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North West, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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... .,k -4 *, -!,q 'r I'll I ?? -- - g?- :6: ?) ?, , ? t 5-zj,? I,,; .. lp (t) aM U I M T Q1 - ?? ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. AN APRIL DAY. ,y ?? LONGrrLLOVo Whon the warm sun, that bringS Sead titno and harvest has returned again, 'Tis swect to visit tho still wood, where springs The first flower of the plain. I love the season well, When forest glades are tceming with bright forms, Nor dark and ...


... ?? ?? P,,, u M'T 0 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. oh, wilt thou grace my cottage, with thy sunny smiles and sweet- And bo the pole-sta5 of my thoughts in home's sweet bleoss'd rctreat? I'here no storhes ?? bglitthly beauty, and io troublo shal annoy, Bir life stitil bo ?? oltst tnt scone of happiness and Joy I We'll wltder tchrsugh the shady lanes, where first the prlmrossllows, And rest Oln vmrdant, ...


... I ?? lETIES. l The Duke of Wellington will complete his 76th year on the l st of May. The Queen will, it i said, hold a Chapter of the Order of St. Patrick, on her Maijesty's visits tu Ireland in July. It is also rumoured tihat the Royal vlait will be extended to the Duke of Devonshire's lovely seat at Lismore. Why not also to Killarney ? The Marquis of Normanby has announced his intention of ...


... ?? _- _ Lord Stanley arrived in town from Knoweloy on Saturday last. The trial of llocker, for the murder of Mr. Delartie, at Ilanimlstead, is fixed for the 11th of April. WuVe are assured that Archdiacon Samuol Wilberforce is to lti the new Dean of Westminster,-Standard Mlr. o'Coinnell, it is said, may he expected in London early next week. At tile repeal association, in Dublin, on Monday, Mr ...


... General Espartero, the late Regent of Spain, visited Woolwich Dock Yard, on Wednesday last. Wonders never Cease.-The London Standard has actually written in support of the Maynooth grant. The Exeter Hall orators will have to look out for another oracle. We wonder what the Standard would have said bad Lord John Russell made the same proposition. The other day a sportsman put up for the night at ...


... ~j - 11~~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _I __ B Tue Waterworks Company of Btdinburgh only chargo four III shillings per annum for''water supplied to cottages let for less mn than £5 per annum;, and when thea water rate is-paid by the landlord, this low rate is further reduced to diaree, sbilliags I t~l 'A public meeting of the Clergy Of the Arehdeaconry of ti Craven was holid at Leeds, oil Monday last,. when, ...


... This concert took place at the Theatre, on Tuesday evening last. The house was moderately well filled with a highly respectable auditory. Upon the whole, the concert passed off extremely well, there being no less than six encores in the latter part of the entertainment. The principal attraction of the evening, was the performance of M. Vieuxtemps, the celebrated Belgian violinist, a pupil of ...


... ?? ,3 L ? k ., - N?) ,g) (f) Zia Q Taft I 0 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. PRIM 1 OS ES. (FtOio FOASr'S MAGAZtINFl,) Thank God I though we be prone to griovo, Small things can bring us joy; And holy feelings planted deol, Though change or care may bid thorn sleop, No time can o'er destroy. Dear friend I thy thought was but to give This pale and scented flowor, Some token of the spring to show; Thou ...


... cl, -- 1?1 ?? - gx-?\ Z: k I INA11-:1 I., 20 (b MI UP Tj ?y 0RIGINAL AND SELECTED. TIlE P:EMALE AUCTIOE'UER (FrOln, the North Britisih AdveeiSclr.) W lHO'LL buy a heart? sweet Mary cries, Mary, the Wlobninig and tllt&air, Whose lovely form and dovelikio ?? Can banish grief and soothe desl'air Como, bid I my headt is up for aler lill no ono bid ? Pray, She, consder! 'Tis sound, and kind, ...