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Advertisements & Notices

... Esq. Joseph Drown, REsq. John Churchill, Esq. William Hill, Esq. Robert .John Mostyn, REsq. George Perbery, Esq. Clement Royds, Esq. Joseph Sihaw, REsq. John Spooner, REsq. Robert Watkins, Escq. Consultling Engineer-Sir John MacNeilli, LL.D., ?? M.B.I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Colonel Wood, Littleton-park, M.P. Willism John Anderson, Esq., Swinithwaite-hail Richard C. Allen, Esq, Hawes James Brand, Esq., New Broad-street John Chapman, Esq., Thornton Rust John F. Clarkson, Esq., Chauntry John Harland Cooper, Esq., Carpenby J. V. Dent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Banker, Grantham. John Fox, Esq., Woodthorpe, Nottinghamshire. Lawrence Hall, Esq., Braiucote, Nottinghamshire. Robert Hand, Esq., Woolsthorpe Lodge, near Grant- hamii, Lincolnshire. John Hardy, junior, Esq., Banker, Grantham. John James Herbert, Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Marshtall. Esq. E~dui. Bitchlay, Estq~, M.P. Joseph Peel, Esq. John Burton, Estj. Richard prest, Esq. Juaies Consterdine, Esq. ISiamuel Pullein, Esq. fThomnas Flemting, rsq. John Reid, Eaq. John Gould, Esq'. Cliarhes Smith, Esq. George Granudy, Esq. J. Bt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... place of Barmouth, and is delightfully situated on the Harlech and Car- narvon Mail Road, commanding a view of the whole of Cardigan Bav, and for Building sites is most eligible. Materials for building are also to 9 be had in the immediate vicinity, without ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bouvere. llenry F.Shaw LefevreEsq. J Harry Chester, Esq; Charles Littledale, Esq. John Cockerell, Esq. 'enry Littledale, Esq Saudn. Pepys Cockerel, Esq: GeorgeoWardeNorinanEsq. John Druniumond, Esq. Brice Peare, Esq.r Charles Bell Ford, Esq. Charles Richard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eaq. John Cita, REsq. E. Stephens. Rsq. Reiken Cturrie, Esq., M.P. Admiral Sykes Julin Dalrymple, Esq. 6. L. 'rayler, Es.g Richiard Dart, Heg. T. Thistltithwayte, jnnm., Esq. Johmn Edowards, Esq. Charles Ward~l, Eve,. Walpnle NE ce, Esq. John Watsos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by AUCTION. at DUNtAR'S- DOCK, on WEDNESDAY, tle I 1th Juneat T WIELVE o'clock, the CARGO of the Ship Charlotte, froml S-x. JOHN, N.B., consisting of- 202 Pieces White Pine TIMBER, large si:es; 114 B. BIRCH; 2,241 Bright Spruce DEALS, 12 x 9 x ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by branches therefrom. Tite entire line has been partially surveyed, and the essential be- nefit resulting from avoiding the arm of Bristol ascertained beyond o doubt, the necessary sue vey will to immediately proceeded with. A snore extended and explanatory ...