... AI TO T}IE EDITOR Or THfE MORNING CHRONICLE. SIR-I have just read your sensible observations on the subject of testing the cand'dates for the fellowship or license of the College of Physicians, in the wisdom of which I so entirely agree, that I cannot withhold my approbation. Some years ago, when I was one of the Censors of the Col- lege, I made the same proposal to our late worthy president, ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1845
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1882 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... We are happy to inform our readers that for this populous district, the inhabitants of which have so long experienced great inconvenience for want of them, Magistrates have been lately appointed. To all such as have the slightest acquaintance, or who are in the remotest degree identified with, its local interest, the neces- sity of some such appointment must be very obvious. As facts and ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1845
Newspaper: Monmouthshire Merlin
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 424 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The Queen and Princc Albert, the Prince of Leiningen, the ladies and gentlemen of the court, and the domestic household, attended divine service yesterday morning in the Chapel Royal, Buckingham Palace. The Hon. and Rev. C. Leslie Courtenny officiated. His Royal Higimess Prince Albert rode out on horseback on Saturday, attended by the equerry in waiting. Their Royal Highuesses the Prince of ...

Published: Monday 19 May 1845
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 774 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... IAYS. .~g~cS AM 1IERWH'ts DISTRICT. rF, E-NE ?? I chofnia 11r. T1. D). Ho w o1vpr Hertford; Dr. - .. ~ ~ ?? the corn- 0Il eedene i fsoa ofthe~~ Wcastle and 'dork' werled ofthe atmospheric liE il ~l 05 leaagethe weak points, V. ?? lrl~lftb~ridtft~rCV went to show so~lu ato on the VatIosphric principle, fiat It ocas bas Ii p ed ould cntasitly vary adei sesgetror less. From i1ll83 ifonjidtilnt ...

Published: Tuesday 20 May 1845
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 7929 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... THE AlAYNOOTII GRANT. THE conscientious objection which we, in common with nearly all our Protestant fellow-csnntrynsen, feel to the Mlay- neoth Endawment Bill, ouly acquires strength by reflecting on the priliciples 'svikh that Bill involves and tile consequences wohich 101151 naturally flaw from it. The measure invelves-1lot. Thle eadaic- meet of another ?? cotielsnioii by tile State ; and ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1845
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1230 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED CARPEN- TERS' SOCIETIES OF LONDON. This grand annual banquet came off on Monday, I May 12, at the Ilighbury Barn Tavern, Islington. About 400 persons, amidst whom was a good sprink- I ling of the fair sex, sat down to a sumptuous repast, com prising most of the delicacies of the season. Mr. Jonas Wartnaby, a member of the King's I Arms Society, Marylebone-street, was ...

Foreign Movements

... 4frorti2 0obemento. ,,And I will war, at least in vords, ,Afd-should noy chance so happen-deeds), wital all who war with Thought ! r I think I hear a little bird, who sings The people by and by will be the stronger.-BrinoN YOOUNG AMERICA! MOOVt5~ENTS OF THE AMSRICAN ARTISANJS.-PROORESS s' rtIE NATIONAL REFOaM5Els.-ANTI-RENT WAR. 'C thlis weekpresent our readers with the latest counts which ...


... THE, -,NL?L-.V-N00Tjl GRANT, Ttlet(bv ,vunngs I poiiit LImIxPiiil Lit' at, 'lox etf , di oY pit x .1 IjI> ?? ~t A Mr.GIW.ShldttTott I faill, Livcijici, for1 thle puliose of' tcfipcssiig r. thil-t UtIedLutc' fiostilitV Ii)ih tile 5c ?? ll tore I L~~~vljol d, Et;(I ~~~just' It ,m Tle Iloy. Mri. I loo1t, of it, S'iviolxv's, proposed TlI I W 0i Ii t 1 ?? sou!i tioloZS . Is blo \ , ll I cit BlTat ...

Published: Tuesday 20 May 1845
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1506 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Colonial and Foreign Intelligence

... Tolonfal all'o sonign Intellfgence. ster ARRIVAL OF THE GREAT WESTERN. wit The fine steamsehip Great Western, Capt. B. R. Matthews, that left the Wharf at New York, at 3 p.m. on the 24thult., was fre telegraphed at Liverpool, early on Thursday efternoon, and lam arrived off the Rock at half-past nine o'clock, thus making pun the passage in fourteen days one hour. She brings 141 B, passengers. ...

Published: Friday 16 May 1845
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1663 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... | DEATH O COLONEL SHELTON, OF THE 44TH REGI- BIENT.-The Dublin papers announce the death of this distinguished officer, by a fall from his horse, on Sunday. The 41st (Welsh) Regiment, under Colonel Sir Richard England, ?? on landing at Cork from Bristol, march for this garrison to be stationed, relieving the 15th Regiment, which proceeds for Cork to em- bark for Ceylon. The 13th Light ...

Published: Friday 16 May 1845
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 504 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... ?? Bishop of Durham has cotitributed £500, and ithe e Rev. George Fielding, the iscuinbent, £ 100, towards the enlarge- g meeit of St. Acii,'s chapel, Bishop Auckland. 11A mnurder wvas perpetrated last Saturday in the neighbouar- 9 hod o Dimcora;thle vicnim was a nian named Chilkle. The ,r land. The dleceased nian anid his brother had a dispute about a ty field, when a labourer in the ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1845
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2182 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... LO1UD FRAUSNCIS EGERiTON. If The Manchester papers containl a long letter from Lord Francis Egerton, in reirty to the remoirstranoes of many of hi , con- I atituento on tire subject of his recent vote in favour of tire grant to eMaynooth. It appears that one of his Lordship's correspondents lies (Itiougli Irroper ts express his regret at Lord Francis Egertenas vote is fin tire following ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1845
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1596 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News