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Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. LTpersons still in ?? to thto Estato of JOHN A.. ATKIN \S, cabinet melaker, tleceasell,are in formcd that unless they pay their respective debts to NItr. lAlargetts, accountant, Speedwaoll-strect, within ten days f15m the date hereof, they will be proceeded against without further notice and all persons having claim on the saild Estate must send particulars within the same period, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t5OUTHISlA ElACH. R. IOLLINGSWORTH has the henour to 1 amnn cc, tilat, it, coriscquynce nf Tuebday, J uly Iti, being announced as a public holiday to cele. brate the anniversarl' of Her Alujesty's Coronation, the SOIREE of that week will be beld on Tuesday, July Ist, instead ot Monday, June 30th, and on this occasion only. the hour of closing will be extended tootis o'clock conmmiencing as ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NlEWLAND HOUSE. ENSASHM.41 HpHE SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, at T the Young Ladics' Seninary, vill slhortly taho place, of which further particulars will hereafter appear. R. IV. SIIEPPA RD, Auctionoer, Swcan Isis, 1L'ze/zomn. 131iA~l;\\'lLL, \\ ORCIESTE31SI-lIltR VALUABLE COPYIIOLD ESTATE. 6[0 B} ' Pi 0 L D IS Y A U C ' I 0 N, ' M3y WILLIADI BULL, At thoe Georgo Inn, in Shiliston-on-Stoue, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tiu ?? Goasflewatt ?? ,ip ?? A TAagkAfi Fellow. Labourer in the Commnittee of Revision. q-1 -I AF : _, 1t__ ?? . .. . ?? Sit,-.I do not think the attack upon the proceedings of the Com. iittee sueh as to require any genelal defence- I shall there- fore confine myself to the defence of the Rules relating to the Flousef surgeon-Apltptecary. By referring to the Registers of thle InflriayI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUTY OFF WINDOW GLASS. A S the remiasion of' lxcise wvill offer increased advantages to ready money buyers, R. COGlAN'S list (tbe lowvest in London for ready money) may bebati (Igratis) on aplcto at the ~e'stern tGlass, Leatd, and Coloutr Irorks, ?? Prinlces-rtreet, Leicester-arjuare5 LLondea. Per foot.' Per cwt Squares, liot exceedieg WGenuine XWhite Lead. 2ti. 'lhu.byllOin. Id. I illedLead, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nitEVERSLONS or ANNUITIES, or other Secu. n ritieR devendingupon LIFE, to any amount, will be PURCHASED by the National Reversionary Comr pany, 63, Broad street, Londo;n.-Application:4 to he made to Alessrs Deitcon anti Long, Solicitor::, South- P Ump(otn or Mr. Ilirichin, Solicitor, Portsea. Just Published. Second h'dition, Bi larted, (is ULMON ARY, CONSUMPTION iseces4sfully r treated with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1- PORTSlMlI.UT11 o 5 N ?? is hereby ?? ein Wediesdsi ya d) 1 thc 2iith Jlxne., IUIS, lit tvul o'clocl; hl thle fore- l . itoo, I sh:.ll Ice ready a, ni , Offici, Io receive selled N n Ten ders troin sitcli Persons ts niav be wvill 1 to minder. takl lele RE1PAIR of' certain 'II BER t 811EDS, ,l tldt to COV ERl their R1OOFS ivith Si.ATE.-A n Specilicatio ca rll b seen ont and tfter 'Tieidiav ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nHE ROYAL VtCTORIA FELT CARPETING, T madewvithout SPINNIN( and WEAVING, havingsue- cessfully overcome the prljudice urevted by vmnnpetitors ini ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *e oiP0 t~iw ?I'tI Mitp layor of thv, ROpoughl of Y IT, bvipg hithprto been the cumlon ?? Inhabitahta f Ldofthian rot h0i~tits y thoil louvehy to Hepwhloet G ; rii gn edesey, by C260 OS B I ln their SHOTS t )f Plid kcedpink as a G E N EAR A lj HO0 L If D 4',1 r l'e Aniveraaryt' met,, CnooNA'ON, we, thc under. I fi reiged desiroas pf ugiftii ntinikie'ting the atlume zipirit af. h Y vlloylty ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D)WELLING T1IOUSE, with STABLIi and GIG-HOUSE, Jn /Jeu:,s S/re't, ASI. Afate , 0(2furl. r ¶OrLE'I', conmlrtahble IIOUSE, ?? two good sitting rooms andi six bed chiambers, yardl with entrance gates, stable, gig-house, and ?? particulars inquire of Mr. VYrney, at thu next house, or to Mr. Fisher, Ilittlogati-. lo Builders, Tim'er 11orcha/ka t, and Celpilalists. FREEM!OLD WHARF' and PIEMIMUSES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEDDING STATIONERY. AARDS engraved in silver or ink; Envelopes of Satin V Paper, with htee, silver, or embossed borders, and trna- mental 1Frenchl ditto; At Home Notes ;, Wafers in great variety, Whito Sealing Wax, Gloves, Glove Envelopes, Silver Cord, Orauge-Blossomn Ties, and all other articles of this do. seription suited for wedding orders. Crests, Initials, Devices, &c. stamped on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? O.;ferd 1837. R. E. BEVEIRS, Surgeon-Dentist, Lower (Cowley h louse, close to Magdalen Bridge, Oxiord, at HlO1ME from Ten till Foul. ri0l e SOLD byI TEN E)hl- 'lie entire oxeelont .LSTO(CI of IRONMIONGE.iRY (;YO1)S, late tlio property of Mr. JOSEPH PLOWIMAN.-Applicutions may be mnade to Mr. (Iauntlett, No. 5, Gray's Ini-place, Gray's Inn, Lundon ; or to Messrs. Wootten and Cu. Oxford. SC ...