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... Li I TIE MUNICIPAL CORIPORATION ACTS OF IRELAND, W1ork A COXXF.TARY BE' CRABLES HAIG, ESQ., - BARIUSTEB.AT.LAW. (Dublin: Nicholas Walsh, Sackville-street.) While all writers on constitutioial topics hava been unanimous in establishing the advantages of municipal in- Situtimos, the occurrences which have of late years taken place in this country, and the course of political action fol- lowed ...


... PASHIOXSAii iN, V ALIGiVRA The Marchiones. of Douro has succeeded the Counter or Charlemont rs the Lady in Waiting on tile Queen. Tlc Viscount Hawarden has relievid the Earl of Hardwicke as the r Lord in Waiting on her Majesty; and Sir Frederic IStoin hus relieved Admirrl Sir R. Otway as the Groom in Waiting On hvr d lajelty. t Her MIajesty and Prince Albert, attended by the biar. eellioneis ...

The Court and Fashion

... ilic eo anu Jaa0gotfo.. INTESDED VrIST OF THE QUEEN TO LVEnrPOOL,- Lord Stanley has brought the gratifying intelligence to his father, the Earl of Derby, that it is her Majesty's intention to pass through Liverpool, on her way to Ire- lan(d, about July next. Preparations are rvinkinig at Knon s- ly, on the most magnificent and e.xtensive scale, for the reception of the royal visiter, who will ...


... variftks? e In Ireland a sharp fellow is said to be as Y cute as Power's fox-the fox of Ballybotherem, which el used to read the papers every morning to find out where in the hounds were to meet. Df The American negroes are remarkable for y the pertinacity with which they mimic the dress, 7 actions, and manners of the whites. Even in their it funeral courtesies the spirit of imitation is ...


... 1. . -. -- A.. - ?? r-J: - A 3 (Pront the Lendon anid Paris Ladie'f Magazine of Fashion. The new ales of this season are of brilliant colours, and made au gradually to shade from the bottom of the skirt to the ocluture; dl &a, othera of sluoltar style are with the stripes transversal, nowehecke ti i for ndcligx, and small patterns in the pompadour style. Velvet st vill continue to form a ...


... aiteraturC. SELECTED POEITR Y. H0 ME. eT THE LATE MAVARD KNICIIT, E5Q. TIE dearcst spot of earth to mno Is home, sweet homo! The fairy-land I long to sce Is home, sweet homs ! There, howv charm'd the sense of hearing! There, wchers love is so endearing!- All the world is not so cheering As home, sweet homnc! I've taught my heart tbe way to prire My home, sweet hones! I've learnt to look with ...


... THE ANSWER OF SPRING. I come, I come I I heard the call Of earth, on every side; I saw the tears which the sky lot fall, And I'd fain those tears were dried I've struggled, and burst from the icy bond Which winter had o'er me cast; 1 hear sweet greetings, all loud and fond, And I come o'er the world at last I I smile, and the sunbeam broke forth, to shed A brighter and warmer ray; I smile, and ...