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... LITFRATIURE. j anL nod other Fragmesnts in Verse. L LonodnO John Alurray-, Alheraurle icor S hrrto.Oliver B oYdl, and Fraser & Co. $0ott' nitel ectallerablo attootion both in the T ehu od fohoa;iel worl. It onesists, of detached lirs p Lioeeyll iog rh distingorished aothor's inn- o1temo 1eirrol sceoeasetited hy hdm duo- cr0 ?? These fragments, wriltton at 0O~ clne heo~eC ranpresenrt, Andl ...


... - L - .- .- _ _1 - _ m I , . I The Queen went in state on Thursday evening to Drury Lane Theatre. Her Majesty and Prince Albert left Buckinghanm Palace at a quarter before 7 o'clock, attended bv a numerous suite. The Royal procession consisted of eight carriages. Her Majesty arrived at fiee minutes before seven, and was received by Mr. Bane, in full court dress. Her Majesty the Queen Dowager, ...


... Thle season closed last night with the benefit of the TiMont eranevrpalof the bausso was fitted to overflw, esa having been onabsle to obtain admaittaoce. Thes pins-,a 's he ,,Lady of Lyons, nod Miss Faseit perfonratd the poan of 'saoline, Mr Hurcay oppearing as Colonel Dltarns, his esigi. nil pert hnee. At thle close of the plot, Mliss Faneit. or te sisultaneeoas and enthusiastic catl of the ...