Advertisements & Notices

... ,4Jfielfaceanou+. CHEAP AND EXPEDITIOUS GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE, POST-OFFICE BUILDINGS, WHITEFRIARGATE, HULL. THOMAS FREEBODY RFESPECTFULLY informs LITERARY and CogilSERCIAL GENTLEMEN, SOLICITORS, AUC. Pt05Es, and others in the County, that every descrip. tion of Pilin and Ornamental Printing is executed in the first style, at the shortest notice, and on the lowest Vossil.le terms, at the HULL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HO1'LT(O-11MN MlOMS. ?? ib@o Ittosle rcittoaice, that li Ib 0labreted ENRTERl r.AiNM.%ENT on VlN- l tii e toeEVIN.INI(;IS of TUESDAY and s3 Alnd t.,* I3333 otn IEDNISSDA'Y 1i 41, s1 ?? eboi' k, i,, tbe idlos'a Retalls. Ta begin at EighIt ,fClock. gj 1gl ELECTORS OF IEBI.ES.SRIRE. f, bc7 tins do- ?? jleot'd a, our Bpcslcuta-a | i--ato1 I be setret o best ilinabis 1,~ p ,lliainlilt, I beg to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON THE SEA COAST. V 'To be Let, Furnished, for the season, with immerdiate possession, A N EXCELLENT FAMILY RESIDENCE, in cam Aplete repair, situate at Norbreek, between the Marine Villages of Blackpool and Fleetwood, comprising good Drawing and Dining Rooms, and several commodious Bed Rooms, with Stables, Coach Houses, and other suitable and necessary Offices, attached recently, occupied by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ultiflba''p g p t IR K E N H E A D, MANCHESTER, AND CHEStHIRE JUNCTION RAILWAY. The PROVISIONAL COM1MITTBS regret to have to inform the Sbareholders that, owing to the unexpected decision of the Select Committee on the Standing Orders of the House of Corn. mona. they are unable to proceed this session with the measure brought before Parliament. As the line of Railway they Prorosed has received ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =7 - -- - - . _ . ., . . . ?? Wjg ANTED as (ILERK,-A respectable Mlarriel. 1 JAN, who we1l undevmtatids the English and Foreign Timber Trades, a good acCountant, write a good hand, of active habits, and to make hitimelf gene- rally useful. A persvm;al application will be required at Air. ffiffin's, Emstgate, Chichester. None u`ed apply who c annot producp an an ,xception:mble craructer. (BTY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF -SIX DAYS.--From Souathamnpton ADI e ~speninsular and OrIental Ser oi *j~J. t y5Ol5~~~3 tt 11 7th, 17th, and 27th of the month, ?? government hasve astablisleed p. .f~ ithwhihotre Isnide, starting from Oorunna throo f30cie ~Totl xpeseof ?? from Southampton to or~ ?? £5 ~.or frther particulars apply at tite Comupany's tilIeA W ES S ut -w st r a ?? hp D and TRLAYDRSU 5 l~\tor an ERSEY (with ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pO1TTINGER TESTIMONIzAL. IN pursuance of a Requisition from the MAYOR, a IMEETING of several Gentlemen took place in his (flice Town-hall. on the 7th instant, to consider the best means o paying some additional public Tribute to our esteemed and talented fellow-townsman, Sir I9ENRY POTTINGER, Bart., for his eminent public selvices- The Mayor in the Chair-. Tile following Resolution was passed: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thersdaj', the 5Tesdy2n-d Mayh an 450 BAES USTALIAN, VAN DIEEN' LAD, ndCAPE WOOLS. 200 Bales EAST INDA Catalogues. &c. in due Time by J.T. SIM ES & Co. Brol erg, 55, Colernan Street, London, At the HALL OF Couiznci;C, Lomynorr, on Wednesday, Fourteesth instant, 800o BALES OF AUSTRALIAN, VAN V DIEMEN'S LAND, AND CAPE WOOL. Cataleguels in due Time of MARSH & EDENBOROUGII, Brokers. Salvador Mouse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COM- T PANY'S Soefladfirst-rate STEAM SHIPS are appo,0inted I leaveib t l.STMHOUSE or TOWER OF LONDON, fo ?? ~ R1 crrying her Majesty's Mails,) every Wednesday1 HAnd Surday (c~ orins early. The John Bull, Capt. J. P. Corbin. an Stude H. ~h'ittitigham. The Countess of Lonsdale. t.S evThe: Riil . .bbs. Leaving Hamburgh ItO EDAIV and the RHINE (carrying her Majesty's ...

Published: Sunday 11 May 1845
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7147 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... UN SALFE, PRIME NEW MESS BEEF AND po. under Bond. Apply to T. C. GTBSON & Co. Three Indian Kings Cotirt, Quag6 ALSO, WANTED to Charjte V SELS, tor the Year, trom tile y, ,uLordoij, (Cor Gas,) and from Lhs rt Hamburg. L~c0~rat FOR1 L VFERP' KOL, T tIE fiist-class Sciooner EN.T PR[,~E. J. Walter, lmater, will1 quick Diopatt h WAM. JOHN GR1EY & SON, Bro -r. 7.5, Q'iai NOW LOADPXG FOR AMS1'RAI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 FLSOXIS PATENT GELATINESfor mak- in Blanc rdtMnge, Jellies, &e.leis than one third the t-jfing I8 -q, sold-in Paokets onlg, from 6d to l0s, rie t respec~table Chemnistsj, Grocers, and Oilmen, iP. In and Country. Each Packet bears.the Patentee's WIle Nx.B.-A 6d Packet makes one Quart of Tese Gelatine3 are well adapted for Hotels, mO, Cabin Use, and Ship Stores, and a safe and ;.,ftale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To T:B GOVERNORS OF THE NEWCASTLE INFIRMARY. 'My Loubs, LAbtaS, AND GENTL*BMES4, EG to etnrn you tny sincere Thankcs for h ?? Rve zeption, I have met itlh during my didate for the office of Secretary to ?? and take, the Liberty of re- mindng en, hatthe Election is appointed to take 13,etth Iftnaron TuesdaY next, the 17th May instntat 1 ?? i the Forenoon, when I earnestly golci th Fve~r f yur ...