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... 1:' -Ili L] Y. STANi ZAS _ ?? Ailien! llreirliance no miore olla I v o kinlt thinse stiiit so tekl, tl 3.31 Vti IiitU ?? ii mill either I-e tl \1:41 d!iiutlll-d OCr raLi1L glowing checli i; Tie Stlltiv' tral---tieC stlBOS blUrn, Al e ?? 'C 1encild 1l11 o lln mind, A:n! tho' af-ir thlou wivatlidi Ist 110W ^ wtrvS t :'ttnill'r'v still is Ileft bellil.d liv C 1111¼V; s lvillidiil stlt.!atl le ...

Literary Notices

... illucuarp ?Iotifco. T/lie life , rd 11iP, GX., I. late (ComIt ta lnder t 0ft/,c l rees. By thle Ilev. ?? Sidniey, .M. I a rra v. c LI'I I to o1r I,itri lIII il tIL il st Iiotis coi pan io : ort hie c Il Ilel of Iii gtuu, atid his successor Is i Ctoll na1(iler-itl-(.llii ,ft II fle iitish Forces, is one of ti 0' 'vIes wthicI , fromi tiek. suilt ect, tire suir, ti) Coner itoi the literature of ...


... 1101-?jTRY. - ?? [tlls wer to c rotrde ill list wee'ks ittroiticl - St IT A GAlULA D). it ( WI'r itea ui, the A Ihoot or a y(II9 Lauldy.) ti 1 love thee, Siow-il rop -sillltle hewr-- a Ie U)pillt cil! Co' llsow, slililitng pistr 1w 'jIlkxt !iOLAI Shtl~ll bJ6llL- 1) The souiniy islean- thle fr uitfal shoow - v Tlue birth of srlitig. a ?? pliill rosc-lovoly Ioos-battlis' qucen, a Alid liC of ...

Literary Notices

... ulterarp JAottCro. The Irnprvisatore; or Lif¢ in Italy. From thc DIIIsIL of HANS CHiatSTIAN ANDjLisLN. Trail- slated by MAR.ny luewi'r'. Two v'ols. Bentley. 1815. ViESUVIUS IN A SUND.Y IlNIiOU1tr. WE au re not to asecid VsOuvius till evening, ?? tha glowing lava and :moonlight would have krcat eflect. We took asses from IRecifla, .ad rode upI tic monlitili ; thle road lay through vineyards ...

Literary Notices

... U(MV61XV 1:1014treo. TIrM. Tikrirl OF TonFoU. (fIrom Xiss ,lartrti's St. Diionnerc.) As yet the artillery had takell no share in the action. It had beei a rcgular steel and lead affliird fu r the Y e ncieen paik; had not arrived, and lieber's fi-ld-pieces had remainede in hiS rcar, engaged in a deep narowv road, from. which, he oeoud inot dit aegage them. At length, after three 1ooLrs of ...

Literary Notices

... ?? . - - I ?? '1Ca J.ifi of Lord [fll, ?? ltate (C'oiminiidea ' l ffi I'F-cOS' ily the 1C1. E. 6idlley, A. M. it urrit y, ?? [Sl.:COXD N(i'rtl'I:] 13 'L'u ?? txllojis it tlllgll weon for thieir perfornmcu it a tit c l' W;;S 11tow 6ir IRoo'iild hill. his liext ac licy ?? was tloaa 6rLpiriOfAIMl lr:aZ. 'tO ?? ]iitale tiil !m JrIictju LIICIC aelr two leagules of ill- te joSLiC ?? - bt Tulw scout ...


... ELJ.GIA C. On the death of Mr. John Robinson, the Eminent tl Harpist, of B~angor. t d Sivect Harpist-tbou are gone to dust And I will weep beside thy lyrc. ti To think those cords must evcr rust ti That filld my soul with Bardic fire. , 0 2 d And may a son of Cymru dear n 'I hat ftlt the raptures, of thy lay, . WVill ?? awvay the mournful tear, When told that thou art gone to clay. a 3 U: . ...


... SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART. 1;Y tSiIS. J .itilSoN'. The Trcire ApaostlLs. Among thesubjects on the walls of the Brani- caeci (2hlqpcl, already alluded to, the filest of all is that iu which St. Peter and St. Paul ale aie- cused betore Iero of despising the idols ; a mag- nilicent cominposition. Oil the right, the Emiuper-or is seated on his throne , oil cacI sidehis council. 1lis alnd c ...


... - ' O P UNPU tBLISHIED l'OEMI OF CASMPBELL.. 51 ho fullowirrg poemn, said to be tile composition of (I tire Inc I IronaMs Campbell, wvas fouild by -Mr. Wal- C lace t1110otg thle apers of llentiellasset, accompriranied h% thC' latl gerltlrrllalrl's ?? m1us11ic. It has tevter btee pu I blisri a in ihis court1try, so far as we believc, rid -lis oilly appeatdci, wtlhin a shiutt tilme, in a New t Y ...


... PO 1'T itY. CHIARA DE. To a aICI iW 1here thc suill is ever 1litght, A-ad tiis sky is user l'I bIyfirOt, With the 'r Ii l o to tle grtell palil ilight, 'Jath gonu tL wo erlhip[ tilelc. lie hathI bent his ?? ;t, thl sacied shribln WhereI the 1letiILss tapels burn; DI C ath Iwo ke ll n 1is brist ?? 1holy sign - And ?? I ; ss to leturiil ?? a ligigler livait, but a1 farm ?? downvt, BSv my Pit'I t ...


... 10J. T R Y. ADGOFlONX Ml;'ItD. ' (LORD BYRlON.) O! na bawn otto Illentyni r11yld, \'ii tr go cx1 fy opt' diwv; ?? ?? yil o tor 3 gwylltet buliud, NXcl rlccI% ?? ar S' l)l iillv ! 1Ixaicllrldi 1i3y';yiiz oil Ilid rri, J`0 ricl )ddid gel 1,digol n1-- A * ir v g ?? ri, iith i flycr, Ai Iuiaig lie ciwlny'i* doll ddihun. Tyri-lieIfeni ! dwv- y tiroecd MRnitt, Ar enw Iton )II ol, a' fii: C;'S gcir3 ...


... P)O0E TRY. RINCIS CA.\I.N.ANIC. NhI y of rii vailiu clictties sholtih thev sinIg! \S .rr gold Igd or/e I/w s O1s ilI tile tedrlilijig Idg. 1.acIlc~v., S- OY nvlUS iMY Ol.D C0MI'PANIONS. ldv heart Ires Lvariledl, lil.e Lrilii IleaCLtS, M itlh IIl the forvorr \ouItlh itlplItS; Ai all lie rralirtilr that feelirir; vlilles it~s chel i ,elet eire IV0(prrli5 rI ricild. ,IL ijIiiZ_ V1j,1ts palseil ...