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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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... A FLIGHT OF FANCY. nv T. WESTIwOOM. f saw a flower in a isathless wvood,. Deep hidden in a mazy labyrinth Of rank ivild grass, briars, and prickly leaves. 'Twas a strange donjon for so fitir a thing, Dreary, and dark, and mude; but as I gazed On its transparent hues and bending grace, A golden sunbeam, stealing from a cloud, Alit on tbe green summit of the wood, And,.lover-like, heeding no ...


... SELECTED POETRY, SONG. BY THE LATE THOMAS HIOOD. 0 lady, leave thy silken thread And flowery tapestrie: There's living roses on the bush, Arid blossoms on the tree; Stoop where thou wilt, thy careless hand Some random bud will meet; Thou caust not tread, but thou wilt End The daisy at thy ibet. 'Ts like the birthday of the world, When earth was born in bloom;- The light is niado of many dyes, ...


... atteratitrt. S&LECTtD POBJTARY. - LIND GIRLS GATHERING FLOWERS. Thle love of 'ature in her spring attiro, is so powerful, that even the loss of sight cannot quench it. The following lineswere s'aggested on observing fourteen or fifteen blind girls engaged in groping for and picking daisies, their happy faces indicating the delight they felt in the ocenpatioln. Plav on, play on, Yge morry girls ...


... atterature. SLE'LECTED POETR Y. LOVE AND PRIDE. Br' IRS. ELLIS. PROUD Beauty, they tell me 'tis love That kindles the fire of thine eye; But when did affaetion o'er prove A passion so towering and high ? They say that a rival has won Her way to the heart that was thine. No wonder; when thou eanst put on An aspect so far from divine. It is not-it cnnnot bo love, Afkection is lowly and deep; All ...

The Court and Fashion

... opt elourtalars'lo-ovoll. The Queen held a Draiving-room on Thursday after- noon, at St. James's Palace. Her ?? and Prinice Albert and the royal suite arrived in five carriages from Buckingham Palace, escorted by a party of ife Guards. The Lord Steward, the Lord Chamberlain, the Master of the Horse, and the Groons of the Stole to the Prince, r ceived her Alajesty and his Royal I-ighness at St. ...

The Court and Fashion

... .. - - - . - ?? - - - - -- OrDe Court ?? gaol)ion. IIcR IAjesrv's DReAwreo.ROM.ITheQnenn'shirli- day was celebrated on 1'uesday at Court by a drawing- raoom, field in St. James's l'lace. T''li at tendlance uf tie nobility and gentrly was very niumerous. 'The3 oTS pany biegan to irrive soon after 1 o'clock. and contirtipd settig riown at tile entrances for the entree and general comrpany ...


... nwraturro SELECTED POETRY. TIFE THREE SEASONS OF LOVE. BY -ROMESSOR WILSON. VITH laughter swimining in tbine eye, That told youth's heart felt revelry! And motion changeful ns the wing Of swallow wvaken'd by the spring; With accents blythe as voice of May, Chaunting glad Nature's roundelayr Circled by joy, like planet bright, That smiles 'mid wreathea of dewy light,-- Thy imago such, in former ...


... miterattar. SELECTED POETRY. THE FORGET-ME-NOT. tF OM TlHE GERMAN OF DIUCHLEP] SILENT o'er the fountain gleaming, In the silvery moonlight hour, Bright and beauteous in its seeming, W'aves a friendly fragile flower. Never let it be mistaken; Blue-nas Heaven's own blessed eye, By no envious clouds o'ertaken When it laughs through all the sky. Flower of Heaven's divinest hue ! Symbol of ...


... BANQUET TO TIHE RIG1IT lION. SIR HENRY PCT'I'INGI;R, BART. ON ,Wednesday evening this enster'tainment took place in the Music Ilall. Upwards of 200 gentlemen, of all religions anrd political parties. assembled to (1o honour to the disti iguished guest; anid biad there been suitable accommodation fsr a li rger at t endantce, many more swoul d have been present at the banqusut. The company was ...


... FAShIONS FOR MAY. 'IThe great ntovelyv of the seasolt finr silki (Iresoes are those in ?? nld triel ll sill stripes, frequncttly sihaided sol each side tile stripe till tin celoar IlIltds n it Ii that of' the grouind; therle i.s ilt,. a snew stvle of elleek, which is of aa dilberett texture. wihere thie cieek is fblilied. Raret-es of' oew designs, tvtktas foimalud ole ChYine in wide citecko ...


... SELECT iTD POETRY. MAY. May, the sa eet breath'd month is here; May, thc lady of the year! See ! where'er her step has been Flowers are up and grass is green ! And whene'er her voice is heard. Breathing its Eolian note, Music grows, and every bird Sends-it gushing from its throat. Mav is here ! let 's welcome her Mai is naterc's almloner! touglis with bloom are now o'erwronght, Bees fiv ...


... T 11 E 'BlEA U'TIES OF lM A Y. BY JOIHN W'IINLErY. Tlie Spring oresated buds ull arounild io le swelfilig, There ire soongs in the strcaln-t here is hcalth ill thC gale A scene ofideliglit hi each bosom is dwvelling, As float the lpure day-dreamns o'er mounntaill and valc. 'Thii' desolate reign of old Winter is broken, T'I'e verdure is fresh upon every trce, Of' Nature's revival the eliarii, ...