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... OIITINA.L POETRY. REFLECTIONS tON TIHE FUNEIRAL OF TIlF LATI'a MARQUIS OF ?? AT ILI.LSBOUOUGH. BetouT and beautiful is the morn Tho opening bud and the bursting thorn, Clothed in their April robes of green, Are shedding their freshness o'er the scene; ''he violet turns her cye of blue On her sister primrosc mwet wvith dew; To eveiy blade of'grass is given A diarmoud from thE mine of heaven. ...


... OUTR liftRAPRY TABLE. T. Tim NOItriT BRITISI REVIEWV-XO. IV. II. rIlE tNlVEltSITV MAtLA'INE. HI. BLtACE\VOOU. IV. P'ASM9. V. CllAtsis:Rts. VI. LEVER'S ST. PATrWcIK's EvE.s-LONDON: CIUAPMAIS AND HA.LT, 1843, SweetApril! IltcotIes to ns once muore witl its soft skies, itsee- idal showers, its sunny days, and lovely spring flowers, buritiegr forth in beauty and freshness everN'wiherc, o'er hill ...

The Court and Fashion

... f)Q Court ano a40!Ion. * THE QUrEN'S VISIT To IRELAND.-The Naval and .Tlilitary Gazette says--' The Queen's viqit to Ireland is said to be fixed for the 6th July, and it is generally be- lieved that to celebrate it a brevet Nvill be issued. A battalion of the Guards is expected to arrive in Dublin next month, contingent upon the Royal visit, also the 8701 Fusiliers from Scotland. The Duke of ...


... aiteraturC. SELECTED POEITR Y. H0 ME. eT THE LATE MAVARD KNICIIT, E5Q. TIE dearcst spot of earth to mno Is home, sweet homo! The fairy-land I long to sce Is home, sweet homs ! There, howv charm'd the sense of hearing! There, wchers love is so endearing!- All the world is not so cheering As home, sweet homnc! I've taught my heart tbe way to prire My home, sweet hones! I've learnt to look with ...


... ItLturatuar. SELECTED POETRE. A DIEU. Friend of my heart, adieu ! God keep thee in His care! Receive thi3 parting siglh; Believe this parting prny'r; And do not quite forget the few Bright hopes wc've known. Adieu! adica! Remember vanisli'd hours,- Let nietnory softly dwell On one who thiljink of thee With thoughlts too deep to tell,- On one whose love mere steadfast grew 'Mid c]ouds and tears ...


... S EL E C TE) P 0 EI T11 Y. Wily DO 'THEY DIE? BY WMt. FOR.SYTHt. Is the fn'sli glow of' beauty, Sthe first flushi of light, Shtould the dav-dawn be swathed in the Shadows of uitiht, A11a1 thle star ofthe morninz pass fruitless away, And break to the fair earth its promuise of day i Ali to ! Then whby ?? thtus the loveliest tlowers Oh1, NN lly do0 tlie Young Vand the beautiful (lie, Ere the'N ...

The Court and Fashion

... ope erjurt IIiR MAJii'ST'vs DRAWINC1-lloom0_-The Queen held( a ?? ing6i'io (thie first this scason), on Thursday af- t(olit00, at St. James's Palace The suite of hler Ma- jesty and Prince Albert itieluided-the Duchess of Buc- clutieli (Mistress oftheRaobes), the Marchioness ofDotiro, the ?? Viscount ess Canning, and Visconintess jcylo, Lad ics of, the Iedelianiber' Among tile general company ...


... aiterattur. SELECTED POETRY. SONG. BY F. it. BuiL5Y, ESQ. Trr. ship that proudly leaves the shore, Aud dauces through the foam, Alas! may never visit more Its harbour's peaceful home. The hands that gaily furl the sails, The feet thlt tread thc deck, All-with the gallant bark herself, Nay soon berome a wrecok. And so too oft in life we start, Where every sceneo looks fair; The future scenes ...