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... IIVSTITUTE 01 B lif'B IS'.l A 11TIS7S. A very numaerously a it-fned meeting' of this society was held on Satulday evening, at the Adelphi, in the ?? room of the Society fbr the Encouragement of Arts,Viscount Palmerston in the chair. ViooenIiut PAIMEniSTON said lhe felt niuch ?? at tfhe high honour a hihi then society hond done him in elifling upon him to preside at their ineting, on that occa- ...


... Adventures in Nues Zealand, from 1830 to 1844. By EDWARD JERNINGIHAM M AIIEFUELD, Es{i. 2 vole. SiO. [ iMray. This work is the personal narrative of a gentleman whlo, at the age of nineteen or twenty, engaged in thie interesting enterprise of colonizing New Zealand. iir. Wakefield's eager devotion to his cause leads him, naturally erougit, into a narrative of the disputes between the settlers ...


... }fAYMAMKET THEATRE. It Iies seine tinies been objected to Mr. JERROILD that lie is too prone to satire, and we have heard it said that lie cannot write without dipping his pen in gall. It cannot be denied that he is a shrewd and attentive observer of folies and vices, and that lie describes them with caustic severity. lie is the sworn foe of cant, hypocrisy is his abhorrence, and lie ...


... THE ITAIJAN OPERA., The Barbiere di Siviqlia, which went off with such admirable spirit and effect on Thursday evening, was repeated on Saturday ; but the perfornance was mnarred by the inability of MARIO to go on with the part bf Count Albnaviva. He appeared in the first scene, and com- menced his beautiful serenade, Ecco ridente il cielo, but wns so hoarse that, after an unsuccessful ...


... - L - .- .- _ _1 - _ m I , . I The Queen went in state on Thursday evening to Drury Lane Theatre. Her Majesty and Prince Albert left Buckinghanm Palace at a quarter before 7 o'clock, attended bv a numerous suite. The Royal procession consisted of eight carriages. Her Majesty arrived at fiee minutes before seven, and was received by Mr. Bane, in full court dress. Her Majesty the Queen Dowager, ...


... I FPASHIONAgJM INTELLIGkVCE. l The Dowaqer Marchioness of Downshire and the Mar. ehioness or Downshire have left London for East Hlampstead Park, Berks. Lady Charlotte Chetwynd, the Dowager Mar. chioness's eldest daughter, was safely confined on Thursday last. at Leamington Spa, with a daughter. Her ladyship and infant are, We are happy to state, progressing as favourably as can be expeoted. ...