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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... I FASHIONABLE INTELL)GENCE. I HER MAJESTY'S LEVEE. Her Majesty held a levee at St. James's Palace on Wednesday, which was most numerously attended. The fineness of the weather and the interest exhibited to witness the brilliant spec- tacle, caused many thousands ofi her Majesty'a loyal subjects to assemble in the Park at an early hour. Shortly before two o'clock the Queen and Prince Albert, at ...


... I L1TERATURX. THE FRENCH IN ALGIERS. The reading public have been for some time familiar with that cheap and useful publication Murray's Home and Colonial Library. The volume named above forms the ninetnenth of the series, and is unsurpassed in interest by any of those which have preceded it. It consists of two narratives of residence in Algiers, translated by Lady Duff Gordon, one from the ...


... I PFASHIONABLP N The Queen had a ?? party on Mandav at Buckin. hanm Palace. The company iricludert. her ROYal Highnessth Duchess of Kient, Mons. Dledel. tile Netherlonds miigtre* the Duke de Sotomayor, Spanish Miliseter. and thle Duclle., te 3tamayor . tile Duke (le Brogliie thei Prince d(e 1rogli. tie Duke and Duchiess of Norfolk, the DU-hesS of Norlillulibnrlt.d tue Earl of Aberdeen, Earl ...


... IT - Y THEATHE R(yJYA. M Rf Tl ?? A - _- I . .. . Mr. Henry Betty, an actor who has attained considerhble provincial celebrity in England, made his first appearance before a Dublin audience yesterday evening in Hamlet, and was cordially received, Mr. Betty, who is son of the tra. gedian, once so extensively known throughout the dramatic world as the 'Young Roscius, is now apparently about ...


... FASHIONABLE INK.LLEN The Queen and Prince Albert honoured the Itlall Opera with their presence on Saturday evening. The Que Dowager. the Duchess of K nt, and the Duke and Ducbe,,eo Cambridge, also honoured the opera with their presence The residence of his Roval Highness Prince George of Cambridge at St. Jamce's Palace was ordered to be ready for the piince's recept oil by yesterday (Tuesday). ...


... I FASHIONABLE INtELLIGENCE. I Her Mj~esty ani his Royal Hlighncess Prince Albert, at. tended by a ?? numriber of the royal household, intend to leave Ducisingliam Palace, on Saturday next, for Claremont, and, ?? to preseut arrangements, will remain there until ?? next. The Dowager Matohioness of Downshire wvas expected to leavo Hanover-square on Friday for East Hampstead Park, near Reading. ...


... I FPASHIONAgJM INTELLIGkVCE. l The Dowaqer Marchioness of Downshire and the Mar. ehioness or Downshire have left London for East Hlampstead Park, Berks. Lady Charlotte Chetwynd, the Dowager Mar. chioness's eldest daughter, was safely confined on Thursday last. at Leamington Spa, with a daughter. Her ladyship and infant are, We are happy to state, progressing as favourably as can be expeoted. ...


... PRAlCTICAL FLORAL AND) HORTICULTURAL S UCIl;: . A _ . . - -. , . 1. ^ A private cxhibition of' flwerg Wa' yesterdav held, under inthe auspices of the a'bove society, in the Lecture-room, ltoal-Exehange. The specimens exhibited were very few in number, a~nd loosistod ex(,usiv ly of auriculas, poly- ant husee, hyaci~t hs, pansies, and anemronies. The folowieg is a list of the prizes as awarded ...