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... LItecrature. SELECTED POETRY. LOST FEELINGS. BY 3IRS. ORAY. RETV RN again ! ye that have left my heart To londlin5ess and pain; l e that of all m!, gladness made a part, Return agai a! Oh ! treasures of my bosom, mure and kind,. Thlt rceonwiled me to my eart1ly lot, flow I have fliteg you on tbe chilly wind That heeds you niot. Rceurn againr! Fromn whence ? From the deep sca Of ileath, where ...


... Li I TIE MUNICIPAL CORIPORATION ACTS OF IRELAND, W1ork A COXXF.TARY BE' CRABLES HAIG, ESQ., - BARIUSTEB.AT.LAW. (Dublin: Nicholas Walsh, Sackville-street.) While all writers on constitutioial topics hava been unanimous in establishing the advantages of municipal in- Situtimos, the occurrences which have of late years taken place in this country, and the course of political action fol- lowed ...


... PASHIOXSAii iN, V ALIGiVRA The Marchiones. of Douro has succeeded the Counter or Charlemont rs the Lady in Waiting on tile Queen. Tlc Viscount Hawarden has relievid the Earl of Hardwicke as the r Lord in Waiting on her Majesty; and Sir Frederic IStoin hus relieved Admirrl Sir R. Otway as the Groom in Waiting On hvr d lajelty. t Her MIajesty and Prince Albert, attended by the biar. eellioneis ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLZGENCI,--- Tlne QUEEN'S DRAWING-IOOM, TnIRISDAY.-HPr\T jesty held her first drawving.rootm for the season at St. Jame'.; Palace to-day. Shortly before two o'clock her Majesty. Prince Albert, ardtbe ladles and gentlernen of the household, left Buckingham Pa31 in three of the royal carriages, and proceeded to St. Jarees- escorted by a detachment of the Life Guards. The Que-1s ...


... I *I . . . LITERATURB. I 'FRASER'S MAGAZINE. (London: Nickisson. Dublin: Grant and Bolton.) The papers which compose this month's Fraser, slthongli interesting are not such as claim much particular attention. That on Sir Robert Peel as an orator takes pretty much the same view of the Tory premier's logic and elo- quence as the world has already generally adopted; but ill the political article ...


... I _ The concert of Wednesday evening, under the direction of Prince Albert, was truly a Concert of Ancient Music, his royal highness having taken great pains to bring forward some very curious productions of the olden time, and to have them performed upon the instruments of the period to which they belong. A concerto of the date of 160D, by Emilio del Cavaliere (the father of Italian ...

The Court and Fashion

... ilic eo anu Jaa0gotfo.. INTESDED VrIST OF THE QUEEN TO LVEnrPOOL,- Lord Stanley has brought the gratifying intelligence to his father, the Earl of Derby, that it is her Majesty's intention to pass through Liverpool, on her way to Ire- lan(d, about July next. Preparations are rvinkinig at Knon s- ly, on the most magnificent and e.xtensive scale, for the reception of the royal visiter, who will ...

The Court and Fashion

... taut Coutrt anD 4JadiFiln. TiRE QuiN, _.-The 'Windsorcorrespondent of the 3forn- ing Post stys-_* The various reports which bave been eirculated for some time past, calculated to lead the nation shortly to expect an increase in the royal family are totally without foundation. It is confidently rumoured, in the Court circles that Hoer Majesty contemplates giving a magnificentfete at Buck- ...


... THE NEWEST LONDON ANn PARIS FASffromX FOR APRIL 1845. fP,._ #Z, a ?? ?? . . _ _ Courts of L'oiidon awid lPqri.-) CAPS, for half dress, are prificipaltv c. rins-I of tuile or crepe lihse, those in tulle heiag trmarntl ?? a 1o01 piece of lace, forming lappets on eaoh side. where it is raised with a bunch of very petit roses, ?? pi:l or yellow and white. BONNEI S are mostly to ble seen comcoal of ...


... OIITINA.L POETRY. REFLECTIONS tON TIHE FUNEIRAL OF TIlF LATI'a MARQUIS OF ?? AT ILI.LSBOUOUGH. BetouT and beautiful is the morn Tho opening bud and the bursting thorn, Clothed in their April robes of green, Are shedding their freshness o'er the scene; ''he violet turns her cye of blue On her sister primrosc mwet wvith dew; To eveiy blade of'grass is given A diarmoud from thE mine of heaven. ...


... OUTR liftRAPRY TABLE. T. Tim NOItriT BRITISI REVIEWV-XO. IV. II. rIlE tNlVEltSITV MAtLA'INE. HI. BLtACE\VOOU. IV. P'ASM9. V. CllAtsis:Rts. VI. LEVER'S ST. PATrWcIK's EvE.s-LONDON: CIUAPMAIS AND HA.LT, 1843, SweetApril! IltcotIes to ns once muore witl its soft skies, itsee- idal showers, its sunny days, and lovely spring flowers, buritiegr forth in beauty and freshness everN'wiherc, o'er hill ...

The Court and Fashion

... f)Q Court ano a40!Ion. * THE QUrEN'S VISIT To IRELAND.-The Naval and .Tlilitary Gazette says--' The Queen's viqit to Ireland is said to be fixed for the 6th July, and it is generally be- lieved that to celebrate it a brevet Nvill be issued. A battalion of the Guards is expected to arrive in Dublin next month, contingent upon the Royal visit, also the 8701 Fusiliers from Scotland. The Duke of ...