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... .,k -4 *, -!,q 'r I'll I ?? -- - g?- :6: ?) ?, , ? t 5-zj,? I,,; .. lp (t) aM U I M T Q1 - ?? ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. AN APRIL DAY. ,y ?? LONGrrLLOVo Whon the warm sun, that bringS Sead titno and harvest has returned again, 'Tis swect to visit tho still wood, where springs The first flower of the plain. I love the season well, When forest glades are tceming with bright forms, Nor dark and ...

The Family Companion

... Wbe 6amitp ?rollx-pallioj - I I 1* * ORIGINAL .AN S&ELBCTEBD. SKETCH OF FOUR LEAGUERS (From the London Correspcildent o/the Scet1s671c.) The Leaguea Membaers of the souse of Commonl whom, in pursuancL of typromicse, I shell 'low proceed to sketch, Mr. Cobden, Mrl.' ChleViirM. Milner Gibson, and Mr. Bright. Thsearl~ ilerspa Mrcel p lencl, ntnoe s, iother Leay, Thes ,re parecl- leete ...


... THE NEWSPAPER MAYN. (lrom the Gaol Chaplain an Bentley's miscellanyf 2m! PFor no offence that I am ashamed of-sbrink from mn ?? would hesitate to repeat to-morrow under lei similar provocation! was the answer given me, one an November morning, by an intelligent but excited young ex man, as a reply to tho usual routine question, F For what du are vou committed? th That the chaplain should ...


... A. MARSTON'S CONCLUDING LECTURE ONI ~t ; 1- IMAGINATIVE LITERATURE . I:0: ?? Thursday evening the 27th Talt.: John We6stlaind. Marston, Esq, (author of 1TheiPatrician's Danghter,` 10 1Gerald, &o c) gave the last of a 11ours of four lectures- lr, in thle lecture theatre of the Atahemenumn,to ia numerous audience- the subjects for consideration 1esnb The Of Poems Of Miss Bairrett'- The ...

The FAmily Companion

... ;te dealniutt Q60o1paiaOm. I OR IG~IVA2. Z~SEAGTRD. ?? ?? ,. ' THE CHILD OF E I The subject of this poem, by Mrs. Norton, is the con- dition of thle labouring poor in England. She desires to 1 bring rich and poor into closer communication, by kind- her sympathies, and a larger admission of the elaims of poverty. Slh w ould resiid hlleem that, whoetler thtiou-h ] Eden or the Dcsert, the home ...


... ?? ?? P,,, u M'T 0 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. oh, wilt thou grace my cottage, with thy sunny smiles and sweet- And bo the pole-sta5 of my thoughts in home's sweet bleoss'd rctreat? I'here no storhes ?? bglitthly beauty, and io troublo shal annoy, Bir life stitil bo ?? oltst tnt scone of happiness and Joy I We'll wltder tchrsugh the shady lanes, where first the prlmrossllows, And rest Oln vmrdant, ...

THE WINTON MURDER, Commitled on the Night of the Tecenty-second of May, 1826

... EORIGINAL.] THE INWINTON MlURMDR, I Cominlled on t/ic ?? of thc T'wcnty-scconld of May, 1820. BY CIOARLES LiENWOR.TY. Forth from the town two ruffians wend, Yon hedge-row ale-house guides their eye; Their gloomy looks dark thoughts portend, Their weapons dire dark work imply: Nor once shall rse that setting suin, Before the deed of death they've done. The house they reach; alone, apart They ...


... I ?? lETIES. l The Duke of Wellington will complete his 76th year on the l st of May. The Queen will, it i said, hold a Chapter of the Order of St. Patrick, on her Maijesty's visits tu Ireland in July. It is also rumoured tihat the Royal vlait will be extended to the Duke of Devonshire's lovely seat at Lismore. Why not also to Killarney ? The Marquis of Normanby has announced his intention of ...


... 1. . -. -- A.. - ?? r-J: - A 3 (Pront the Lendon anid Paris Ladie'f Magazine of Fashion. The new ales of this season are of brilliant colours, and made au gradually to shade from the bottom of the skirt to the ocluture; dl &a, othera of sluoltar style are with the stripes transversal, nowehecke ti i for ndcligx, and small patterns in the pompadour style. Velvet st vill continue to form a ...


... --,t arc- ' n~ ?? Tll.,.6 ST. PATATCHES vE.' By Charles Lever. Illustrated by PhIz - Chapman and Hiall.-Mr. Lever's objeot, In this little work,'is to F polet out, which he does In a kindly and friendly spi it,* that S much.of the evilt now afflicting his unhappy but beautiful Si o untry, spring out of the non-residency of landlords, and the N tre tment which' the tenants receive from ugonti ...

Literary Notes

... : Riterar ?? ?- : -V A?b6, - ? Ilat MESMERISM TRUE-M E AL FALSE. dec This may appear an odd title it isahvery the characteristic one, of an admirable ublished fes to which it has been prefixed by Dr. Irbes the learned ng lditor of the British and Foreign na ew. The !Ii Essay is not from the pen of DrMe. self, but- 1n wasoriginally written as a cont o eview ti57i The circumstances which ...


... ?? _- _ Lord Stanley arrived in town from Knoweloy on Saturday last. The trial of llocker, for the murder of Mr. Delartie, at Ilanimlstead, is fixed for the 11th of April. WuVe are assured that Archdiacon Samuol Wilberforce is to lti the new Dean of Westminster,-Standard Mlr. o'Coinnell, it is said, may he expected in London early next week. At tile repeal association, in Dublin, on Monday, Mr ...