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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... PAIRS. DUNDALK MAY FATR.-The May fair of this town was held on Saturday last, and was, in the opinion of those com- petent to judge, greater than any former one, with ex- ception of the beef fair, which was not to say too well supplied, 5s. to 55s. per owt. was readily given. The show of mutton was very large, and a good amount of busi- msess transacted at from 51d. to 6id. per lb. Lambs sold ...


... I -FASHIONABLEIN The Queen and Prince Albert left Lon at ten on Monday morning in an open carriage andf e 0fo a party of the 4th Light Dragoons, for Claremo tI s N d b jesty and his royal highness were accompanied by the enl Royal. Prince51 T'I'e Witrtzburg Gazette states that it is ported in Dresden that the Queen of England r. ' during the summer, and probably Dresden and Berli' Coboure His ...


... I _ LITAtY NOTICES. TIHE CRESCENT AND THE CRoss. By ELIOT WAR- BURTON, ESQ.-A_ second edition of this work has just appeared. The Quarterly Review in noticing it observes:- This book i3 vastly superior to the common run of narra- tives, and is remarkable for the colouring, power, and play of fancy with which its descriptions are enlivened. The wrting is of a kind that indicates abilities ...


... - , I . . i . .. ' AINSWORTH'S MAGAZINE. (Mortimeri London.) .In Ajn worth of this month there are many pleasing and t, clegaat papers. The,Revelations of London, by the s ditor'cor4inueintheirhigh.wroughtand fanciful scenes, to s'e hwrsn irpto,ratber-oddQollision. the dramatic painting of a y: fairy tiae, and the Cvokney oddities of the modern Trabylon. D.A bit of.' Still Life' anong the ...


... * F.ASHIONABLR INTELLI NCcE , - ?? .I. GRAVID ENTERTAINMENT 1BY THtE 0OLDSMITHTsx PANY TO PRmace ALBERT.-The most extensive prep iirat are being made to make the grand banquet which will be giv(u by the Goldsmiths' Company to his Royal Highness P1inee Albert, on this day (Saturday), exceed, if possible, in Wplen. dour, the magnificent banquets that have hitherto been given at Goldsmiths' Hall. ...


... FASHioNABLE INTELLJ-I-NC . HER MAJESTY'S BIRTT-DAY-DRWING EO Tuemday being appointed for the celebration of the in of our beloved Sovereign, the same was observed with the Dy demonstrations ofloyalty. Tile morning vas ushered inb peals from the bells of the metropolitan chorcdes, and ni rt were hoisted from their steeples and from the roofs of vi gs offices. arious At ten o'clock there was a ...


... I -FASHIONABLE INTEL~2- at . I -FASHIONABLE ?? HER MAJESTY'S VISIT TO THE ISLE OF WIGIT CowEs, TUESDAY.-On Sunday afternoon her Ma accompanied by Prince Albert and Prince Lelingeta, t t usual walk in the grounds of Oborne and on the beacha, elr not return till late. The royal dinner party c dnsisted of did Majesty, Prince Albert. Prince Leiningen, Masrcted of h.e Douro, Lord Charles Wellesley, ...


... i W. FrlHfO6NA Lh INT ic E. : hTFreeowcssg~ HALL.-WedtbWdam a. en. r Xhmon: Hal, tio a distl'ngulsuled ~sserblageof guests, on .the occasio of presenting the freedom of the company to tordi Cottenhatu Viscount Melbourne, Lord Paiterston, and Earl ,otteibii. ils Royal Highness Prince Albert wasalso present, he being e member of the Fi4lmnongers Zomopany._Amoug the chlef guests ?? Marquis of ...


... FASHIONABLR 1Z2'EL M - - TuE ROYAL BAL COSTUME.-Air I tn nt fpe ?? for the above mnagnificent festitba bote sof pr through the Western districts of the metropol. We Underst. her Majesty has hornoured Madame .laure, of the firmu of villon and Laure, with aL royal command to prepare the dr Vou be worn hy herself on the occasion. Mr.eot, o to Roth and Freeman. of Old Bond-street, has also benh ...


... I LIZ 'ERATURE. ir THE SPEECHES OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE *e RICIJARD LALOR SHEIL, M.P., WITH A ME- n MOIR. (EDITED BIy THOMAs IACNEVIN, ESQ., BARRISTER- lt AT-LAW.) d (Dublin: Jares Duffy, Anglesea-street.) ;3 There is no people whose natural disposition for eloquence h and oratory is superior to that of the Irish. But few can venture to claim equality with them. A vivid fancy, and e warm ...


... I FAS IoABLs IN EITRL -119GEXRN . - I. I tty and his Royal Hiehoess Prince Albert, aed by the Prince Of LeItailaen, honoured the French 5rsc3 b their ?? on Wednesday evening. pj!its al Highness the Grand Duke ot Baden is ex. Oil rrii, in England on or about the 10th Instant. His peld to or s expected to make a short stay in England, bgl hluh pnes5 ying the Dowager Grand Duchess on her r'nira ...


... FASHIONABLE fNTEgLLIGBNCk.,' THE ROYAL BAL COSTUME.-We have to announce that this magnifieent fete is definitively fixed to take place at Buckingliam Palace on Friday, the 6th of June. A portion of the invitations have been already issued from the Lord Chain berlain's office. The period selected for illustration by the cos- tume worn upon the occasion is that from 1740 to 1750. The dates here ...