Advertisements & Notices

... -mte steamer BRTNR Xble EMBE B[PAlSSfAGaE .MOrNE~r need OnIT GiNeef ona ththJu, ilb ilT 6ffA £lfeward's Fe BRITISH ND NORTrH_ AM~ERICAN OA MAIL STEAM SHIPS. For Of 1500 tons, and 440-horee' power each. Wa Applinted by the AdinalatYtosai between ster LIVERPOOL and BOSTON, - C,11isot at HALIFAX to land and receive - passengers andher Majesty's Mails. 0 C L PON ?? Captain EDWARD G. LOTT-. - ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iqo tict or RESY OVAL. d SI-5IFSON 81n~\AEOS.i, Broad.Street,'i -e n tiiati'that hle 1L.s n1ow RE3MOVED to that ele. gt tlt Shop, 6er 10 - I. Crnicbslatk ,& Co., and next door to ' 'j-t r'! Preiatt li tei Wth an immense ;I!S3 jest rleW %IT'le S, S itNlGs, 9UILTS.! :iif %ANA¾Rtp. NeicIIh Vvill be so50 xceedinIt y cheap, ;cesOUNkdthtiseurninl, for the firt time, will do Well to at t~eb ae 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'rHE LATE CALAMITOUS FIRE IN DOVER STREET. AN EARNEST APPEAL to ?? in behalf of the aged Widow and Family of the late Mr RAGGETT, who prised in the calamitous Fire, 45 Dover street, on the night oftthe v ho lo *vmin his ?? to rescue the' lives of others. Hiseldest hgte also lost her life on this awful occasion. Mrs Raggett (the daugo) who had unfortunately broken .ler leg a few days previously ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KNIGHT'S WEEKLY VOLUME. This day, KETCHES of the HISTORY of LTTERATURE o and LEARNING In ENGLANf D. With Sparimtens of the Prin- CPSeries Third flu Two *'olulesI. From the Itevolutior of 168S to the Pet L~ondon: Chsarles Enight antd Co. 22 Ludgate street. LATEST WORK ON NEW ZEALAND. Now ready, with Map, 2 vos, 8vo, A DVENTURE in NEW ZEALAND, from LL. 83IS to 1844. With some Account of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE TO-MORROW. BY AUCTION. k LEXANDER M1,DONNELL & Co. will offer for A Sale, by Auction, at their Stores. in Skipper-Streot, ox WEDNESDAY, 4th JUNE. at TWELVE o'clock, 200 Boxes L EMONS, 200 do. ORANGES, 20 Bays WVALNUTS, 150 do. HAZEL NU7TS, Ex Brig Gipsey, Butler, direct from Sicily. Immediately after, on board the Vessol, at Donegall- Quay, 150 Tons Best Cataoia BA RILLA, and 140 Bags ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIOAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. - HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO. T CIATION OF IRELAND will meet on MON. DAY, the 9th June, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. W The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for ASSoCIATES enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches unders the end gallery, and also the benches of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t 7 AGROULTUME. vDR. ROBINSON, FrtneZrly Principal of the West Kent School of Agriculture, ILL give a Courpo of EIGIT LECTURES Oil ' thymListry, Vegetablo Physiology, and leteorology, as aqpplied to and connected with Atvicultare, Tho Lectures will lie given ont sueccvsiive Saturdays, in the TOWN IHALL, Prroton, at 1ITALr-rAST Two, O'CLOCIH. Fiat Lecture on Sutitrdnay ,rrt, Junt 14th. Terms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rivUTTow. MAN M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, bagE0Y had 1icilg experience in Taition in a large S who bhof and whrose 'Iestimonials are high, wisbeat c errmrlr cto his house after Midsummer, two Pupils to rciverforCollegeoraPublicSchool. lieresides prepare ertor House of a small parish, in the neighbour. Io of l'ry S t. Offi f this Paper. Jae1845 ' - W autx as Situation, At vidsuntmer or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANOTEIIR HANDSOME PRESENT W IT1. THIS WENE'S Number (No. 271/ of LLOYD'S W PENNY SU/NDAY TIMES in proested No I of on His- ?? Romance, enioo/lihed with elegaet Enrravhiags, entitled JANWE S H ORE; ORt, LONDON IN THE REIGN OF EDIWARD IV, B3 the Author of Ada, the Betrayed, It, the same number i; commenced a Tile of derp interest, retitled THE GREEN BUSHES; ON, A HUNDRED YEAltS AGO. Tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.- The ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY, exhibited bya WORKING MODEL, having a power to carry visitors. A curious Mechanical HIand on a person who has lost his natural hand. I)r. Ryaors Laotures on the Chemistry of Domestic Life daily, at a Quarter-past Three, and on Wednesday and Friday evenings at a Quarter to Nine. Professor Bachhoffner's varied Lectures, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0 LAND SURVEYORS' ASSISTANTS.- T WANTED immediately, an active and experienced lland in Field Work, being a neat Draughtsmnan, and accus- tomed to the Routine of Office Work. Respectable References ,asto Character and Ability will be required. Applications, stating Terms, to be addressed (free) to Mr. Whi. DYNEss, LAN ACErNT AND SURVEYOR, NEWPORT GRANGEIS, IOwVDoa. . W ANTED himmediately, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aASrld' IRON BE~DSTEADS.- l~ TlO~tloONbegsto aquaint thle Nobility anid ilertry J)I. oupleeda arityofEW and ElLEGANT DESIGNS, ?? hi51andsecndry ~ed ;also a unique Article for thre I I) Ile toa spare bed, couches, ottoman ~ ?? show-rooms comprise upwards 0t -ed' rih~ fromthe servants' to the best beds, titted up. ~O ~ riO rid eddig ready for tise, an advantage met with fott100~~dn. They aire ...