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... I f4#/u.NABLR INTBLLiGENCLE. Tilh Queen ba. a dinner party on Thursday at Bucking- i 'i T a.ce Ts e company included her Rloyal lighlness the F leof Rent, the Duches3a of Sutherland, thle Duke of fjliegtoen the Earl of Clarendon, and Lord and Lady John ig''o~ell al Higbess Prince Albert piresidiel on Friday lls D~0Iatoetiog of tile comnmission for promoting nnd sji dC atile filnealrt ilil le ...


... LITRATIURE. Tote Lo-noon Ant Dooa-macneis or LORDi NELSON, With Notes by Sir Haeris Nicotog. Vat. H1. London : Henry Colborn. - This inteccsting publitcntion, to swhich the indefatigable editor is bailding oip an impecisheble literary monument to ?? nasal horn, toast ferm oat object of attraction to all classes of big coantrymena eanl it is with regret see obsecrv, O.tht Sir Harris has hors ...


... HMandel's Sonys, newirly arranyed, cxpn vsslyfoi Amattceurs and Private Pc-forinsancc. By WILLIAM HUTCHINZS CALLCOTT. [Leader and Cock. The editions of HANDEL'S songs are numberless; but the plan of this publication is new, and, we think, very ju- dicious. In consleqiencc of the gradual rise in the concert- pitch since the days of HIANDEL, his songs, when they nre low stillg as he wrote them, ...


... THE IIA GA ZINES F OR APRIL. Blaek ?? politics again! How is this? Is there nothing in the state of the nation calling' for Christoplher's powerful remark ;-or are things, aid parties becoming too complicated for him to deal with ? The Jews' Bill !-the Maynooth Grant!-not a word of either! However, for our own part we do not complain. Thicnumber bufore us is a good one, abounding in excellent ...


... Asmertcan Facts. Notes {and Statistics reoative to the Governmaent, Rejsolnlecs, DEagycgients, fanl faetlles, Comiam rece, Reliqion,, Educa tion, Litcerat re, Fiec Arts, Mranners, 01td Customs of thei United States of Amseri(a. By GEOnGE PALMER PUTNAM, Member of the New York Historical Society, &c. With Portraits and a Map. [London: Wiley and Putnam. It has often been charged 11po10 the ...