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... I FFASHIONVABLE INTELLIGENCE The Queen had a dinner par-y on Wednesday at Buck. Ingham Palace. The company included her Royal Highine,, the Duchess of Rent. their Royal Highnesses tihe Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, their Royal Highnessesthe Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess of Slecklenhurgh Strelitz, her Roval Rightness the Grand Duchess Stephanie of Ba;en, his Seren0 Highness Prince Ernert ...


... K iASHI.NtA~ I ?? ?? MA!JESTY 8 ?? ISIT TO THE I Irer ~ljajesty ai'd hits R~yal itirj se Pr, ~ IG~ by the Ionr, lady, and equerry inWaiti'ting. ive' 4theraei'I' O'clock to-day (Saturday), by special train, fron F [iteVI on their wvay to Ostiornie~ihose, vehicti GMer' chased for a mafrine reej'iec T hejou er aj 2t'ibo' liar. onle hour sid as halc rf. O11 raightirn,' fromt tfie sltate riiiI ...


... £ SHioNABLE INTBLLIGENCE. I 9TSL or WIGHT, TTESDAYv.-Hef Majesty CO' rAlbert, and the Princess Royal, took their depar. snid Fymcethe i lanid this afternoon. rfr A dari this oelock ater n aJesty, Prince Albert, and the AttbaR ye1. embarked on board the royal barge from the p opposite te tb edina Hotel. and wers conveyed on enan'nl cii, vhich in a few minutes proceeded on her oear' thi,' er ...


... I PFASHIONABLP N The Queen had a ?? party on Mandav at Buckin. hanm Palace. The company iricludert. her ROYal Highnessth Duchess of Kient, Mons. Dledel. tile Netherlonds miigtre* the Duke de Sotomayor, Spanish Miliseter. and thle Duclle., te 3tamayor . tile Duke (le Brogliie thei Prince d(e 1rogli. tie Duke and Duchiess of Norfolk, the DU-hesS of Norlillulibnrlt.d tue Earl of Aberdeen, Earl ...


... I LrTEP.iA URR. I THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. (Dublin: Curry). r The University A.faqzine for April abounds in excellent articles, but by far the most interesting among them is that on Mr. Petric's great work on the Round Towers of Ireland-a work which can he only paralleled by the labours of the great Niebuhr, and which, as a single piublica. 3 otnl, is the most complete and nationally ...


... IT - Y THEATHE R(yJYA. M Rf Tl ?? A - _- I . .. . Mr. Henry Betty, an actor who has attained considerhble provincial celebrity in England, made his first appearance before a Dublin audience yesterday evening in Hamlet, and was cordially received, Mr. Betty, who is son of the tra. gedian, once so extensively known throughout the dramatic world as the 'Young Roscius, is now apparently about ...


... THIE O'DONO(:}lll-NO. IV. Thies is a good number of this popular tale. Some of its pages sparklle. Now characters are introduced ; and, as the tale proceeds, teie increased interest of the reader is excited. We arc mistahen if tile O Donoglhie do not prove to be one of Mr Lever's most popular works. The ilinstrations this month are admirable. We extract the last chapter. Sir Mlarmadulre ...


... NEWEST LONDON AND PARIS FASHIONS FO1R APRIL, 1844. (Exaroctedfrofm the 1 iorld of Fashion M lfonth ly Miagz2ine (ccljle Couris ?? aud Paris.) CArs, for half dresq, are principally composed of tlle or crepe lisse, tiose inl tulle being trimmed with a lonig pieco of lace, ortmincg, lacppets ol eauch side, wv here it is raised vit h a bunche of very petit roses, either puck or yei- low and wiilte ...


... I COWES, ISLE OF WICHT, MoNDAS'.-Her Majesty's sojourn here will terminate to-morrow, as the royal yacht is under orders to proceed hitticr from Portsmouth harbour, in the morning, for the purpose of conveying the Queen, aud Prince Albert to Gosport. Sir Robert Peel remained ns ille. guest of her 'Majesty until thjis morn inag. wlenl tie took his departuric. Silce tier Mi1jetty's arrival here ...


... FASHIONABLE INK.LLEN The Queen and Prince Albert honoured the Itlall Opera with their presence on Saturday evening. The Que Dowager. the Duchess of K nt, and the Duke and Ducbe,,eo Cambridge, also honoured the opera with their presence The residence of his Roval Highness Prince George of Cambridge at St. Jamce's Palace was ordered to be ready for the piince's recept oil by yesterday (Tuesday). ...


... I FASHIONABLE INtELLIGENCE. I Her Mj~esty ani his Royal Hlighncess Prince Albert, at. tended by a ?? numriber of the royal household, intend to leave Ducisingliam Palace, on Saturday next, for Claremont, and, ?? to preseut arrangements, will remain there until ?? next. The Dowager Matohioness of Downshire wvas expected to leavo Hanover-square on Friday for East Hampstead Park, near Reading. ...


... In the pages of the Dublin University Magazine appeared, pcome time ago, tbe folloving Tribute to this greatly lamnei- ted nobleian. We' now transcribe it into our columns:- Seris ia Ca'lals redeas, diuque Solus iotersis Populo. JDOWNXSh5J1RE-A TRIB~UTZE. I wanderd where the favored land Proclaimed a benefictor's lend, Contentment laughed from every spot- Extended farm, or biumbler cot. ...