Advertisements & Notices

... ,4Jfielfaceanou+. CHEAP AND EXPEDITIOUS GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE, POST-OFFICE BUILDINGS, WHITEFRIARGATE, HULL. THOMAS FREEBODY RFESPECTFULLY informs LITERARY and CogilSERCIAL GENTLEMEN, SOLICITORS, AUC. Pt05Es, and others in the County, that every descrip. tion of Pilin and Ornamental Printing is executed in the first style, at the shortest notice, and on the lowest Vossil.le terms, at the HULL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 1atbapy WXotice. HULL AND SELBY RAILWAY. NOTICE. rf IE TRAINS Will leave HULL for SELBY, during the Month of MAY, in. the ?MORNING at o15 Minutes after SIX o'Clock; 20 minutes after ELGHT ; and 20 Minutes BEFOIRE ELEVE N, (Instead of Eleven o'Clock), In the AFTERNOON, at 20 Minutes before TWO; and 5 Minutes before FIVE. On SUNDAYS-A Quarter before SEVEN in the Siornin,, and Five Minutes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF the 21 THE i hiLiA SteveIN TH PACKFTS. TStitewon 8fi Oiti7g on the 8th o'f cvry nonti, Uis. BRIT AA'tUR50w9 tors. 8thJue MONONGA:l:.wu'Stons8t July ESUSQUEUIA~0j ~ 8(ectE KitoutI. 8th ug HOMAS P. , ?? tone, 8thSept. New Ship SAnAA n t to dsehes of shipper, the Proprietors of thd Inodrto dmeeth,,'lphine IAoOf Packet hv CeAmie Liverpool andj ofhiae p.139peto upon 5oreductian o ieS l g e ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HO1'LT(O-11MN MlOMS. ?? ib@o Ittosle rcittoaice, that li Ib 0labreted ENRTERl r.AiNM.%ENT on VlN- l tii e toeEVIN.INI(;IS of TUESDAY and s3 Alnd t.,* I3333 otn IEDNISSDA'Y 1i 41, s1 ?? eboi' k, i,, tbe idlos'a Retalls. Ta begin at EighIt ,fClock. gj 1gl ELECTORS OF IEBI.ES.SRIRE. f, bc7 tins do- ?? jleot'd a, our Bpcslcuta-a | i--ato1 I be setret o best ilinabis 1,~ p ,lliainlilt, I beg to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. THE GERMAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM. On Thursday will be published, post 8vo., 4s. f0d. cloth, G ERMAN UNIVEiRSITY EDUCATION; or, X the Professors and Students of Germany. By WALTER 0G PERRY, Phil. D. of ths University of Gottingen. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. IS, Great Marlborough-street. O RDERS for Mr. DISRAELI'S NEW WORK, SYBIL; or, TiHE TWO NATIONS, are requested ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON THE SEA COAST. V 'To be Let, Furnished, for the season, with immerdiate possession, A N EXCELLENT FAMILY RESIDENCE, in cam Aplete repair, situate at Norbreek, between the Marine Villages of Blackpool and Fleetwood, comprising good Drawing and Dining Rooms, and several commodious Bed Rooms, with Stables, Coach Houses, and other suitable and necessary Offices, attached recently, occupied by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH UNVIONq RAIL JAY. TOT IC E is hereby girl ?? a SPECIAlIGENERAL I E 'rNG of tile North Union Ratiawiy Company soiul he held It the Cotton Sales-roon in the Exchango Duililiogs, in Itivtr()ool onl Thursday thle tfi'i day of Julo next, ,t Ono o'c]lock i the afternoon, for tile purposo of cooliderieg and ?? as to thie Diraft of th e several Bills for 3'1visure0 Prolposed to be ntliorised by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? cont 01IN TAYLOR STOREY, of Garat(ag, in the county of ancstr, raprhaving, this 1-5th dayofay t!of Lancnster, Drall~rpd wthiogole of lhis Estate and 1845, conveyed and assigned the rual bonefit of such f his Effects, unto Trustees, firt'the orualdeei of A s uchme oithin Creditors as shall execate the Deed A t two months from tho date hereof. 1',CBO IS HIEREBY GIVEN, ThtsuhDed110 is ourOfice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FrEE OF AUCTION DIUTYY. yoU NTG DURHAM BULLS, f COWS, HEIFERS, STEERS, Wl ffom e ee fers t.V Fat Sheep, daj IN TIlE FAIR FIELu, IPSWICH, on Tuesday, May 6th, 1845, at 12 o'clock, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SP URLING, rHHRFB Durham Heif ers and Calves, 3 ditto Cows, 3 at 1 Feifers, 3 ditto Steers, capital Pat Devon Bul- a lock 3 H ome bre d Heifers and Calves; SHOTLEY, a B splendid (White) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAHR:=E HE COMMERCIAL INN AND FAMILY HOTEL, E\[ S, WILLIAMtS begs to offeir her gratefull thanks 1yLto her friends for the kind support experienced by ber late husband and herself at the W\hite Hart Inn during a period of lai yeu'Ss, and to inform them shte has taken the CA'fl-ARINE WVHEEL INN, whlere she begs to solicit their continued support, assuring thenm that no exertion shall be spared ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAIRFORlD.-A NGLING. and M\. RUSE, of the Bull Inn, beg to remind R . gentlemen Iof the University and tile public generally that tie seasurn for ANG lA.NG ihas nov clmlimenced, and that their stream (5 miles in length) hls been strictly preserved fir aingling I enly, A Coach leaves tile Faringdon RoalmE Station daily (Sunday i excepted) on the arrival of the Day Mail Train down. April 212, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXETER. EXTrNSTVE PREMISES, IN THE CENTRE OF FORE STREET. rflO bo SOI.D biV P'UbI;( AUCt;OU, at the UcOItco T1AVXt5'ECN IEXtc' by Mr. ,1. C. Ruow E, AUctioIeor,1on TUESDAY, tile 6th ?? of' ?? next, at Five ?? in the Afternoon, ALL, TIHOSR EXTENSIVE FREEHOLD 1'REMISES, Bei'iAl N). 174, Fore' Strcet, conts;sistg of a Syeltiotes SIOl-', DIWELLIN6 HOUSE, CEU1LA1tS, YA DI)S, STABSLE, ?? Hving a ...