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Literary Notices

... illucuarp ?Iotifco. T/lie life , rd 11iP, GX., I. late (ComIt ta lnder t 0ft/,c l rees. By thle Ilev. ?? Sidniey, .M. I a rra v. c LI'I I to o1r I,itri lIII il tIL il st Iiotis coi pan io : ort hie c Il Ilel of Iii gtuu, atid his successor Is i Ctoll na1(iler-itl-(.llii ,ft II fle iitish Forces, is one of ti 0' 'vIes wthicI , fromi tiek. suilt ect, tire suir, ti) Coner itoi the literature of ...


... 1101-?jTRY. - ?? [tlls wer to c rotrde ill list wee'ks ittroiticl - St IT A GAlULA D). it ( WI'r itea ui, the A Ihoot or a y(II9 Lauldy.) ti 1 love thee, Siow-il rop -sillltle hewr-- a Ie U)pillt cil! Co' llsow, slililitng pistr 1w 'jIlkxt !iOLAI Shtl~ll bJ6llL- 1) The souiniy islean- thle fr uitfal shoow - v Tlue birth of srlitig. a ?? pliill rosc-lovoly Ioos-battlis' qucen, a Alid liC of ...


... ?? IAJFSTY'S THEATiB, There was another great musical performance at this Theatre last night, consisting of The Descrt, preceded by a Miscellaneous Selection, of a much higher character than on the previous evening, on which M. DAVID'S Sym- phony was performed. The concert commenced with BEETHIOVEN'S Symphony in C minor ; and we certainly never were so much impressed with the grandeur and powe ...


... FRENCH PLA YS-St. JA MES'S THEA TE. I RAVEL appeared for the third time last night In the one-act vaudeville of La Tante Mal Gazrde e. by Pracontel, anl old Maitre des Comptes (LfigNARD), of who has numbered sixty-thoree winters, has mar- I ried a young widow, Mfadame Praoentel (ELIOfi bu FoRGEOT), who is just entering her five and twentieth d summer. She is young, gay, and pretty; the husband ...


... LItecrature. SELECTED POETRY. LOST FEELINGS. BY 3IRS. ORAY. RETV RN again ! ye that have left my heart To londlin5ess and pain; l e that of all m!, gladness made a part, Return agai a! Oh ! treasures of my bosom, mure and kind,. Thlt rceonwiled me to my eart1ly lot, flow I have fliteg you on tbe chilly wind That heeds you niot. Rceurn againr! Fromn whence ? From the deep sca Of ileath, where ...

The Court and Fashion

... f)Q Court ano a40!Ion. * THE QUrEN'S VISIT To IRELAND.-The Naval and .Tlilitary Gazette says--' The Queen's viqit to Ireland is said to be fixed for the 6th July, and it is generally be- lieved that to celebrate it a brevet Nvill be issued. A battalion of the Guards is expected to arrive in Dublin next month, contingent upon the Royal visit, also the 8701 Fusiliers from Scotland. The Duke of ...