Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... In Holleastreett BIRTHS. In Htleestret, te lay ?? Cregh, sq. of a son. On te 7t Intant atOakwod, n te Rig'scounty, the lady of On te 6h istat, n Blfat, he adyof the Rev. J. C. Flow.~ AtBailynboyHoouse, in the county TipperMry, the lady of Jaog H. O'Brin, Esqofaen. Att SCtucbpercthe hthladyd of Captain Farner, staff officer, of a s0n. At sione rs, ge~, the a aso of Lieutenant W ebster, staif ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Brainlt-On Mtonday last, thre lady of the Rev. Ihenrv Octaviris Coxe, of IBeaumolit-str eet, of a son. M',A URIIEI). Mfay 20, at Alvescot, by the Rev. II. II. Stephens, Fel- low of Newv collegre, \Villiamu, srecouid son of thre late Adniri l'lantdy, Esqj. of K5ingston florist', Berlks, to Mtary lslienbotlr, third darigirlter of the 1Rev. Nathanliel Poyrrtz, of Alvescot, in this county. Mfay 20 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4,) cb On Thursday, at St. Paul's church, Knightsbrde yteV lion, and Rev. lDr. Wellesley, the Ion ber erige, bywrd t ?? son of the Slight lion, o ?? GofCrlise 5ow., a 5 ?? Wellesley, daughter, of 1VIr, and Mrs. John Mlac T'avish, IV r.of Montreal, Up~per Canada, and niece of the ManrchitoneSS of- I r. Welosleoty. The Diuke Of Wellington gave away the bride. j~ Yesterday, at St. Peter's chapel, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On the 22d instant, at the Collegiate Church, Utr John Whitehead, of Hope-street, Oldfeld Road, Salford, to Julia, third daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Riobin..on, of Huime. On the 25th inst., at the sare Place, Mr. I~saac Glibblon, of Ardwick, to Miss Elizabetah a PIiljra of Choribonu O Sam e day and place, Mr. Martin Middleton, to Mrs. Agnes On he2~triatatthesene lae, r.Joseph Higg ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 27th ult., at the Grammar School, Gisliughain, Mrs. Mothersole, of a daughter. 1st inst., at Friston, the wife of the Rev. R, Baker, of a daughter. MARRIED. 17th ult., at the British Embassy, in Paris, by Bishop Luscombe, the Count des Aubiers, Captain in the Royal Carbineers of France, to Maria, daughter of the late' Thomas Fowler, of Gunton-hall, Norfolk. 22nd tilt., at St. Matthew's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. At Shire-Oaks Parsonage, on the 16th inst., Mrs. Salmon, of a son. MARRIAGES. On the 22nd instant, at St. George's, Everton, by the Rev. W. W. Ewbank, LILA,, the Rev. Henry Nussey, B.A., Vicar of 13athersage, Derbyshire, to Emily, youngest daughter of the late Richard Prescott, Esq., Evorsley, Hants. On the 27 th instant, at Victoria- street Chapel, by the llev. J. Gawthorn, ir. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B IIITit. On the 6th inst., the Lndv (of tile ev. . C. I lood, )LA., Curate of, St. Jolhn's church, Uhlitchuiuse, of a dauallter. ATARIZIAGES. On the 8th inst., in St. Aim's jhureCh, bv the Rev. Cl:lt!Ps Allen, 0. Murray, reen- strret, Bulihst, 'to 11argilret, thiird daugh ter oft WillizliL Allen, Malone. y licunse, iln the Pres:Lrterian Clhrch, Msckulniore, Fn hl 2d May, by the lev. Thonimas ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Var Marriages, Iirtris, and deaths, not properly anthenticated, cannot be Inserted in this paper, and for this reason numbers sent to our ?? do not appear. BIRT11. On Tuesday lost, ?? lady of John Paley, Jun,, Erq., mayor of la bsrrolgh, of a son. AIARRIAGES. On T'lsrrsdoy last, at tire Parish Church, by the Rev. J. Owen Parr, M.A., vicar, AMr. James Newman to 'Miss Isabella Eves, both of this ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B1irths, Marriages, and Deattts. BIRTHIS.-At Totnes, the lady of G. Presswell, Esq. a ?? Curry Rivet, Somerset, the lady of the Rev.C. Grueber, a ?? Hill-street, London, Viscountess Duncan, a ?? Eastwood, Devon, the t.dy of Saville Shepherd, Esq. a daughter -The lady of Mr. Cook, surgeon, Newbridge, a ?? Apaley-house, Lady Charles Wellesley, a son. MARRIED.-At Llanfihangel-Ystrad, John, third ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Onthe 26thultimo, In Lower Gardin e rstreet, the ley of R. D. On the 29th uilt, In Eccles-ntreet, the lady of James Yaeebles Es4 LL.D., of a daughter. ?? On the 29th ult, In Upper Temple street, the Isfy of Richr Tudor, REq. of a eon. Ternplerstrethe lard.y of Ri On the 29th ult, at KRlpeanmn, the lady of Edward Cript Villiers, Req. High Shestrugffer of the ounty LinsGeatriok, Sof a so ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On Tuesday, April 22, at her residence en the Csustiseft, the Lady of A. T. Munro, Esq , la e of the Royal Nre Guards (Blue), of a daughter. At 13, Aberoromby-place, Edinburgh, OD the 7th last., Lady Dalrymple Ferguson, of a son. t Dab- On the IIth ijust, at 30, Upper Fitzaeilliam-nsftree, lin, the Hon. Mrs. John Plunket, of twin 60s1e. MARRIAGES. On the 7th inst., at Sudbury, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRIT'fS. May i, at Cho Mllgna, Somerset, tle wife of theile 1e. Edw. Ai.,I s b i O;na oInsle, a3 ela gltr May 2-3, lie lady f1 harlc's A. Blush, Esq. of Doynton, ntal' Bath, a doaughter. May 26, at Chipperilmitu, Wilts, Mrs. Gabriel Goldinev, a -oil. May 27., at Weston-sopor-Marc, the lady of Charlcd Edwvard Bernaird, Esq. sairgeon, a doaughter. XlAttIlED. MEay 7, at Counlerclp chapel, by ...