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Advertisements & Notices

... it.t* _ oft ut (lit it. __ __ __dec t HE LIVERPOOL FIRE AND LIFE TI INSURANCE COMPANY. Emowyeered tby .pecial Act oif arliament. No it, TRUSTEES. ,of Sir T. Braucker; Adam Hodgeon,Resq.; William Potter, Esq. 13OtDIRECTORS. )ta, Thomas Booth., REq., Chairman. Ok Richard Edwards. , . and George Halt, Esq., Frie ~hO pt Cairmen. Job Thomas Brocklean.Es. Andrew Low. Esq. Pro onl William Brown Es. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7OuwCsuIRE and GLASGOW UNION RAIL- AYfrom TLIIRSK, by Bedale, Leyburn, aud Ilawes, CbO ,ItBMETING, held In the Public Rooms, ¶ la en Tteday, the 24th June, 1845; Bly TIMOTHY BUETTON, Esq. in she Cbair; Resoewnt lueteliotts were carried:- Moved bY i MAnl.OCEDE `vvut.tVII, Esq.; W Secoitded by HENRY R.O GcASTerER, Esq.; Lo js.That it is the oninion Of this Meeting, that the proposed lire and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAPEST AND BEST STATIONERY rem areps ?? .-Bath post, d. per quire, Sa.Ker quiarepstppre;2 sigh quire, or 25. 04. r em uefn foolscap, mil. per paprer, 24.h dozen envelope or d.; eight dozes beat black-bordered envelopes for is. 64l. Stocken's patent instan- tonsous binding pis used for reading newspapers and unbound publications; time lanrgjest assortment of travelling, writing and dress- Ing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NDIEto SHIPPERS and PASSENGERS Nfar MADRAS and CALCU'rrA.-Tho WELLESLEY wil eeiegoods In the East Indiat Docks, until Saturday next, the 7th latreI Has two excellent elmin still disengaged. Apply to F. Orional and Co, 64, Cornribll. ~TEM T CINA .-OPENING of the RE- GTA MOTLY MAIL STEAM COMMUNICATION, flETWEN ENLANDand CHINA, by the Overland Route. Tire d ?? Navigation Company beg to an- P~U~t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LI 1FF IN U A CE Brie ('OM1PANY'S OF'FICF, No. to,, A ' :. 1Hstuu'4, 184.5. ,,-l e 'W XRODI-NARY GENERAL -i rss -ilal'rtl orFriay, he 2th 'ty f Ino tanttrt, at St ?? ~,lS astt th riesi ot Wedesdy, he d day of 4i .r''opeiey ortreproeotakling into peed f Sotlettetitarid ulesand erutioe na DAVID FOG~oScretary. ?? LI FE I NSU RA NC Hoild ?? C(NMPANVYS OFFICE, N.1,C thmpace, Iiat, Js ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T SS S theflowinb [ g'l nadqae mt1O rade ofatc e anml fr e f hom eveoy imputytr. non Cor. yasire i~n iti netl. tand, consequentl#, net eubjoct to oxidte'io, Ino ?? ti oxidation The. Preerte 'e ncrutesof theveseels to which Iheyare ap- plied -pjrfertV rti*9'; thus securing them from becom ng apid. maouldp, orfeiid.- 1 hey effctliually ?? tect the Cotrkvfroee the ravanes of Tna cEs. and the n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -N X ANIi CORNI-LAW LEAGUE.- AiI ~~'GGDI-GATVIE METING Of thne LEAGUE, in ~, , C oeot dct, sill be held T1llS EVENING, F w4\ qill take thle chair at i Icell O'clock ~ I Ile adidressedl by RXICIARtD COBDEN, Esq,, ,hill 1'Est .,M IIP.; and Wi' J. FOX, Esi. 111 ' aira7 to fill plrite of the biloons mony be It-d as usual I ?? -ic b re orTCL for n!t Farmiers w'ho tasy make ofon ti te League, ut) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. X i 8' gweono fr a verdizet 4ik to the en Ice ?? Tespfmszbte Mo~ 0?31 evil c equences i Socief ig. nnthe w ?? of their duty. - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARCHDEACONRY OF EXETER. CLERGYMENS WIDOWSAND ORPHANSSOCIE~TY. TIE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the TGOVERNORS & DIRECTORS of this SOCIETY, established for the RELIEF of POOR CLERGYMEN'S WIDOWS and ORPHANS within ?? of Exeter, will be held at the COLLEGE HALL, Exeter, on TEURSDAY, the 26th day of JUNE inst., at One ?? in the Afternoon precisely. CHAS. HENRY TURNER, Secretary. Cathedral Yard, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fu-HE 13YE LAWS, made and ordained by T tle Council of thle Borouegh of M'anchester, on Wed..2 nccosthe fourth (lay of June, 1845, in relation to all carl Co tllCES,, CHAIxlMOTS, CM aS, CABIRIOLLTS, an Su suc like CnorticIrs, Plyillforil I/tie as HceyLrrigs within the snid Borough1, and to the Owners anod Drivers thereof. ?? thro.Oins-c's Name to be painted on C'arriage. t le ~ichn th boough ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7Obo LHTl,with ismmudiate possession,-A cotevenlicist TDWELLING HOUSE, within 3 miles olf Oxford, onl the Henley rmed ; containing entrance hall, two parlours, Seven bed rooms, Iitlchlints, wiholl' ficos, &o. ' gardon, orchard, stabling, &o. with or' without Fito Acres of Pastore Lalnd adjoining. Taxes very ?? to Ali. Martin, Litltmore. JPPILJJY, 2ears XORYOIDI. 0f be LET,-A desirable COTTAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC A31USEMRN7TS. HIER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-THIs EVEN- tNG, Saturday, Juno 14, will be performed Donizetti's opera, L tCRtEZIA BORGIA. Lucrezia, Made.Orlis; Orsini,liadIle.Branm- billa; Alphonso, Si. Lablache; Gubetta, Sig. Palioni; Astolfo, Sig. A. Oibilei; Rustihello, Sig.iDai Fiorl; and Gennaro, Sig. Moriani. To concisdo with the admired ballet, entitled ROSIDA; ?? Mines do Syracuse. Tise ...