Advertisements & Notices

... to Al AN Al I S S I N G. For TAMES FOREST, Grocer anrd Spirit Dealer, Shettleston, ip PJ left home for Glasgow on 2tth April 1nst, intending to go bT Railway to Coatbridge or Airdrie. thence to Calderbanlk, and has nid not been sinec heard of. Be had on a Brown Frock-Coat ancd V'est, with Drab Trousers, Black Neckoloth, Gray Stoe;ings, and t, tiel! Shoes, &c. Ile is Dark Complexioned, has Gray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ NDIA SHAWLS.-Measr. 3. andJ3. HOLMES have just received a large consignmsent of tts. most exquisite NDIA CACHMERES from their agent abroad, many of that rare e ad peculiar soft texture as have not usnfrequently been described as fert aplable of being paused Ihrough c. ring. Their India department iasa wit [so received several superb additions In Canten crapee, Deleie, Icc. cc r -India Shawl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIARNITAPLE AND NORTHI DEVON AGRICUL. 'TUIRA , SOIiETY. 111 V SINT'II A N ALS Pill NB EXHIIBITIfiN f ctti', S ?? v. ,xii t a]. place at lfarhipiftjti, ton 75a.lvtilt 29th tinsftii, at 11 o'clock. Theii 0I) INi: i aill talieplace tit throeonelocli,at the Fortesue Ir is W LL A1. ti I~ull , E.sq., M1.1., will Preside over thle laisiit's , of the iate sca' defor A/t: Dimitor .-Vrisrs. 1.4 F'ittit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oonidult-etreet, Hanover-sqluare. J TIPHE PERUSAL of NEW BOOKS.-The -IL' Terms and Regulations of the B~tITISH and FOREIGN - LI1 BRARYmConedult-strelet, Hanover-square, heaving bean revised and adapted to the increased railroad facilities for the supply of books throughout the country, families at any distance from the metropolis may now be furnished wsiti ail the New Works, for perusal, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B1-; Pand the RHINE. I wairs ?? Antwverp Compauny's N Il~oiaii~a at aipPRI~CFSVI'PCTlORIA,R !,ida A0de,~ teana tile St. Iathariflus' Wharf, N at Eli,,cr o'clock ; returning from aiitj~at( ent wharfu to ole boor to a ?? ~ ialtisnil, t O e o'clock fatfourrte flli STEA SHPS iiist' Indiea,,y as a .. ims t'o ii'nda- at W0Iatt thenig pabtofie T: 1%sy ?? Ioteenig STt Stt' lilO1 at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LORD ELDON'S PILLS. H ABITUAL Costiveness (saidthe late Mr. Abernethy) I have no hesitation in stating, is the foundation of all diseases !-These Pills are from the prescription ofa celebrated Court Physician, and were used by the late Lord Eldon. They are put forth as calculated to remove two complaints, to both of which Gentlemen of tlc learned professions are more or less subject-viz., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ff?. OPEN on entirely now principles, TAILORING, W 1OOLLEN-DRAPERY, and OUTFITTING ESTABLISH- MENT, 20,. Ludgate-hIll. SAMUELL, BIROTHERS, Proprietors.- We contdently and positively assert tliot our &ysteo till effect a grecater 6avinig to thle public its the ?? ot dress than has ever been realised; eve rely not alone on Its novelty, for It only needs to be once tested to be universally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *altoi b9, Ructton+ MARTOCK, SOMEI .-ANNUAL SALE. a, BR SO fl, y 1 AUCrIZON. 'Mr. G. HART, Onil DAY Next, the 26th of May, FVHE * cable FAT & STORE STOCK, JL thi property of Mr. Job Hlallett: comprising 6 fat oxen, I atsteels, IC, fit heifers, a heifer bosses, , lat cows, 'i fat stags, I fat buill, 29 fat pigs, 10 fiat Southdown wetieis, ind i fat elles; o fic.-year-old grazing oxen, 3 barren ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUST OPENED. MtESSRS. MILLER AND JONES, TAILORS AND WOOLLEN DW'ERS, I8, OXFORD.STREET, CORNER OF MARY- LEBONE-LANE. AiN Extensive Assortment of the Best Goods, made and A3 unmade. always on hand. Bought for ready cash %t the cheapest and beet markets. To be gold for ready rash only, s0 THAT THE DISAO5EEABLE NEOESSITY OF JnA10GINO HEAVY P30FITS TO COVEE BAD DEBs8 MAY DE &VOEDID. Single Garments ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *-LETONS MUSICAL ENTERTAIN ElIFfO' MENTS. MR TEMPLETON -EGS respectfully to announce that he wili ?? rTI'O of h*spop ular EsTERT4AIN,1EANT. - Vta ltoom Newciastle. on the Evenings ol Liny, the 26ah, and Thursday, the 29th May, 1845. - gSo.iER.AND, en Wednesday the 28th; And DunRHAM, Friday the 30th. -ont Seat, 2s; Second Seats, 1s. Tickets and Pro- tO be had at the Music Shops and Libraries. , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14p -ENERAL STEA-M NAVIGATI ON COI'SI - ?? and firmt-rate STEAM Slilt's ere anpojarced eaethe, CUSTOM-~HOUSE or TOWER OF LON.DOI4. for- te ?? carring her Majesty's Mails,) every Wednesday ret ?? arly TheJohnBull, Capt. JP.Corbin. ~ \eluc~. H.Wbicinghm. Tu Contess of Lonsdiale, R. S. 'fle 1rires Ryal H.W.Gibs.Leaving Humburgh and he RINE carringher Tiajestys Mails), ?? monins, t , and from ...

Published: Sunday 25 May 1845
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6818 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... LEDS WVATER WORKS.-NOTICE is ?? ofan Act ?? . ~~5veO of tile ?? Of hier Present yE V1do an Vea ictoria, entitled An Act for the better elt ~,AestY0 WtetheTovnaudNe ?? of Leeds, re ,,'~1PPA'iest Riding~ollh County of F'ork, a GENERAL ,.i, ~l'oof l~ LED WAERWOKSCOMPAxY, ,f:~l~~IjI8TOiS of SHARtES therein, will be held ?? ?? lhT '55' . FtixL E aorsad O Friday. thie 271irfieth ;tll irie/,. ...