Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIOAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. - HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO. T CIATION OF IRELAND will meet on MON. DAY, the 9th June, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. W The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for ASSoCIATES enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches unders the end gallery, and also the benches of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pRoSPECT HOUSE, NO y I c u ROAD, IPSWICH. Vgs J. D. BU~ClK, B,.A. i 1 S thio 0pportunity of thanking (on behalf of the jn r A io s late brother) those friends who have f ieni tieir support since he has conducted i;undI) J(Establishment, and hopes to secure their future tbe 3boVe and interest, by unwearied application to the tnideflaCC1 all~l moral, as well as religious instruction of Tiel ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IHE undersiarned, Charg e ?? of the re- T publid of New Grenada, has tile honour to inform the Colum- bian Bondholders that Messrs. BARING BROTHERS and CO. have consented to actas AGENTS of lis OQVERNMENTIn tralying into effect tbe arrangemnents (previously concluded between tbe Oovern- meot of New Grenada and the Bondholders), by the issue ofthsenew Bonds required for the Conversion of that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ('1ANAD)A DEBENTU11ES.~-Tle DIVIDEND .)~ltAfS fallis'g doo Ist.tsVOt,0i.C hD5 DEBrNTIJRt.iS negotiated through BARINLG BrntoT1iI:P.S and Ci)., wilt bc PAID noi ihot or any surccetling day (Tuesday anod Frisissy excepted), helieren thle houars of 'Ten aol '1vo, ai thdr Counting-.1 house, No. 8, Bis'iopqgahi'.str~et-Nl it but, wile1% si tot otoy, astisn iOl, DEND) WA RRA NTS foiling doe let .1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. TI E WESTMINSTER REVIEW, T No. LXXXV. is now ready. CONTENTS:- 1. Old and New London (with Illustrations). 2. The Logic of Political Economy. S. Traoslations of Homer. 4. Transfer of Real Property. 5. Lord Brouglsam's Lite of Voltaire. 51. English Universities. 7. Claims of Labour. 8. The Child of the Islands. Critical and Miscellancous Notices. Samuel Clarke, 13. Pall-mall East. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To COmEspONDENTS. J Correspondents who do not fish their communicanlsoan noticed, may itifer that we cantot anrwer them, t de- eline to do ro, The gat number si QTMta CatlOfs xve receive,, tontaining qacstiolts which aOY pet90u, disposed to take the 6anaetroubleas they sonld put upon , might answer for themselves, ronoers thio notice necessvrc. In consequence of the great increase in OUT oorre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t 7 AGROULTUME. vDR. ROBINSON, FrtneZrly Principal of the West Kent School of Agriculture, ILL give a Courpo of EIGIT LECTURES Oil ' thymListry, Vegetablo Physiology, and leteorology, as aqpplied to and connected with Atvicultare, Tho Lectures will lie given ont sueccvsiive Saturdays, in the TOWN IHALL, Prroton, at 1ITALr-rAST Two, O'CLOCIH. Fiat Lecture on Sutitrdnay ,rrt, Junt 14th. Terms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SNOOK'S APERIENT FAMILY PILLS A most excellent Medicine for Bilious and liver Coat Indigeation, Giddine8s, Logs of Appetite, Head dch, Hiar- burn, Flatulence, Spasms, Costiveness, °c. T HEIR Composition is truly excellent; #hoy do not Tcontain any Antimonial or Mercurial Preparation whatever, and do not require the least confinement or alteradon of diet (moderate exercise promotes their good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE EMrPORIUlJI FOR SALE, AND LOAN OF PIANO FOUT~ES, 1FFORDS tile wiidest scope for pursonal selection in th e lcest of England, with au ef'ectunal opportulnity or eollrillprng oll tilo samo Promises tho best Ifnstrimotits of tbe ,ylost o'iloient nialsers. From tteivr I19g stlndirig in, anld thorough knoeledgel of the biusiness, thoe Proprietors nre enabled to olfer advantages which (conneot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. LTpersons still in ?? to thto Estato of JOHN A.. ATKIN \S, cabinet melaker, tleceasell,are in formcd that unless they pay their respective debts to NItr. lAlargetts, accountant, Speedwaoll-strect, within ten days f15m the date hereof, they will be proceeded against without further notice and all persons having claim on the saild Estate must send particulars within the same period, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEAI'RE ROYALS DUBLIN. IMNMIENSE ATTRACTION 1 1 -A.DAIJME' CELESTE begs respectfully to an- ,OInone that her BENEFIT will take place on 3ji1S PRESENT SATURDAY, 14th June, on which 'Ccasion MR. WEBSTER ~Lese and5 Manager of the Theatre Royal, Haymarket), mill appear. on this occasion will be produced a New and Original p]ra' by J. R. Planche, Esq , as performed at the Thea. t ROaYal Drury ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Saito DIp qRuctiiof. - .- AUCT ION, Cargo of Saint John's Deals. r HOMAS G. FOLINGSBY is now Landing, and I will OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, at DUN- IAR'S-DOCK, on WEDNESDAY, the 251h ,June, the )ARGO of the Ship 1111Aic/chioness of' Qaeensbury, rom SAINT JoHN's, N.B., consisting of- .997 Pieces Bright Spruce DEALS, 12 x 9 x 3; ,640 ?? . . 14x9 x3 ; ,805 *. ?? .. L 16x9x3, ,246 ?? ?? ?? . ...