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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED CARPEN- TERS' SOCIETIES OF LONDON. This grand annual banquet came off on Monday, I May 12, at the Ilighbury Barn Tavern, Islington. About 400 persons, amidst whom was a good sprink- I ling of the fair sex, sat down to a sumptuous repast, com prising most of the delicacies of the season. Mr. Jonas Wartnaby, a member of the King's I Arms Society, Marylebone-street, was ...

Foreign Movements

... 4frorti2 0obemento. ,,And I will war, at least in vords, ,Afd-should noy chance so happen-deeds), wital all who war with Thought ! r I think I hear a little bird, who sings The people by and by will be the stronger.-BrinoN YOOUNG AMERICA! MOOVt5~ENTS OF THE AMSRICAN ARTISANJS.-PROORESS s' rtIE NATIONAL REFOaM5Els.-ANTI-RENT WAR. 'C thlis weekpresent our readers with the latest counts which ...

Foreign Intelligence

... ,fl)ref-qll KiltrIligrarr. ?? ?? I FRANCE. . MENCEMILNT OF TIlE WAR iN ALeEItrA.-TIhc *oof Tuesdaty annnce that the Minister ar r eceived twro dspatches from Marshal *caud, doted the 9th and 10th inst. In the first, l01t , hd aunoulcs his arrival in the Ouarensenis, lasrepxratev mooveients. In the second, he - l account of' two affirays on the 13th, between ?? guard of a colvoy and about 500 ...

To Readers & Correspondents

... a o etabero & rroenponubelit5. | 3 Sl JAB. GRAUAM, AND ABSOLUTION FROM CONCILIATION SHALL,-The Belfast l'terciaor, in commenting on the late debate on the tMaynooth grant, says:- We - are not so content with Mir. Sheil's voluntary promise, that Sir James Graham would receive a cordial recep- . tion in Ireland. We have a profound esteem for Mr. Sheil. He is one of the ornaments of our ...


... i - - ; THE NORTHERN STAR. , SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1845. Ilv [ TO WHAT ARE WE COMING? e I fWHAT'S IN THE WIND THAT BLOWS H' ZTIS WAY ? The greatest DR-formner of the day is Sir ROBERT Ily PEEL. To that man seems to have been given a iS- SPECIAL MISSION to break tip the murderous systent of a PROTESTANT ASCENDANCY, loan-mongering, rag- ar money, high taxation, and defiance of the people's will. ...


... ENTION. I continued from last week's paper) | FIFTH DAY-Friday April 25 Mr. M'Grath resumed the chair at the appointed time. On the motion of Messrs. Shaw and Webb, a deputation, I consisting of Messrs. Cuffay and Skews, was appointed to I wait on Mr. Duncombe, to ascertain when it will be convenient for that gentleman to present a petition on behalf I of Frost, Williams, and Jones. On the ...

Tit Bits

... I .st Bto HINTS TO SPORTSMEN.- The oldest of men are not expected to be without feeling. An officer mag go bravely into battle, and bear it bravely too, but he must feel 'it: be cannot -be insensible to a sh1t- tered knee. Certainlv not. Or a jaowbitb blown away. By no meant. Or four 6f his ribs jammed in. Horrible ! Or his face smashed and his noseforced in. Don't speak of ...

Foreign Movements

... on tniomt ,;l6reit Aotinatott And I will war, at least in words, (And-should my chance so happen-deeds), With all who war with Thought I I I think I hear a little bird, who sings The people by and by will be the ?? N. THE NEW REFORMATION. ,SFCUTION OF THE; REFOlMERS.-MORN DEFECTIONS FaOt ROME.-ENTIIUSIASTIC UZCEPTION OF RONGE AND CZEBRSE- AT BERLIN. We concluded our last week's article with ...


... MORE OF THIE FERMENT: | The following address was ad tead nsouninoliely by one of the greatest and most. influental public meet- ugs which has been held in the Country for ;the consideration of the Maynooth Grant. It IWas Ro posed by Mr. Mason, ad seconded by Mr. Councillor Baldwvin. The Town Hall, capable of containing ten thousand persons, wvas crowvded to suffocation. Ase Address of the ...

Agriculture and Horticulture

... rindtut e Ian Iortitu u, . . FIELD-GARDEN OPERATIONS. For the Week comnnencing Jfonday, May 13th, 1844. d [Extracted from a Duny of Actual Operations on si five smallfarms on the estates of Mrs. Davies Gilbert es near Eastbourne, in Sussex; and on several m odel0 farms on the estates of the Earl of Dartmouth at j, Slaithwaite, in Yorkshire, published by Mr. Nowell, p of Faruley Tyas, near ...


... I In our later editions of last week we gave a short account of a most heart-rending ccerrence, awfully destructive tolife, that had taken place at Yarmaouth on Friday afternoon last. We now present the readers of the Star with the full particulars of the distressing event, culled from every available source, On the afternoon of Friday last, Nelson, the clown at Mr. Cook's circus, had ...

Foreign Movements

... foreip obetlmlltY. And I Will war, at least in words, (And-should iny chance so happen-deeds), With all who war with Thought ! by 1 think I hear a little bird, who sings E The people by and by will be the stronger.-BYrON i YOUNG AMERICA! MI,,Os1ENTS OF TIlE AMBiRICAN ARTISANS,-PROO}GEsI or TiTk NATIONAL REFORMERS.-ANTI-REINT WAR. We this week present our readers with the latest 1 a cormts ...