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... I Past and Present Policy of England towards Ireland. Moxon. This is a remarkably moderate, able, and well- informed book. It is a rapid historical survey of the treatment of Ireland by England since Henry the Second's conquest; in proof that from Strong- bow to O'Connell the English policy has been a false one ; evil, partial, and inconsistent. The course the writer takes to exhibit this, is ...


... lqrbirw5i 'EilE ILLUMIj3NATED MAGAZINE-APRIL. Tl'e contents of this month's number are varied and entertaining. Travel and Talk, by LuIKF llsv, contains a severe castigation of tle homooopa- thie. quacks. The Past, the Present, and the lossible, is cleverly written. The Adventures of a Setallp, if wve correctly unolerstand thle writer, arplcar to be likely to be brought to an abrupt, ...


... Erbiebm THE ILLUMINATED MAGAZINE-ArnIm. The contents of this month's number are varied and entertaining. Travel and Talk, by LuRE RODEN, contains a severe castigation of the homoeopa- thic quacks. The Past, the Present, and the Possible, is cleverly written. The Adventures of a Scamp, if we correctly understand the writer, appear to be likely to be brought to an abrupt, and invthsing ...


... aottrv). SONNET.-Co.)rFOSED AT ST. CLOUD, PmEsim nand slow I tread thy cool alcove, 0, sweet St. Cload! tile river wanders by Like some sweet spirit soft and noisslessly, And fragrance breatiles along theso hmlue-treogroves; Bright flowers end graceful plants, so glad and green, Bloom in the palthways and the gay partqrres, And not a breath the lightest leaflet stirs. Yet factions fierce thesc ...


... T ITHE THEATRIC AL EXAMINE R. , HER MAJESTY'S TnEATRE. A second hearing of Madame Castellan in an- other part, the Sonnarnbula, has raised still higher our opinion of' her merits, and diminished the ex- ceptions or qualifications we before made to our praise. Her performance of the music of Arnina is almost without a fault. The richness and clear- ness of her voice, the exact intonation, the ...

The Family Companion

... --I IC& ;falnitl co11l0-palliM, - ?? ~ ~~padi ORIGIN. #SBLECTED. the that are fEVER DESPAIR.-'It 0 aamaiden lady of fourscore, onl being, asked t'a g oa esst y think of marriage, candidl todteitroator he ms h apply to an older wroman thnueref.Th aeatwhc an old man's vanity, in affisaeadigt e sex, be icmes p extinct, is eqtually dubioue-Goseo-F x,: Tbecomesn thg burgh Tales.ThEd-jg, endf GERMAN ...


... .ITMEhARiY VARIEWTz,. in aPedantrY cramas ou'r heads with learned lumber, and takes foci ot our brains to make room for it. iit-y TitUnTH-Tirere is a passage in Tillotston that should be tire perused by ail these who area notorious for ?? is culled drlrw- te, lag thre long bow.' Ile observes tbat 1truth is alwaya consistent n*vithl itself, fnod needs notiring to help it out. it is alway,; ...


... ftctratn rf. no. th~e flade's Londlon Review'.-Orr aind Co., London. tim In 1 Rfleivmie Civilmoation of Ancient and modern Nations- a sobijmct of' great and general interest is treated in it fur and Of Inmpartial manner, thoumgli a decideid lmrefereintO is firen to I mmdern timces aind mooch of time hoastedi cimilitiation ofn time anmcienmts jabl i. rotnelm ojemiy shmownm to imavc been ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLZGENCI,--- Tlne QUEEN'S DRAWING-IOOM, TnIRISDAY.-HPr\T jesty held her first drawving.rootm for the season at St. Jame'.; Palace to-day. Shortly before two o'clock her Majesty. Prince Albert, ardtbe ladles and gentlernen of the household, left Buckingham Pa31 in three of the royal carriages, and proceeded to St. Jarees- escorted by a detachment of the Life Guards. The Que-1s ...

Literary Notes

... : Riterar ?? ?- : -V A?b6, - ? Ilat MESMERISM TRUE-M E AL FALSE. dec This may appear an odd title it isahvery the characteristic one, of an admirable ublished fes to which it has been prefixed by Dr. Irbes the learned ng lditor of the British and Foreign na ew. The !Ii Essay is not from the pen of DrMe. self, but- 1n wasoriginally written as a cont o eview ti57i The circumstances which ...


... .,k -4 *, -!,q 'r I'll I ?? -- - g?- :6: ?) ?, , ? t 5-zj,? I,,; .. lp (t) aM U I M T Q1 - ?? ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. AN APRIL DAY. ,y ?? LONGrrLLOVo Whon the warm sun, that bringS Sead titno and harvest has returned again, 'Tis swect to visit tho still wood, where springs The first flower of the plain. I love the season well, When forest glades are tceming with bright forms, Nor dark and ...


... 10ortrP. A CASE AT SESSIONS. Testerday, at the Sessions held in Buckingham, The Rev. Simon ShatWood, famed for tucking ham And capon into his appointed man, tiravely discuts'd a (testly breach of law, And then comnloitted to the county jail (After a patient hearing) Wila Flail: For that he, Flail, one day last wveek, Was seen maelcionsly to sneak And bend his body by the fence Of his own ...