Advertisements & Notices

... 7Obo LHTl,with ismmudiate possession,-A cotevenlicist TDWELLING HOUSE, within 3 miles olf Oxford, onl the Henley rmed ; containing entrance hall, two parlours, Seven bed rooms, Iitlchlints, wiholl' ficos, &o. ' gardon, orchard, stabling, &o. with or' without Fito Acres of Pastore Lalnd adjoining. Taxes very ?? to Ali. Martin, Litltmore. JPPILJJY, 2ears XORYOIDI. 0f be LET,-A desirable COTTAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC A31USEMRN7TS. HIER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-THIs EVEN- tNG, Saturday, Juno 14, will be performed Donizetti's opera, L tCRtEZIA BORGIA. Lucrezia, Made.Orlis; Orsini,liadIle.Branm- billa; Alphonso, Si. Lablache; Gubetta, Sig. Palioni; Astolfo, Sig. A. Oibilei; Rustihello, Sig.iDai Fiorl; and Gennaro, Sig. Moriani. To concisdo with the admired ballet, entitled ROSIDA; ?? Mines do Syracuse. Tise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In II vol tmes, price S0s. cloth, ORDSWORTHI'S POETICAL WORKS. VY Also, I. WoafVltnDIORTlI'S PO0MS Of Early and Late Yeara. 11 volif cloth. 2. ~~~ExcultseON: a1 Poem. Us. clothi. 8. - - ~~SONNFET9. Cs. Cloth. Edwvard Movion, 44, Doner-street. POEMS BIY SAMUEL ROGERS, ESQ. a. In two volumeso, illasilrated by 128 Vienettee, from designs by Tisceer and Stothsard, price 82s. bsoards, I OEMS, bv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OORBESPONDENTS. Correspondents who do not find their commun katlona uoticed, may iner that we cannot answer them, or de- cline to do so. The great number of comnsuooications we receive, containtngqoestions which any person, dioposed to take the sametroasble as they wouldput uponus, might aesower for themselves, renders this notice necessary. In corsequence of the great increase in oue corne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARtENCE VICTUALLING VARD, NEAR GO6PORtT, 45th June, 1845 N OTICE is hereby ?? on THURSDAY, 1-t4he 10th Julynex.t,'lI shall be. ready to receive lenderi, iW -writin' sealed up, and trettfor 1000 QUARTERS oft MHEAT, to weigh 60 ipoumids per Bushel, overweightrto be paid. for; - halF to -be deli- vered in-a fortnight from -the day of - Conitraet, and the renainder io a tbrtiiight ?? be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ?? RtoOs. SOUTHESEA. A/i R. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honout to announce the S O I R E E S take place every Monday evening. Hours, frhm Nine till Twelve. Non-subscrjbere Ticketa, 31. Gad. 'Rlhc Jiotiiultulal Fete. in ElI Grove, being fixed tor Thursday, die Royal Marine Band will attend at the King's Rooms, by permission of Colonel Jones, on Friday, instead ol Thursday. r rlHE FIRST EXH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Miucattal. MISS ELLEN DORRINGTON returns her LVI aincere Thauks to her Friendisfor their kind Sup- A ocand respectfully announces that the Duties of her School wil wil be REsUxRID On Tuesdfay, the 229th July, 1845.-2, Park Street, Ill, Leeds. TlHE MISSES TIIACKRAY, LADIES' IL BARING SCHOOL, PROJSPECT' HOUSE, I(SARES5ROUGH, Imost respectfully Inform their Friends and the Public, that f Ut they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eotmmcrciai.I T HE SUBSCRIBERS having made arrangements Nwith Foreign Houses and extensive Importers, can generally offer, by Sample, delivered free at any Port in Ireeland, ad SVernf, Lucca, Olive, Florence, Pale Rope, nd Cod OILS, of finest quality, and on oest lerta. D SiA LIE.- ULSTER BANfK S/ARES; Afew Tons File and M~ediu Dutch FLAX, 80 Bales fine iRio de Janeilro COFFEE, ? Laying in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEPETEREAD BONE MILL COMPANY beg leave to1 intim.ate to their numerous Friends in the countr that they have lately landed several Cargoes of CATTLEPBONES and have now on hand a considerable quantity of them Crushed fromthe Mill, iMixed, Drill, and Dust, for immediate delivery, and during the present Turnip season. The quality of these is very superior. Partieswho are still in arrears for BONE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEICESTER and BEDFORD RAILWAY.- The Proys-iional Comnmittee of this Company having deter- trinled to carry on the liue to Hilt-bin, from whle-nee there will be a direct commu~nication, sither- by the London and Tot-k, or the -Northern and Eastern. Railroad to London, have found that ouch ex- tonaln wosill leadet- it neceassary to Increase the capilotl of thea Corns patsy to £l,30(j0v0t, to he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSMNh His Royal Highness 'the PRINCE of WALES, taken from the picture by winterbltaltr at Windsor Castle, with the gracious permission of her Majesty. The House of Birunswick at one ?? I., George II., Geoige Ill., George IV., William IV., Queen Charlotte, Queen Caroline, Prineess Charlotte Cohurg, the Dlukes Of York, Kent, Sussex',ad Cambridge, icc. The Robes of George IV. restored. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. PANORAMA of NANKING.-Just opened, at the Panortma Royal, Leiceoter-square, a VIEW of the CITY of i NANKING, the ancient capital of the celestial empire, with its un-. rivalled Porcelain Tower, comprising also the Yang-Sse-Ieang . River, with her Majesty's ships at anchor, the adjacent heights, canals, and tenapie; and poriraits of Sir H. Pottinger, Lord Sal- toun, Sir H. ...