... IIVSTITUTE 01 B lif'B IS'.l A 11TIS7S. A very numaerously a it-fned meeting' of this society was held on Satulday evening, at the Adelphi, in the ?? room of the Society fbr the Encouragement of Arts,Viscount Palmerston in the chair. ViooenIiut PAIMEniSTON said lhe felt niuch ?? at tfhe high honour a hihi then society hond done him in elifling upon him to preside at their ineting, on that occa- ...


... THE COCK AND ANCHOR-A CHRIONICLE 0O' OLD DUJBLIN CITY. 3 VOL$. DUBLIN, CURRY & CO. 1845. This is one of thle best novels we have read- for a lengthened period. The tatle is exceedingly interesting; and it is written with unusual power and originality. Tihe characters are all admirably conceived and sustain- ed ; thle many and varied incidents are vividly depicted ; and like this April weather ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELL)GENCE. I HER MAJESTY'S LEVEE. Her Majesty held a levee at St. James's Palace on Wednesday, which was most numerously attended. The fineness of the weather and the interest exhibited to witness the brilliant spec- tacle, caused many thousands ofi her Majesty'a loyal subjects to assemble in the Park at an early hour. Shortly before two o'clock the Queen and Prince Albert, at ...

Literary Notices

... illucuarp ?Iotifco. T/lie life , rd 11iP, GX., I. late (ComIt ta lnder t 0ft/,c l rees. By thle Ilev. ?? Sidniey, .M. I a rra v. c LI'I I to o1r I,itri lIII il tIL il st Iiotis coi pan io : ort hie c Il Ilel of Iii gtuu, atid his successor Is i Ctoll na1(iler-itl-(.llii ,ft II fle iitish Forces, is one of ti 0' 'vIes wthicI , fromi tiek. suilt ect, tire suir, ti) Coner itoi the literature of ...


... LITFRATIURE. j anL nod other Fragmesnts in Verse. L LonodnO John Alurray-, Alheraurle icor S hrrto.Oliver B oYdl, and Fraser & Co. $0ott' nitel ectallerablo attootion both in the T ehu od fohoa;iel worl. It onesists, of detached lirs p Lioeeyll iog rh distingorished aothor's inn- o1temo 1eirrol sceoeasetited hy hdm duo- cr0 ?? These fragments, wriltton at 0O~ clne heo~eC ranpresenrt, Andl ...


... 1101-?jTRY. - ?? [tlls wer to c rotrde ill list wee'ks ittroiticl - St IT A GAlULA D). it ( WI'r itea ui, the A Ihoot or a y(II9 Lauldy.) ti 1 love thee, Siow-il rop -sillltle hewr-- a Ie U)pillt cil! Co' llsow, slililitng pistr 1w 'jIlkxt !iOLAI Shtl~ll bJ6llL- 1) The souiniy islean- thle fr uitfal shoow - v Tlue birth of srlitig. a ?? pliill rosc-lovoly Ioos-battlis' qucen, a Alid liC of ...


... GOUT AND FASHION. I His Royal Highness. Prince Albert rode out on horseback on Saturday, attended by Colonel Bouverie, Equerry in Waiting. The Queen and Prince Albert. honored the Italian Opera with their presence in the evening, The Queen and Prince Albert, the Queen Dowager, -the Duchess of Kent, the ladies and gentlemen of the Court, and the domestic household, attended Divine service on ...

Published: Sunday 27 April 1845
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 557 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I L1TERATURX. THE FRENCH IN ALGIERS. The reading public have been for some time familiar with that cheap and useful publication Murray's Home and Colonial Library. The volume named above forms the ninetnenth of the series, and is unsurpassed in interest by any of those which have preceded it. It consists of two narratives of residence in Algiers, translated by Lady Duff Gordon, one from the ...


... ~j - 11~~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _I __ B Tue Waterworks Company of Btdinburgh only chargo four III shillings per annum for''water supplied to cottages let for less mn than £5 per annum;, and when thea water rate is-paid by the landlord, this low rate is further reduced to diaree, sbilliags I t~l 'A public meeting of the Clergy Of the Arehdeaconry of ti Craven was holid at Leeds, oil Monday last,. when, ...


... ?? IAJFSTY'S THEATiB, There was another great musical performance at this Theatre last night, consisting of The Descrt, preceded by a Miscellaneous Selection, of a much higher character than on the previous evening, on which M. DAVID'S Sym- phony was performed. The concert commenced with BEETHIOVEN'S Symphony in C minor ; and we certainly never were so much impressed with the grandeur and powe ...


... FASHIONABLE INK.LLEN The Queen and Prince Albert honoured the Itlall Opera with their presence on Saturday evening. The Que Dowager. the Duchess of K nt, and the Duke and Ducbe,,eo Cambridge, also honoured the opera with their presence The residence of his Roval Highness Prince George of Cambridge at St. Jamce's Palace was ordered to be ready for the piince's recept oil by yesterday (Tuesday). ...

[ill] &c

... K,?%&&T ilOALS, ?? ?? hA- ?? tatl is nriture.-SHAURRE-R ?? OPERA.-The Baotler di Siviglia seas per- formed on Thursday evening, for the first time this sea- son; and, on this revival, had all the charm oef novelty. We have always said that Grisi and Lablache, powerful as they are in the loftier walks of the drama, are come- dilans par excellence. Grisi's comic acting seems entirely free from ...