knon s- ly, on the most magnificent and e.xtensive scale, for the reception of the royal visiter, who will ...

The Court and Fashion

... taut Coutrt anD 4JadiFiln. TiRE QuiN, _.-The 'Windsorcorrespondent of the 3forn- ing Post stys-_* The various reports which bave been eirculated for some time past, calculated to lead the nation shortly to expect an increase in the royal family are totally without foundation. It is confidently rumoured, in the Court circles that Hoer Majesty contemplates giving a magnificentfete at Buck- ...