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... ASIHION.4BLE IlTEL*GENCE* I The Queen and Prince Albert, attended by the Counteal of Chalrlemont, the lion. .Miss ltamilton, the Earl of Hard- wicks, Colonel Arbithnot, and Cflon-l Btluverie. henoured the Italian Opera with their presence on Saturday evening. Her Itoyal Highness thle Duchess of Kent and their Royal High- r(sves thle Du'l- and Duchets oft Cambridge, and the Hereditary Granwl ...

The Court and Fashion

... ,Lrfjc Court alM S'loyWoll. The London Ti'forneisg Post of Thursday contains the announcement which we now cepy in the hope that the intelligenee may be correct :- THtE QIEEN'9 VISIT To IFlELAND .-W IhavP great satisfaction in announcing that the anticipated visit of her maijesty and his Royal Highness Prince Albert to the sister island is definitively fixed to taxe piace during the ensuing ...


... THIE O'DONO(:}lll-NO. IV. Thies is a good number of this popular tale. Some of its pages sparklle. Now characters are introduced ; and, as the tale proceeds, teie increased interest of the reader is excited. We arc mistahen if tile O Donoglhie do not prove to be one of Mr Lever's most popular works. The ilinstrations this month are admirable. We extract the last chapter. Sir Mlarmadulre ...


... Li I TIE MUNICIPAL CORIPORATION ACTS OF IRELAND, W1ork A COXXF.TARY BE' CRABLES HAIG, ESQ., - BARIUSTEB.AT.LAW. (Dublin: Nicholas Walsh, Sackville-street.) While all writers on constitutioial topics hava been unanimous in establishing the advantages of municipal in- Situtimos, the occurrences which have of late years taken place in this country, and the course of political action fol- lowed ...


... PASHIOXSAii iN, V ALIGiVRA The Marchiones. of Douro has succeeded the Counter or Charlemont rs the Lady in Waiting on tile Queen. Tlc Viscount Hawarden has relievid the Earl of Hardwicke as the r Lord in Waiting on her Majesty; and Sir Frederic IStoin hus relieved Admirrl Sir R. Otway as the Groom in Waiting On hvr d lajelty. t Her MIajesty and Prince Albert, attended by the biar. eellioneis ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLZGENCI,--- Tlne QUEEN'S DRAWING-IOOM, TnIRISDAY.-HPr\T jesty held her first drawving.rootm for the season at St. Jame'.; Palace to-day. Shortly before two o'clock her Majesty. Prince Albert, ardtbe ladles and gentlernen of the household, left Buckingham Pa31 in three of the royal carriages, and proceeded to St. Jarees- escorted by a detachment of the Life Guards. The Que-1s ...

The Court and Fashion

... ilic eo anu Jaa0gotfo.. INTESDED VrIST OF THE QUEEN TO LVEnrPOOL,- Lord Stanley has brought the gratifying intelligence to his father, the Earl of Derby, that it is her Majesty's intention to pass through Liverpool, on her way to Ire- lan(d, about July next. Preparations are rvinkinig at Knon s- ly, on the most magnificent and e.xtensive scale, for the reception of the royal visiter, who will ...


... I f4#/u.NABLR INTBLLiGENCLE. Tilh Queen ba. a dinner party on Thursday at Bucking- i 'i T a.ce Ts e company included her Rloyal lighlness the F leof Rent, the Duches3a of Sutherland, thle Duke of fjliegtoen the Earl of Clarendon, and Lord and Lady John ig''o~ell al Higbess Prince Albert piresidiel on Friday lls D~0Iatoetiog of tile comnmission for promoting nnd sji dC atile filnealrt ilil le ...


... aiteraturC. SELECTED POEITR Y. H0 ME. eT THE LATE MAVARD KNICIIT, E5Q. TIE dearcst spot of earth to mno Is home, sweet homo! The fairy-land I long to sce Is home, sweet homs ! There, howv charm'd the sense of hearing! There, wchers love is so endearing!- All the world is not so cheering As home, sweet homnc! I've taught my heart tbe way to prire My home, sweet hones! I've learnt to look with ...


... ItLturatuar. SELECTED POETRE. A DIEU. Friend of my heart, adieu ! God keep thee in His care! Receive thi3 parting siglh; Believe this parting prny'r; And do not quite forget the few Bright hopes wc've known. Adieu! adica! Remember vanisli'd hours,- Let nietnory softly dwell On one who thiljink of thee With thoughlts too deep to tell,- On one whose love mere steadfast grew 'Mid c]ouds and tears ...