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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... L (TERATURE. fibA Three Lectures on Natiornal Education, by GEORGE WADDINGTON, D.D., Dean of Durham. [Longman. ?vggestions on CLhureh Extension and National Educea- tion, by the Rev. Jolu BnowN, Vicar of St. Mary's, Leicester. Printedfor p2avate cis'culation. J [Crossley, Leicester. These two publications (if we may be permitted to call Mr. Brown's pamphlet a publication) are proofs of the ...


... TrIDOCQ AND H111 EXHIBITION. Everybody has heard of the wonderfully organized secret police of France, and every one has heard of Vidocq, their celebrated chief, the Jonathan Wild of France, the very | Napoleon of Continental thief-takers. The memoirs of his curious life are probably in many of our reader's hands; and his extraordinary adventures-his Owcn escapes from prison, and from the ...


... Tn E ROYAL ACAD EMAY,1BRITISH INSTITUTION,&c. The pressure of Parliamentary business, and nil othier matters of th( grt Ves sort, bas hitherto prevented luas front resuming our notices Of the IRoyal Academy exhibition i l the detal we had intended. It is now too late, perhaps, to do so. T'Vie exhibition season being' half expired, the pulblic lhave had ample opportunity of scanning the merits ...


... 'Spainl, T'angier', -C., .esited in, 1840) arid 1841. By it X. ?? Z. ?? Clarlte. bt It is observed by the -writer of' thits work, when a-weary M of foreign travel, foreign sights, foreign men, end foregign i,, Women, that1 the real gentleman,asd therealledy, as they exist in England, have their equals no where, either in ex-a teruial appearance, in manner, in conduct, or in character,. IThe ...


... LITPEIeATURE. ThlC Oyfordl E7nqjlish Pri-e Elsay. Coeijnemon'r/ion 1845. T'hii' C'ants. s and CoIsunqoRceS of NaVtional( Revolution, a 1niofJ ile Ancients ant tli( Modeens Compared. By SAMtlEL LCeAs, BA., Queen's College, Oxford. rLondoil: John Murray. Philosophical history, which has takeln such strides of late in Frlnce :nd (;ermany, but which almost began in Elngland with the late Dr. ...


... COVEN- GARDEN THRATRE. Last evening the Brussels company performed AUB.BR'S comic opera, Les Diamana de la Couronne. An English version of this piece, it will be remembered, was brought out with success at the Princess's Theatre during Madame ANNXA TIuILLON'S eugagement there; but Its performance on that occasion gave a very imperfect notion of the merits of one of AuBER's best works. When we ...


... ExHwIB1TION OF FINx ARTS AT WESTMINSTER HALL.-On Saturday the exhibition of cartoons and frescoes upon subjects proposed by the Royal Commission of the Fine Arts, with a view to the decoration of six compart- ments in the House of Lords, was opened to private view. The vast apartment was well filled with an as- semblage of rank and fashion ; hut there was such a crowding and chattering kept up ...


... COVENT GARDEN THEA TRE. Last night was the commencement of a very remarkable series of performances at this theatre. The entire operatic compaiy from the Theatre Royal of Brussels, including a numerous chorus, and ill instrumental orchestra of fifty performers, Ore to give twenty representatiOtiS of the most celebrated French operas. They began last evening with Rossrei's Guillaume Tell, ...


... Oa Friday evening we had, in its original form, another opera by AUBER, with which the public are acquainted throu6-h the medium of an Englisli version, La Part (itt fliable, or, as it is now ealled in the Covent Garden bills, La Pert d d Dimon. It was originally brought out at the Optlsra Comique. about two years ago; and soon afterwards at the Haymarket, under the title of The Little Devil. ...


... The last of the four annual conecrts given by this insti- tution took place in the Hanover-square Rooms, on Satur- day. Besides beicg, as a whole, a satisfactory exhibition b of talent and proficiency on the part of the pupiNh, it pre- sented several features of peculiar interest. The first of G these was a Te Deunm, composed by Prince ALBIERT, d and performed by his Royal Highness's ...


... FitE?1N CII THEA 7RE, ST. JA MI S'S. Anat., of the Vanudeville, made his first appearance last night at thlls thentre, to not Bo crowded a house as the managers desired, or as the actor's very great mnerits deservi d. L'IEanoriste, a one act vaudeville, was the piece chosen for his 1dbut, and in thle humble character ot a utct a pierd lie contrived wholly to interest and amuse the audience for ...


... IFAMlAN Plres DONIZETTI'S opera seria, Roberto Devrcioa', was re- vived list evening jor the appearance of two new per- formers, Madame Rossi CtCcIit, lately prinirc doina at the Italiau Opera at Lisbon, and al. BAROILIMl', the cele- brated baritone of the Grand Opera of Paris. Both have been highly successful. lobesrto -Deerc'ux was written for the Italiar Opera at Paris, where it had ...