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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... THE SPA.FIELDS BURIAL GROUND. (Before Lesor Denman and a Special Jury.) THlE QUEEN, AT THE PROSECUTION OF WiLLIAM CHARLES BIRD, TOM SMITH, FRANCIS GREEN, AND OTHERS. The Solicitor-General appeared ns counsel on behalf of the Crown, and J. B. Wakeling, Esq., of St. John's-square, as solicitor; Mr. Jarvis, Q C., appeared for the defendants. The Court was crowded to excess, and the greatest in. ...


... THE GRAHAM SETTLEMENTS SETTLED! ABANDONMENT OF THE RIL. Tim opinion we expressed last week, that in all probability the Graham Settlement Bill, for .up- trooting the existing landmarks of parishes, and to substitute in their stead great big thundering UNIONS, would not be persevered in, at least this session, has received speedy eonfirmation: for on Monday.:- In answer to a question from ...

Chartist Intelligence

... abartiot intellvfinc. pher - - - - - - - thier TO TIE CIIARTIST BODY. ome Friends,-I last week gave you an outline of my hose proceedings during the preceding week, and shall now very proceed to narrate to you the course of my subsequent hes, conduct:- con. MSACCLESFIrLD. West On Tuesday the 10th inst., at half-past seven in irget the evening, 1 attended a publicmeeting in this place, tter, on ...

Imperial Parliament

... imperial daiamat. ,HOUSE OF LORDS, MoNDAr, JUNE 23. Their lordahips met at five o'olock. The Bight Non. W. NzviLb took the oaths and his seat as the Earl of Abergavenny, on the demise of his brother, the late earl. The Marquis of NosmAiesy moved, that the name of the Bishop of London he struck off the protest entered on the journals oftl C house igstnst the third reading of the Maynooth Bill, ...


... IN the Morning Herald of Wednesday we find the following announcement:- We hear, with the greatest satisfaction, that the pros- pects of the Ten Hors' B}ill never were so brg7ht as at the present mozent. Tie truth of the cause las earried it for- ward; many manufacturers have become satisfied of the real e.pediency of justice and lhumatnity. T7e Factory ln- speclors obSelecO this, AND ...

Chartist Intelligence

... catiot *t1tela. BLACKBURN. I''rE LAND-1On Tuesday evening a society was tbrmcd here, in conneoxin wvith the Chartist tCo- operative Land Society, when a number oi muemo ers enrollcd their names an]d paid their ontrance money. Another meeting wil be held at Mr. -Newton's Tcm- perance Ilotel, Whatley Bonlks, Kting-street, Blac- burn, on Tuesday, tbc 10th instant, when all who arc desirous of ...

Imperial Parliament

... Imerial Paliaintflt1 HOUSE OF LORDS', TuESDAY, Jusl; 3. The Lord CHamJELormt took his seat on the woolsack p at five o'clock. q On the motion of Lord BponosHAM, the Small Debts C' Bill went through committeezfp'o forrnf. a * ?? BILL. ])i The adjourned debate on the second reading of the Of Maynooth. College bill was resumed by the so Earl of HAIDWICKOI who admitted that a strong q feeling had ...

Foreign Intelligence

... a;orri-qu in teltigerc. FRANCE. Tyn VNseY Or Louis PHILIPPE AND 1115 INFAMOUS GOVSESSMENT.-The carpenters still persisting in their strike for wages, we gather from the Debats that Go- vernment have resolved upon permitting soldiers to be employed in their place. We need hardly remind our readers that, according to the conscription, men of all trades are to be found in the French armv. The ...


... THE NORTHERN STAR. SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1845. A SLIGHT TOUCH OF ADVERSITY TO I SWEETEN PRESENT PROSPERITY. ON the 20th of April last, we sounded the warning Anote of approaching PANIO. We showed the le combination of causes that had led to the present of flush of Prosperity ; showed that those causes er were evanescent in their nature: and that PANIC 0- and depression must as assuredly ...

Tit Bits

... rit NOt. THE POLITICAL TsxNsR.-MOSt of our readers wil be familiar with an old fellow, who goes about bel- lowing and shouting in the capacity of a political tinker. His anxiety to get a job makes him some. times very noisy, and unfortunately lie is seldom en- trusted with repairs that he does not make a much larger hole than the one he has been employed in stopping. 'l'he old tinker is said ...

Tit Bits

... C ]it . I A STUDY FROMt NATURE.-Tle beautiful statue of the Greek Slave, by Mr. Power, has excited such universal admilration, that a companion to it, we understand, will shortly be exhibited by the sanle artist, under the title of The American Slave. It is the figure of a negro, with his hands fastenctl with a chain, on the manacles of which is cut the American Eagle. Round his back is ...


... TO TIlE WORKING MEN. . 11 r MY DEAR FIErNDs,-I presume reports will be sent of the splendid meetings we have had at Manchester, Stocipout, Ashton, and Oldham, on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, andl ?? such as I never saw surpassed for number and enthusiaism, not even in 1839 or 1842. When I tell you that the immense Carpenters' flall was crammed on a Sundcy in June, as early as five O'clock, to hear ...