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Advertisements & Notices

... / ITALIAN, FRENCH, ANE) SPANISH LANGUAGES. SIG. BOAMPIANI, nqative of Rome, Membeor of the Royal Acarlemy of Sicily, ElIa ia nas Italian end French Professor at the GIi .Imar School of Winwick, &Sc. IGS to inform toie Inhabitants of Preston and its vi. [ nit) y lit, having a little time unoccupied, he would witle Pleasure attend Families or Schools, to instruct in the mtlils, Frencl, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? IRAJ4S flj/ CAT11 0-1,1C r |PR / CAlIBTY SEa0ss0°S - da- of Blane, l4 Il . aswill l f Sunday, til Chopel vl di t ,e)e le'hurfl !f Sit-ell Cathoic IO p bytl | this wil en, And I e nrtl y cto a nt 7- Svml~l, f Son-hat-morninig SeCC UMtNER S s'edof fteyier't. a the Rbov, Iise t oi soP elp 8 I1 o'clock. May tim 1ent,,I | l. will preach a SNING Oat tHE SaNE C O S ?? oi 55),11c at 6 o lo'k. o t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5be ifevlly 1sisented and Reigistered r4slet0t. GOUDY & GARTH AVE the honour-to announce to the Gentry of Preston Jj and the neighhourhood that they have been supplied hye InventoL and Sole Manufacturer of this Fashionable Ggrmenlt with a well selected variety, on reasonable terms. The great advantage this PALETOT possesses over ally Other deseriPtiot o'Y summer coat is its extreme lightness, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ers a r JOINT of MEAT may he ?? CURIED III ted in FIFTEEN MINUTES to tho Ptahto f thc Opeiator h by ARSON'S PATENT MEAT PP EsEIIVE, so that if ie l eceesary it mey he cooked tre snme day. Tho bribe i intirn- o duoed into the centre of the ment at ecse, whereby there will be i rr a iees quantity neccessry, nnd the meat in conscqlienco is not e aid dried 5i'. the prineiral etrcetien te Salted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pARR'S LIFE PILLS, the best medicine in the world, aro now established ai. the only certain curs of disease ir, the human frame. SRfiient has already been advertised in the public prints to conv'ince any reason- able person that the efficacy of thisinmedieine is unbounded and that every disease will aoonss-isoisfrtm the effects of thlis popular remedy. Already the proprietors have received and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVER'OOL 7ILOGICAL GARMNS. Ira WVf 1.34A)ffiOM E'95 VET.ILLDU8X. AN! BES D'ETE will take place in this .1a ils and popla -lac of Summer Amuseenest ,1!. DAY~( Iiandevr MONDAY and FRIDAY. IDStAN^D H ROT NICDPLAYS will Variously be exhl- tld in lbh TERRlFIO ERUPTION of MOUNT HIECLA, .Iusnleti,1 with the gradual Rtisng of Mount IKrabla frose amngte n!ceberp voiing forth 8bhowits o Pier .MI-De. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPOOL IZOOL6Cojti;&AlENS. PEN NEVBRY DAYFRO MSfEV8fTIlLDU6 RAND FETES D'ETE Will take place in this fahleonable and po-ular place of Sumnamr Amusement TFIlS DAY, iPridsy.) ano every MONDAY and FRIDAY. GRAND PYROT CFlN D~oisPLAVS will variously be exhi. btited in the TERI1IFIO ERUPTION of MOUNT HECLA. tarmlcatin1 with the gradual Rising of Mount Krabl, from aiofftbe sebergs, vomiting forth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? £800001N~15000Sseas oe 25 EACH. PROVISIONA COOSMITTEE. ri Th n h Er ?? 81 6ai Mot =ey o iabpe, Bart. b Si, T. rKD medro FutaRinb..l, Bart. I Roer Sr, Reqr.,Provost ofFebl. William St ilewart, B ?? of Glenormiatonk. Wjilim Alx. lOrresttir. Esq., of Barite. JohleTrotteEs. of The Bush.] j15sn e.. ofCardrona, Jam W sek ofiartree. V, Br of Ielands. William a1. W 'ke, eq, of iwland. 01 Alma. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t 7 AGROULTUME. vDR. ROBINSON, FrtneZrly Principal of the West Kent School of Agriculture, ILL give a Courpo of EIGIT LECTURES Oil ' thymListry, Vegetablo Physiology, and leteorology, as aqpplied to and connected with Atvicultare, Tho Lectures will lie given ont sueccvsiive Saturdays, in the TOWN IHALL, Prroton, at 1ITALr-rAST Two, O'CLOCIH. Fiat Lecture on Sutitrdnay ,rrt, Junt 14th. Terms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELGIAGENERAL RAILWAY BELGIAN COMPANY.J CAPITAL OCl iSO 000 Sterling, in 150 000 Sharm Of £20 each. DzrosIT. £:2 per I ahare. PRtOSPECTUSES will be du' Issued. In the meantime ap. GI plo io ?? may be mage to the Provisional Commaitte ?? of hei sofeior OsnoxOceaEsq., No. 4, Great at HE OUH MDLNDORORTHAMP. c T TO ANDLEICSTERRAIWAY. THESHOTES LIE T MACHESTER. CAPTAL A:,(0 0 se I FIFTY THOUSAND £10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 31 at .d ae Mr. (I RAINOS R's LeCTuan.-Cireumestancas have compelled us to f po'ipone 11li conctusion of this inportalit address-suggesting the remedies for the insalubrity of towvns, until our next publi- le cation. Ce RAILWAY MANAOssigcir. FARES, CLKRRS SAYANES8, HoURs, &c. es -An article on these bubj eta. and on the suggestfoas of several 71. correspondents, are unavoidably deferred. We ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNRIVALLED DUBLIN PORTER.- HENRY CARR and CO., agents for Jameson, Pim, and Co., North Ann-street Brewery, Dublin, reopectfully acquaint the trade that they receive weekly supplies direet from the Brewery, of this first DOUBLE STOUT. in hogsheads, barrels, and; in Order promptly attended to. Also a good stock of XX PORTER, in bottles, in fine condition, at 4s. 4d. per dozen; and splendid ...